2015 BUDGET SUMMARY Budget: Previous Years | Timor-Leste Ministry of Finance FINAL BB6 Eng

Página 31 de 104 Table 4: Summary of 2015 Infrastructure Fund Budget by Program The next largest programs were Tasi Mane with a total allocation of 35.0 million with large on-going projects for which funds must be assured for progress not to be constrained and the Finance System and Support Infrastructures has been allocated a total of 19.1 million. Página 32 de 104 Table 5. Loan Financing Projects, 2015 Nome do Projecto Orçamento 2014 Aprovado Orçamento 2014 Aprovado e Balanço 2013 Após Auditoria Orçamento 2014 Depois de Transferencias Virement Projectos de Continuação Projectos Adiados a 2015 Saldo Transitado de 2014 a 2015 Novos Projectos Orçamento 2015 Programa de Empréstimos 31,051 68,354 31,051 48,950 - 11,051 10,000 70,000 Construção e Supervisão de Estradas Dili-Liquiça L e Alinhamento de Estradas desde Cruzamento Tibar a Rotunda Lafatic Quatro Vias 3,501 9,369 3,501 5,999 3,501 9,500 Construção e Supervisão Estradas Tibar-Gleno L 4,000 3,460 4,000 8,000 - 8,000 Construção e Supervisão de Estradas Dili-Manatuto-Baucau L 5,300 6,775 5,300 10,000 1,550 11,550 Construção e Supervisão de Estradas Manatuto-Natarbora L 8,250 8,500 8,250 13,250 1,000 14,250 Construção e Supervisão de Estradas Aileu-Maubisse e Ainaro L 5,000 15,000 5,000 11,701 - 11,701 Drenagem de Dili Esgoto L 5,000 25,000 5,000 - 5,000 5,000 Construção e Supervisão de Estradas Ainaro-Cassa L - 250 - - - - Construção e Supervisão de Estradas Aituto-Hatubuiliko- Letefoho-Ermera-Gleno L - - - - - Construção e Supervisão do Aeroporto Internacional Nicolau Lobato [Pista + Termina Fase I] - - - - - Construção e Supervisão de Estradas Baucau-Lautem - - - - - Construção e Supervisão detalhadas relativamente a Estradas e Pontes - Auto Estrada Suai-Betano-Beaco L-CF - 10,000 10,000 The Public Buildings program also comprises a significant budget requirement for on-going projects but also includes deferred and new projects in the total allocation of 13.7 million. The MDG, Bridges, Defence Security, Ports, Education and Urban and Rural Development programs have each been allocated between 5.0 to 15.0 million for which most is additional appropriation for on-going projects. The remaining nine programs are each allocated less than 10.0 million, most of which is required to sustain on-going projects. Página 33 de 104 Detailed information of the 2015 Infrastructure Fund budget by Program and Projects can be seen in the following annexes: Annex 1: IF Budget 2015 by Program and Projects Annex 2: List of 2015 Projects and Budget Allocation for Preparation of DesignStudies and Supervision Program Annex 3: List of 2015 Projects and Budget Allocation for Electricity Projects Página 34 de104 Annex 1 5101 – Infrastructure Fund Million Dollars 30 – Council for the Administration of Infrastructure Fund Página 35 de104 5101 – Infrastructure Fund Million Dollars 30 – Council for the Administration of Infrastructure Fund Página 36 de104 5101 – Infrastructure Fund Million Dollars 30 – Council for the Administration of Infrastructure Fund Página 37 de104 5101 – Infrastructure Fund Million Dollars 30 – Council for the Administration of Infrastructure Fund Página 38 de104 5101 – Infrastructure Fund Million Dollars 30 – Council for the Administration of Infrastructure Fund Página 39 de104 5101 – Infrastructure Fund Million Dollars 30 – Council for the Administration of Infrastructure Fund Página 40 de104 5101 – Infrastructure Fund Million Dollars 30 – Council for the Administration of Infrastructure Fund Página 41 de104 5101 – Infrastructure Fund Million Dollars 30 – Council for the Administration of Infrastructure Fund Página 42 de104 5101 – Infrastructure Fund Million Dollars 30 – Council for the Administration of Infrastructure Fund Página 43 de104 5101 – Infrastructure Fund Million Dollars 30 – Council for the Administration of Infrastructure Fund Página 44 de104 5101 – Infrastructure Fund Million Dollars 30 – Council for the Administration of Infrastructure Fund Página 45 de104 Annex 2 Projects under Preparation of Concept Design and Studies Página 46 de104 Projects under Preparation of Concept Design and Studies Página 47 de104 Annex 3

