23 Afterward, in teaching or performance phase, the Microteaching students are supposed to have experience in teaching the students in lower semester class. The last but not the least is evaluation or perception phase in which the supervisor gives feedback toward the teaching phase done by the Microteaching students. Therefore, the supervisor’s role is essential in developing Microteaching students’ teaching skills. As cited in Stones Morris 1977, Johnson and Knaupp did a survey of students’ opinion and the result was teacher education students preparing for a Microteaching experience expect two things of their supervisor: first, that he be qualified to render technical assistance in planning for, conducting, and evaluating instruction; second, that he give them an unhampered opportunity to find their own teaching style .

B. Theoretical Framework

Microteaching is the one of the critical processes in English Education Study Program for preparing qualified teachers. The students with the lecturer’s help manipulate the setting of the class to minimize the tense for teaching practice. At that time, the students are supposed to apply the theories related to some teaching skills into practice. In English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University, the practice is held in two kinds which are categorized by the places and the students being taught. The first one is the peer teaching that is used to be done in laboratory, in other words, it is a simulation teaching practice. It means that one Microteaching student will be the teacher for those who pretend as the students. Every Microteaching student is going to have PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 24 the opportunity to be teacher and to be student. Another one is teaching lower semester class. The Microteaching students should conduct teaching practice in real class and with the real students. Besides the setting of the class, difference between peer teaching and teaching lower semester is in the matter of the class observation. In peer teaching the Microteaching students have known the characters of their students in teaching practice because the other students are their friends but in the teaching lower semester class, they need to know their students who are completely unknown. Therefore, the procedures of the teaching lower semester class are class observation, lesson plan consultation, teaching in the classroom and feedback. The stages bring their contributions in developing the students’ capabilities for being qualified teacher. Altman, et al. 1985 stated that students perceive on something will affect students’ behavioral responses. Therefore, if the students perceive the implementation of teaching lower semester class in Microteaching class positively, the students’ behavioral responses will be positive too which directly influence the positive support the teaching learning and goals in Microteaching subject. However, if the students’ perceive it negatively, the students’ behavioral responses will be negative. It inhibits the achievement of the Microteaching goal which is centered in mastering the basic teaching skills. Thus, the researcher wanted to find out the perception of Microteaching students on teaching lower semester class integrating in Microteaching class for obtaining the students’ recommendations to improve the teaching lower semester in microteaching subject. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 25


This chapter presents detailed discussion about methodology applied in this research. This includes the description of the research method, research instruments, research subjects, data gathering technique, data analysis technique and research procedure.

A. Research Method

Survey research is set to obtain the students’ perception on the teaching lower semester class designed in Microteaching subject. Ary, Jacobs Razavieh 2002 argued that survey is to measure opinion, achievement, or other psychological or sociological concept. Moreover, Wiearsma 1995 mentioned that survey is able to answer the study dealing with emotion. Surveys are used to measure attitudes, opinions, or achievements. Survey research is abroad in scope including status quo studies to those in which the relationships of sociological and psychological variables are determined and interpreted. Wiersma, 1995:169-170 Initially, the researcher gathered data for finding the second and the third research questions because of the time constraint. The researcher had limited time to distribute the questionnaire because not all of them had performed the teaching lower semester students at the final days before examination period. The researcher distributed the questionnaires and conducted interview with the Microteaching students for achieving the second objective of the research which is to know the students’ perception on teaching lower semester students in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI