Education Program Summary of the 2015 IF Budget by Program 1. Agriculture Program

Página 17 de 104 and construction will commence in 2015 for which 0.7 million has been allocated. Procurement of the design engineer for the DED for the Agriculture Polytechnic has yet to commence and no funds have been allocated in 2015. The proposed PPP Polytechnic in Aileu has also not been included in the IF budget for 2015 pending advancement in project preparation. In summary, the total 2015 budget requirement for the Education program is estimated 7.96 million.

4.2.8. Electricity Program

The aim of the electricity program is to provide reliable electricity generation, transmission and distribution of electricity power throughout Timor-Leste. The importance of a safe reliable electricity supply is essential for progressing the nation to modernity and cannot be over- emphasised. These are by far the largest projects to be funded by the IF and include the construction and equipping of the Power Stations at Hera and Betano and the erection of Medium and Low Voltage Power Distribution Towers and Cables throughout the mainland of Timor-Leste and the Construction of 9 Substations. Work remains to complete the Central Control Systems, Improvement of Street Lighting, Construct a Jetty for Fuel Delivery at Hera and Construct Accommodation for Maintenance and Operating staff in the Districts. As for medium voltage, the initial approved budget in 2014 was 3.8 million and later, on the request of the project owner, CAFI approved an additional budget of 7.5 million which gave a total of 11.3 million which is expected to be disbursed by the end of the year. For 2015, the total budget requirement for this budget line is 15.0 million. The low voltage in 2014 has been initially allocated 8.5 million and later, on the request of the project owner, CAFI approved an additional budget of 8.2 million giving a total of 16.7 million which is expected to be disbursed by end of the year. Meanwhile, the Power Stations at Hera and Betano had been initially allocated 33.3 million and later, on the request of the project owner, CAFI approved an additional budget of 6.9 million giving a total of 40.2 million which is expected to be disbursed by the end of the year. Oecusse and Atauro Island have yet to share the benefits that most of the rest of the country now enjoys. The Oecussi power supply and distribution line projects will enhance the potential for the future development of the Special Economic Zone. The total budget initially allocated for the Oecussi Power Plant was 2.7 million and, with the approval of CAFI, this allocation has been increased to 10.6 million. For Atauro, while some electricity is generated by privately installed solar panels and small generators, the island will be connected to the mainland by a Submarine Cable and provided with Sub-stations and a Local Distribution Network. These works will commence in 2015. With regard to the IF projects for Oecussi as mentioned above, the National Parliament during its debates of 2015 budget, has approved the transfer of all Oecussi programprojects to the Zona Economica Exclussiva ZEEMS Authority, including electricity projects. Página 18 de 104 During the last quarter of 2014, on the request of the project owner, CAFI has approved an additional budget of 82.1 million dollars which increased the total budget to 138.5 million that was executed by end of the year. Overall, excluding the Oecussi located program, the above on-going projects in the Electricity sector will require 57.1 million in 2015 that was approved and pramulagated earlier. However, during the budget recfitication in March 2015, the total allocated budget for electricity program was reduced by 10.0 million, which was taken from several projects under the electricity program. Therefore, the final allocated budget for electricity program in 2015 was reset to 47.1 million.

4.2.9. Informatics Program

Industry and commerce worldwide rely on rapid and reliable communications with adequate capacity and coverage to meet user demand. The three projects in this program are intended to ensure that Timor-Leste provides the capacity and quality that existing users and potential investors in commerce and industry will require. The initial budget allocation in 2014 to this program totals 4.2 million and is estimated to execute 1.1 million by end of the year. Later, on the request of the project owner, CAFI approved a reduction of 3.61 million dollars which bring the total program budget to 0.6 million and expected to be disbursed by end of the year. New contracts to continue the three projects in the Informatics Program are all in the tender process at NPC and will likely be on-going during 2015. They are 1 National Connectivity Project Phases III and IV, 2 Satellite Internet Upgrade and 3 Extension of Fibre-optic Network. In summary, the total 2015 budget requirement for the Informatics program is estimated 1.4 million.

4.2.10. Millennium Development Goals MDG Program

In 2000 the 189 member countries of the United Nations accepted as a framework for measuring development progress using the eight MDGs listed below: 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2. Achieve universal primary education 3. Promote gender equality and empower women 4. Reduce child mortality 5. Improve maternal health 6. Combat HIVAIDS, malaria, and other diseases 7. Ensure environmental sustainability 8. Develop a Global Partnership for Development.