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Penulis: Folin Oktafiani dan Achmad Munir Afiliasi : PPET‐LIPI dan STEI‐ ITB Abstract In this research, the Ground Penetrating Radar GPR antenna is designed by improving the reference antenna’s dimensional performance, in order to ease the detection process in the field. The Octahedral antenna is used as the reference antenna. The method used was by optimizing each part of the antenna dimension using 3D software which operates at frequency domain. The studies done includes: minimizing the antenna diameter, determining the transition angle on antenna’s arms, placing the resistors, determining the length of antenna’s arm before the abrupt transition, searching the width of T strip antenna which gives the optimum result, determining the resistor values, and the last is, determining the distance between antenna’s arm and the ground plane. The simulation results show that the 50 mm x50 mm dimension of antenna has the same characteristics with the reference antenna, i.e return loss ≤ ‐10dB for frequency range 50 – 5000MHz. Keyword : antenna; ground penetrating radar; dimension of antenna; return loss 5. Judul : Radar Cross Section Calibration Using a Trihedral Reflector For LIPI Coastal Surveillance Radar Penulis: Sulistyaningsih dan Mashury Wahab Afiliasi : PPET‐LIPI Abstract A RCS calibrator is an object used to calibrate Radar Cross Section RCS reading of a radar. For LIPI coastal surveillance radar, the object used for this purpose is a trihedral. During filed experiments LIPI coastal surveillance radar using trihedral reflector. The reflector can be used on a very wide frequency range. Front view of the RCS calibrator using a trihedral with dimensions. The long and short sides are 91.5 cm and 64.5 cm long, respectively. Determination of the relevant dimension for the RCS specifications.RCS calibration for the radar is a very important aspect for the accurate estimation of target information. Keywords: Radar Cross Section, RCS, trihedral reflector, calibration, radar.

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: Design and Simulation of 160 MHz Bandpass Filter with 60 MHz Bandwidth Penulis: Novita Dwi Susanti dan Deni Permana Afiliasi : PPET‐LIPI Abstract This paper describes the design and simulate band pass filter which use operational frekuency from 130 MHz until 190 MHz and have frequency of cut off at 160 MHz. To design this filter we calculate the value of inductor and capasitor first, and then simulate with software simulation. The filter design with seventh order involves many parameter such as pass band, stop bandwidths, center frequency, stop band attenuation, pass band return loss adn impedances of the input and output resonator. The design filter was simulated using Elsie Tonne version 2.4. And the result of simulated we can see the VSWR is 1.3, insertion loss ‐4dB with dBoctave is less than ‐50 dB. Keywords : bpf, bandwidth, insertion loss, vswr, dBoctave

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: Perancangan Antena Array Microstrip Planar Untuk Radar S‐Band Penulis: Yuyu Wahyu, Folin Oktafiani, Yussi Perdana Saputera, dan Mashury Wahab Afiliasi : UI Abstrak Pada penelitian ini dilakukan desain dan realisasi antenna untk portable radar S‐ band. Antena yang dirancang adalah antenna mikrostrip yang disusun secara array 8x4 dengan jumlah keseluruhan 64 modul antenna yang bertujuan untuk mempersempit beamwidth dan memperbesar gain antenna. Bahan yang digunakan adalah FR 4 dengan ketebalan substrat 3,2 mm dan tebal patch 0,035 mm, serta memiliki nilai r=4,4. Dari hasil satu modul antenna diperoleh lebar BW sebesar 60 MHz untuk S11 sebesar ‐15, sedangkan gain antena yang disimulasikan sebesar 12,79 dBi. Untuk hasil simulasi antenna array 8x4 didapat gain sebesar 27,58 dBi. Kata kunci : Radar, S‐band, Antena Pembuatan Magnet Barium Ferit Bonded Hybrid untuk Aplikasi Generator Nanang Sudrajat, ST