Oecussi Development Program Summary of the 2015 IF Budget by Program 1. Agriculture Program

Página 25 de 104 implemented in Oecussi. This budget was later, through approval of CAFI, increased to 43.8 million, including additional allocation to the following existing projects: 1. Construction and Supervision for Rehabilitation of Tono Irrigation Scheme with total budget of 1.1 million. 2. Construction of Central Electricity Generating Station with initial budget of 2.7 million and increased to 10.6 million. 3. Tono Bridge. This project was listed in 2014 budget book with no allocation of funds, and has been allocated 2.9 million. 4. Construction of 22 km of National Roads in Oecusse 5. Rehabilitation of Roads and Bridges in Pante Makassar with initial budget allocation of 1.0 million has been increased to 8.1 million. 6. Study and Design of Municipal Market of Oecusse with initial allocation of 0.3 million has now been increased to 4.3 million. 7. Design, construction and supervision of Oecussi Airport. This project was approved in 2014 with no budget allocation for 2014, and later a total of 15.1 million was shifted to this project. The total budget mentioned above, later with the approval of CAFI, was altered to 24.0 million of dollars. The referred program and projects for Oecussi, the National Parliament, during the 2015 budget debates, has approved the transfer of all Oecussi projects and budget to the Authority for Zona Economica Exclussiva de Mercado Social ZEEMS of Oecussi.

4.2.20. Tourism Program

Timor-Leste has the potential to develop a successful tourism industry based on its unique cultural heritage, successful emergence from foreign occupation, climate, land and marine fauna and flora and topography. While much of the initiative for tourism development must be expected to come from the private sector, Government initiatives will be significant supporting catalysts to accelerate progress. To this end the Government introduced projects into an Infrastructure Fund Tourism Program from 2014. The first two projects, Preparatory Studies, Design and Construction for Development of the Hot Water Springs in Marobo and Atauro and Preparatory Studies, Design and Construction for Development of Lake Maubara. Each project was allotted 1.0 million in 2014. However, no Terms of Reference for the studies have yet been prepared and the funds, with approval of CAFI, have been utilized to rehabilitate public parks in Dili in the amount of 1.4 million. Budgets of 0.5 million have been included in the 2015 budgets respectively for each of the projects. Of two new projects proposed for inclusion in the IF as from 2015 both were combined into a single project and included in the 2015 program along with a third original proposal. The two projects are included in the Preparatory Design and Supervision for New Projects. They are: Página 26 de 104 1. Design, Construction and Supervision of a Museum at Aipelo and Establishment of Cultural Centre at Liquica, allocated 0.1 million in 2015, and

2. Design, Construction and Supervision of a Museum at Dair, also allocated 0.1 million in 2015.

4.2.21. Transport Program

Development of Transport Sector is a key program to support social and economic activities and growth that require fast and reliable freight services between Dili and enclave area of Oecussi as well as Atauro Island. These are fundamental requirements for development as recognised by the Government in the Strategic Development Plan. This program has an objective of improving connectivity between the above mentioned areas. In 2015 the government allocated 12 million dollars through investing in new ferry and installation of other relevant transport facilities. However, this allocated budget was later transfer to other programs during the budget rectification in March 2015.

4.2.22. Preparation of Designs and Provision of Supervision Services

This program was established in 2013 to facilitate the preparation and supervision of major projects by line ministries whose budgets are inadequate for these services to be procured. Only 0.1 million of the initial allocation of 19.4 million was disbursed, however, and the allocation in 2014 was reduced to 7.8 million of which 0.9 million was disbursed. The remaining balance, with the approval of CAFI, was shifted to other projects in need of funds. In 2015, 8.2 million has been allocated to complete on-going committed design studies as well as new project design and supervision. The total 1.0 million from this program was reduced during the budget rectification and therefore thee final allocated budget was reset to 7.2 million.

4.2.23. External Loan Program

The loan funds are mobilised with the purpose to assist the financing of key projects in priority sectors and are only taken for projects which are confidently expected to generate high social and economic benefits after implementation well in excess of the cost of constructing the projects. These loans require repayment of the amount borrowed plus interest charges until the amount borrowed is totally repaid to the lender. The amount of interest payable should therefore be less than the interest being earned by the alternative source of funds, which is the Petroleum Fund. Given the commitment to repay the loans, the Government ensures that the future repayments remain well within the country’s capacity to pay and therefore sets a limit on the overall total borrowings each year.