Programs Funded by HCDF

Página 62 de104 support to specialized skills for government civil servants in all departments or ministries; 2 Technical Training programs Code – 811. This program is mainly comprised of training activities for public administration as part of professional development program to uplift the capacity of the Public Servants to all government departments according to the priority stipulated within the Strategic Development Plan of the government promoted by the Prime Minister of RDTL; 3 Scholarship Programs Code – 812. The Scholarship Program was designed for the general public, Public Servants as well as children of veterans and is based on the merit system. There are currently five 5 ministries that currently provide scholarships with the funding support from HCDFFDCH; and 4 Other types of Training Programs Code-813. It covers training programs for young teachers in higher education and polytechnic education, in health, Training for Police Forces PNTL, Defence Force F-FDTL, Judges, Magistrates and other specialized fields that proposed and approved by the Administrative Council of the Fund. 5 Technical Assistance for Judicial Sector or “Assistencia Técnica para Setor Judicial” Code-922: this program is to address the needs in the judicial sector, specifically in relation to strengthen the sector by improving and development of its human resources through trainings. There are three public institutions within the state which responsible for the justice sector with different roles such as 1 the Ministry of Justice – that provides Professional technical training and the management of human resource management in judiciary fields, 2 Courts Tribunais which develop capacities of Court Services through Training and Placement Program at the Court areas and the system, and 3 General Attorney of the Republic Procuradoria Geral República – Training of prosecutors, apprenticeships and further training to strengthen Judicial officers in Timor-Leste. 6 Technical Assistance for Tertiary Education or “Assistencia Técnica para o Ensino Terciário” Code-923: this program refers specifically to enhance human resources within the National University of Timor-Leste UNTL. The programs that organized by UNTL such as: Training and development for Masters and Ph.D. Levels in Portugal, Masters Program in Timor-Leste, Bachelors Degree and re-introduction of Portuguese language.

III. Results to date

While waiting for the results of the impact assessment which will be conducted by the end of 2014 and early 2015 in finding out the overall results of the programs supported under FDCHHCDF, Secretariat of the Fund has received reports from each institutions reporting on the progress and outcomes of their program activities. In some instances, under the Scholarship Program most activities started in 2011 and some were in 2012-2014. There are total of 3,990 acting as scholarship beneficiaries or recipient students in 2014 spread over 16 countries with 58 fields of study. The Ministries who organises the scholarship programs are: Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Petroleum Página 63 de104 Mineral Resources, SEPI and INAP National Institute for Public Administration. Out of these numbers, there are 305 students that are graduating until the end of 2014. Those applies to the Ministry of Finance’ students that are currently studying at two Universities is Australia, such as Charles Darwin University that enrolled in IT Information Technology and University of Adelaide which enrolled in Accounting are starting to graduate this year of 2014. Similarly to the Ministry of Education’ students in Thailand and the Philippines that studied various fields that started in 2011 are graduating this year with the total over 200 students. Whereas for students of the Ministry of Health, only 75 that were graduating in September 2014, out of 1,744 that spreads over 4 countries, such as Indonesia, Fiji, Timor-Leste and Australia. Specifically for Indonesia, the numbers of students are divided into few provinces in Indonesia including Jakarta, Bandung-West Java, Surabaya- East Java, Semarang-Central Java, Bali and Kediri-East Java. The table below describes the number of scholarship and programs form the Ministry of Health. No Área de Estudo No. dos Estudantes PaísUniversidade A Formacao em curso Formacao para medicos especialistas 1 Medico especialista 7 Denpasar, Indonesia 2 Medico especialista 2 Surabaya, Indonesia 3 Medico especialista 6 Bandung, Indonesia 4 Medico especialista 3 Fiji 5 Medico especialista 4 Universidade de Indonesia UI Sub total = 22 B Formacao para medicina geral e dentistas 6 Medicina geral 520 UNTL 7 Tecnico Saude 20 Cuba 8 Dentista 60 Kediri 9 Medico geral 5 - 10 Dentista 4 - Sub total = 609 C Formacao para Enfermeiros, Parteiras, Tecnicos Aliados e Doutores 11 Enfermeiras 220 UNTL 12 Parteiras 220 UNTL 13 Enfermagen dentaria e analista 80 Semarang, Indonesia 14 Analistas 80 - 15 Farmacistas 40 - 16 Ciencia de Saude 7 Australia