The Implementation of Teaching Lower Semester Students in English



This chapter will present the data finding acquired from questionnaire and interview. The data are discussed for answering the students’ perception on the implementation of teaching lower semester students in developing their teaching skills.

A. The Implementation of Teaching Lower Semester Students in English

Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University To find out the implementation of teaching lower semester class held in English Language Education Study Program ELESP of Sanata Dharma University, the researcher combined the data obtained from interviews with two lecturers who were in charge of the Microteaching classes in academic year of 20102011. They were lecturer A and lecturer B. From the result of the interview see Appendix 8, the researcher found that the Microteaching students are able to teach the lower semester classes on the assumption that they have performed the first teaching practice with their peers in the laboratory. Lecturer A said that teaching lower semester students has bigger challenge than the peer teaching. It is because the students taught were real. Moreover, the lower semester students really need the material given, so the Microteaching students are expected to be well prepared to give lower semester students a meaningful learning. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 34 Subsequently, the classes used for teaching lower semester class could be from the first to the fourth semester in English Language Education Study Program ELESP of Sanata Dharma University. According to lecturer B, the Microteaching students are just allowed to choose classes in the first to the forth semester. Those are skills classes such as Intensive Reading II, Public Speaking II, Paragraph Writing, and Pre-intermediate Listening; and the others are elements classes such as Pronunciation Practice I and Structure I. However, the content classes, such as Introduction to Linguistic and Morpho-Syntax, do not include in the classes used for teaching lower semester class. The idea is based on the fact that English teaching learning in Indonesian schools just orientate in development of students’ English basic skills. Furthermore, lecturer B said that when the quota from the classes in ELESP is unavailable, the Microteaching students are able to choose the English classes from the other study programs in Sanata Dharma University which are taught by lecturers from English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University such as Theology and Elementary Education Teachers. However, the Microteaching students cannot select the lower semester classes where their Microteaching lecturers teach. Lecturer A said that it is aimed to reduce the bias in giving the evaluation and to give various feedbacks toward the Microteaching students’ teaching performance. Variation feedback means that the other lower semester lecturers are able to present the different feedbacks from different perspectives. In other words, Microteaching students do not just receive the similar or monotonous feedback from Microteaching lecturer toward their PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 35 teaching performance. In selecting the topic for teaching lower semester class, the students should follow the topics that have been set in the syllabus of the class chosen. Then, the time allocation for each Microteaching students in teaching lower semester is at least 50 minutes in one teaching session. The lecturer A added that the time allocation depends on the quantity of interaction needed in the class as well. For example, Structure I is allocated in 3jp or 170 minutes for two Microteaching students. It means that each student has 85 minutes in maximum because teaching structure needs more interaction. Moreover, lecturer A explained that lower semester lecturers are able to ask the Microteaching students to repeat their teaching lower semester if it is necessary. Dealing with maximum quota of Microteaching students, the lecturers of lower semester classes just accept no more than 6 Microteaching students in one class of his or hers. In giving the score to Microteaching students, who have conducted the teaching lower semester students, the lecturer of lower semester class should fill the scoring rubric in range from 1 to 5 which is the same as the observation sheet used in the Microteaching laboratory. Therefore, the scoring in the teaching lower semester program is subjective from lecturer of lower semester class. In general, there is a procedure to be followed by Microteaching students in teaching lower semester. Firstly, the Microteaching students should contact the lecturers of lower semester class individually whose the classes are going to be used for lower semester teaching program. The lecturer B considered that PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 36 autonomy of Microteaching students in selecting the class enables them to get the class which is appropriate for them. It means that the students could select the class whose subject to teach is suitable for their competence. Then it also enables Microteaching students to select the class whose schedule does not disturb the other classes which are being taken by the students at that time. After having an agreement with the lecturer of lower semester class, Microteaching students should ask for formal permit to conduct teaching lower semester class from the Microteaching lecturer to be given to lecturer of lower semester class. Before teaching, Microteaching students should conduct observation in the lower semester class at least once. After knowing the topic to teach, the Microteaching students make lesson plan to be consulted with the lecturer of lower semester class. Afterward, the Microteaching students apply the lesson plan into the real teaching in lower semester class which is observed by the lecturer of lower semester class. At last, the Microteaching students will obtain feedback or comment orally or in written form from the lecturer of lower semester class toward their teaching.

B. The Students’ Perception on the Teaching Lower Semester in Developing