Public-Private Partnerships Program Road Upgrading Project Manatuto-Natarbora

Página 30 de 104 The Government is also identifying possible future projects in the health and energy sectors. After the projects have been identified and selected to implement through PPP modality, it is expected that the feasibility studies will be conducted during 2015.


The Infrastructure Fund, in terms of source of financing, comprises of State and Loan Financing projects. In summary, as can be seen in Table 3, in 2015 a total of 317.3 million has been allocated to the IF which comprised of State Financing and Loans. Table 3. Summary of 2015 IF Budget As for the State Financing program, a total of 378.2 million has been allocated consisted of 286.8 million for on-going projects in 2015, 6.3 million for projects approved for inclusion as from 2014 but for which funding had to be deferred and 85.1 million for new projects. However, during 2015 budget debates in the National Parliament, of the 378.2 million was reduced 80.93 which brings the total amount to 297.3 millions, excluding loans. This deduction was mainly consisted of Oecussi program budget with total reduction of 61.7 million and transferred to the Authority for Zona Economica Exclussiva de Mercado Social ZEEMS of Oecussi. Similar debate was held in March 2015 to further reduce the original budget allocation of 297.3 millions to ZEEMS and PNDS program by 50 millions and therefore the final IF budget allocation excluding the loan funded programs was reset to 247.3 millions. . The Loan Financing program requires a significant budget in 2015 for on-going and new projects with total allocation of 70.0 million. Table 4 and 5 presents the State Financing and Loans breakdown by program in terms of allocations and the overall programs compared graphically in Figure 1. Tables 4 and 5 present the composition of State Budget for the Infrastructure Funds. The first largest program, in terms of budget allocation, is the Electricity Program with total budget allocation of 47.1 million dollars. The second largest program is the Roads program with a total allocation of 44.8 million, for which on-going projects with committed contracts require a large amount of funding to ensure continuation on these projects in 2015. Página 31 de 104 Table 4: Summary of 2015 Infrastructure Fund Budget by Program The next largest programs were Tasi Mane with a total allocation of 35.0 million with large on-going projects for which funds must be assured for progress not to be constrained and the Finance System and Support Infrastructures has been allocated a total of 19.1 million.