A. List of National Electrification Projects – LowMedium Tension BL-8020101

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B. List of National Electrification Projects –Medium Tension BL-8020103

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C. List of National Electrification Projects –Medium Tension BL-8020103

Human Capital Development Fund Página 60 de104

I. Introduction

Human Resource development has multiple effects on the social and economic development of the country. The provision of education will increase literacy, which in turn will improve human resources and better contribute to the national development. Realizing the importance of human resources for development, the Government has marked Human Resources Development as one of its key priority programs. The Human Capital Development Fund was established through Law No. 1 approving the State Budget 2011 and regulated by Decree-Law no.122011 on March 23, as well as Prime Minister’s Ministerial Diploma no. 92011 on April 23, which sets the internal regiment and procedures for the office of Human Capital Development Fund. The main purpose of this fund is to finance multi-year training and human resource development programs and projects. The primary objective of the Fund is to develop human resources to support national development in various fields, improving the planning, management and implementation of programs, while ensuring greater transparency in the public sector spending and other costs associated with training and human resource development programs. To ensure the main objective of promoting transparency and accountability on the implementation of programs and projects is achieved, the Government established an Administrative Council Conselho de Administração who is responsible for policy guidance of the Fund while the management and operation of the Fund is vested in a Technical Secretariat of Human Capital Development Fund. The Administrative Council is Chaired by the Prime Minister of RDTL as the President of the Fund, and supported by its permanents members such as the Minister of Finance, Minister of Education, Minister of Justice, Minister for Petroleum and Mineral Resources and SEPFOPE Secretariat of State for Vocational Training and Employment Policy. Whereas the Executive Secretary of the Fund headed the Technical Secretariat of Human Capital Development Fund Fundo de Desenvolvimento do Capital Humano - FDCH Office to provide technical assistance to the Administrative Council as well as to assist in overseeing the overall implementation including monitoring all programs that relates to human resource development programs in Timor-Leste. The program started in 2011 through the provision of scholarships and training programs to 9 government institutions only. However, since then, the number of institutions have increased and accredited to the fund from 9 institutions in 2011 up to 27 institutions in 2014. This may increase in 2015, as the Secretariat of FDCH has received proposals for 2015 around 34 Institutions. Since 2011 until 2014, this Fund has invested out of the State Budget of the total of 144.4 millions with over 11,000 beneficiaries for four different types of program activities below. In 2014, institutions accredited to this fund around 27 institutions from all Ministries and Secretary of States plus the office of the President of RDTL GPR, Página 61 de104 Prime Minister’s Office GPM, General Prosecutor of Republic PGR, Office of the State’s Inspector General IGE, Anti-Corruption Commission CAC and others. There are over 200 list of training fields that have been supported since the establishment of this fund to both public institutions as well as to private individuals plus with the vocational training centres in Timor-Leste with gender balance for all beneficiaries. After four 4 years of its establishment, the Administrative Council of the Fund has made its decision and instructed to the Secretariat of the Fund to: 1 Conduct an impact assessment to the Fund disbursed and implemented since 2011 up to date. The purpose is to evaluate the outcomes of the programs as well as to find out the results of all programs against the budget execution. The idea is to focus on the quality and results; and 2 The Administrative Council of the Fund has recommended and provide its decision to the Secretariat to conduct “National Mapping on Human Resource Development per District to both Public and Private Sector” in 2015. The main purpose of this study is to gather information, so that the Secretariat of the Fund could have a reference on the priority lists on human resource development in all territory, when provide its advice to the Council to make decisions in approving all proposals every year as well as to report to the public on the outcomes.

II. Programs Funded by HCDF

Since 2011 up to 2014, the programs funded through HCDF were categorized into four main groups namely: Vocational Training Formação Profissional, Technical Trainings Formação Técnica, Scholarship Programs Bolsas de Estudo, Other Types of Trainings Outros Tipos de Formação. However, during the approval processes of State Budget in the National Parliament for 2015, The “Eventual Commission” of the National Parliament recommended to add on two more categories for the programs of HCDF namely: Technical Assistance for Judicial Sector Assistencia Técnica para Setor Judicial and Technical Assistance for Tertiary Education Assistencia Técnica para o Ensino Terciário. Followings are the brief elaboration of the programs funded by the HCDF: 1 Vocational Training Program Code – 810. This program was designed to support all training activities for all skills development program in Timor-Leste that will help build the economy of the country through responding to the labour market demand and needs. It also supports the training of manpower or workforce to work abroad, particularly in construction, hospitality, horticulture, fisheries, Aquaculture, agriculture and etc, provides training for trainers in vocational training centres including supports to basic trainings in languages and math skills. In addition, this program can also provide its