Water and Sanitation Program Urban and Rural Development Program

Página 14 de 104 spatial planning studies: 1 for the southern region, 2 for the highlands region, 3 for the northern region, 4 planning legislation for urban areas. Of these, the Spatial Plan for the Southern Region was completed in 2012 and the Urban Areas Planning Study is on-going and requires 0.6 million in 2015. The remaining two projects were deferred pending completion of a more recently conceived National Planning and Mapping LiDAR 2 Survey. LiDAR Survey and Spatial Mapping. The primary objective of LiDAR Mapping is to obtain accurate geographic and spatial data for Timor-Leste using LiDAR technology. The contract has a duration of one year and costs 13.0 million. The contract for the LiDAR based study has commenced and requires 7.9 million for completion in 2015. Procurement of the two consultants to prepare the Spatial Plans for the Highland Region and the Northern Region will be completed in 2015 and will each require 0.5 million for mobilisation and progress payments. Thus the total 2015 budget for the above Urban and Rural Development Program is 9.6 million

4.2.4 Public Building Program

Many Government offices and other public buildings were destroyed or severely damaged prior to the restoration of independence. They had also been designed for the needs of a provincial government rather than a national government. Many ministries and government agencies have been forced to use unsuitable buildings or temporary pre-fabricated buildings often located on several different sites. As a result the efficiency and effectiveness of government services has been impaired. The policy of devolution of many government functions into the regions, compounds the demand for the construction of public buildings. The Public Office Building Program has the objective of supporting the provision of cost- effective services to the public. From an initial 11 public building projects in the IF in 2011, the number of on-going projects increased annually to 25 in 2014 with another nine listed for funding as from 2015. In addition, proposals for a further 11 projects for commencement in 2015 were submitted. There are 29 projects listed in the 2014 Infrastructure Fund budget with an initial approved budget of 16.1 million, and later with the approval of CAFI, the budget was increased to 23.4 million, excluding allocations for the preparation of designs and other studies of new public building projects. Similar to other projects, the execution of the Public Building projects has been generally slow with an overall financial execution rate of 8.9 million as of end December 2014. While the above mentioned budget of 23.4 million, with the approval of CAFI, was reduced to 9.7 million. There has been utilisation of IF funds for designs and other studies for public buildings as described in the report on the Design and Supervision of New Projects. 2 Light Detection and Aerial Ranging Página 15 de 104 The total budget in 2015 for the on-going 25 Public Buildings projects has been set at 13.7 orginally for the respected program in December 2014. This figure later reduced to 8.5 million, as 5.0 million was taken out from various projects within the public building program during the rectification in March 2015

4.2.5. Financial Systems and Supporting Infrastructure Program

This program of projects was newly defined for the Infrastructure Fund in 2014 as a support to the Public Buildings program. It was separated from the Public Buildings program as the capital investment in equipment and furnishings differs significantly from the investment in building structures. The projects are essential to the operation of public services and to ensure that the full value of the public building investments are realised. There are 14 projects currently in the IF program with a total budget allocation of 50.1 million in 2014 with the main project being the Ministry of Finance new office building. However, this allocation, with approval of CAFI, was later reduced to 16.8 million dollars. The construction works of the Ministry of Finance building was completed and already handed over to the project owner while interior design works are ongoing. Many of the remaining works are for equipping the new building with a modern facilities including essential IT infrastructure such as an international standard data centre. This is currently in an advanced state of procurement for implementation. In 2015, total allocation for ongoing projects amounted to 19.1 million.

4.2.6. Youth and Sports Program

Given that 50 of Timor-Leste’s population is under 18 years of age, provision of facilities and activities for the development of youths and children outside the formal education sector is vital for the future of the country. The program of IF projects was separated from the public building program in 2014 and focuses on the construction of national stadia for major outdoor and indoor sporting events and the construction of eight regional outdoor stadia as a pre-requisite for the creation of national football leagues in partnership with South Korea, the Asian Football Confederation, Football Federation Australia and the Real Madrid Foundation. The DED for the Indoor Stadium and the four football stadia have been completed and the ToR for DED of the National Outdoor Stadium is in preparation. The NPC has commenced procurement of the contractors for four football stadia in Baucau, Ermera, Maliana and Manatuto. Of the 2014 budget 1.8 million, 0.3 million was disburse by end of the year and 2.8 million is required in 2015 for these projects to proceed.