The translator uses faithful translation to express the same feeling with the author‟s SL. Grammatically, word “hujan” is a subject of noun in the first line is transfer into “rain” and the translator adds “the” as determiner and uses simple present tense. Uses faithful translation in this data is suitable to describe about the distinctive beauty of rain that seems to be mysterious. In this line, there is an element of metaphor and using imagery that is function to support the description about how the rain implies to the magic is? The writer thinks this line uses imagery visual; in which the author describes several objects such as trees, roads, Gutters make the readers imagine the sights when it rains drenching the object. For example, in phrase “hujan mengenal baik,” the word “mengenal” translated into “know” can be defined as 1 to have information in your mind; 2 to be familiar with or have experience and understanding of. 45 Besides, the writer also argue about the phrase “hujan mengenal baik pohon, jalan ,” have metaphorical meaning in the TL. The writer argues that the phrase mengenal baik refers to the word “hujan” where the rain likes a human that can recognize other creatures. In this case the author treats the rain as a metaphor i tself. So, in this line the author wants to express the SL‟s message through metaphor use standard metaphor and there is no change which the translator does grammatically. The translator attempts to explain what the author means; what the message contained in this line that the writer thinks there is a hidden meaning to be conveyed 45 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Advanced Learner ’s Dictionary: Third Edition Singapore: Green Giant Press, 2009, p. 795 in phrase “hujan mengenal baik pohon, jalan,” that is related to our life that we must learn how to live such as the rain that can respect to each object that is around even the rain was able to explore aspects of human life that is often discounted, especially the problems of life. In real life, people often avoids when they faced to difficult situation in which a human being is equipped with the gift of a reasonable minds; the man supposed to be known what is right and wrong. While, mengenal is defined as 1 mengetahui; kenal akan; tahu akan, 2 mempunyai rasa. 46 Through the word “mengenal” proves that human is expected to be more sensitive to everything around them. As Newmark said that poetry present the things in order to convey the feeling, in particularly, and however concrete the language each represents something else __ a feeling, a behavior, a view of life as well as itself. 47 So, the writer concludes that there is no change between the SL and Tl message both grammatically and semantically. SL : dan selokan- suaranya dapat dibeda-bedakan TL : and the gutters- recognizes their voices The data analysis 2 is analyzed as unfaithful translation. For example, word “selokan” in the SL translate into “gutters” in TL; gutter n defined as 1 the edge of road where rain roof which collects and carries away rain. 48 The TL translation 46 Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Edisi ke Empat Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2008, p. 541 47 Newmark 1988, p. 5. 48 Cambridge University Press 2009, op. Cit., p. 643