Background of The Study

Translating a text is not only in scientific fields but also in non-scientific fields. One of them is translating poetry. In some ways, reading poetry is much like reading fiction, such as observing details of action and language, making connections and inferences, and drawing conclusions. We also bring to poetry some intellectual and emotional dispositions. The same general experience with life and literature that we draw on in reading fiction. In addition, there is something different about reading poetry. 5 Poetry is the most personal and concentrated of the four forms, no redundancy, no phatic language, where, as a unit the word has greater importance than any other type of text. 6 Poetry can be said as an extraordinary literary works. As one of literary works, poetry has a special characteristic. Not like words in prose which have descriptive character, the words in poem have very solid meaning. So the density of word make a word in poetry has many kinds of meaning or sense. The sense of word is specific meaning that has in a given context. Most words have more than one sense. 7 In addition, Kanya Puspokusumo stated: 8 “To translate is one thing; to say how we do it, is another. Translating poetry without losing its beauty maybe is the most difficult thing. Because when we try to do it, we cannot just take a dictionary and find the words we need and apply them. We need more than that. The privilege of poetry forces us to find some appropriate translation methods, i.e. methods that can help us to 5 Robert DiYanni, Literature, Approaches to Fictions, Poetry and Drama New York:McGraw - Hill Companies, Inc. 2004,p. 524 6 Peter Newmark, A Textbook of Translation London: Prentice Hall, 1988,p.163 7 Seymour Chatman, an Introduction to The Language Poetry Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company,1968, p. 3 8 Kanya Puspokusumo, Language and Journal Tourism of STBA Yapari, Bandung, 2008. transfer language from the source to the target language without losing its meaning and its beauty. Translating poetry without losing its beauty is not s nonsense job. We only need to „know how‟ to do it.” In Indonesia many famous and great poets are Chairil Anwar, Goenawan Muhammad, WS. Rendra, Sanusi Pane, H.B. Jassin, H.K.S, Tatengkeng, Muhammad Yamin, and the famous poets is Sapardi Djoko Damono. Sapardi Djoko Damono, he was born in Solo, Central Java on 20 March 1940, and graduated from University of Gajah Mada Yogyakarta, in English Language and Literature in 1964. Since then, he has taught at a teachers college in madiun 1964-1968, University of Diponegoro, Semarang 1968-1974, and University of Indonesia, Jakarta from 1974. He has been involved with the editorship of the major literary magazines Basis 1969-1975 and Horison from 1973. The publication of Sapardi‟s first poetry collection, dukaMu abadi Your Sorrow is Eternal in 1969 may in a way be seen as a rebirth of Indonesian lyric poetry-fter a period of rough ideological rift during the 1960s. With clear, unadorned language and delicate inwardness, Sapardi‟s poetry are in sharp contrast to the slogan-ridden language of the then ideologically polarised Indonesia. Those turbulent times saw Sapardi finding his own voice in brief, limpid poems with simple yet pregnant imagery from everyday life. By the early 1970s he had already emerged as a master of profound simplicity. Among his famous poetry collections are Mata Pisau 1974, Perahu Kertas 1983, Hujan Bulan Juni 1994, Arloji 1999, Ayat-Ayat Api 2000, Mata Jendela 2001, etc. Besides, there some his poets translated into English by foreign translator such as: Sihir Hujan Balck Magic Rain by Harry Aveling at National University of Singapore in 1994, Water Color Poems, by John H. McGlynn, Temprint, Jakarta, 1986, Suddenly the Night, by John H. McGlynn, Lontar Foundation, Jakarta, 1988, Before Dawn, tr. John H. McGlynn, Lontar Foundation, Jakarta, 2005, etc. Those literary works from Sapardi Djoko Damono above, the writer will analyze about faithful translation in two poetry: Sihir Hujan and Yang Fana adalah Waktu translated by Harry Aveling into Black Magic Rain and Time is Meaningless. For instance, The source language SL “Sihir Hujan ” is translated into “Black Magic Rain‟; the word “Black” in target language TL is a unity with the word of “magic” in TL. In this context, the word “Black” is not about color but it is refers to something mysterious activity which is represent to the word “sihir”. While, sihir can be defined as 1 Perbuatan yg ajaib yg dilakukan dengan pesona dan kekuatan gaib guna-guna, mantra, dsb: ia terdiam spt kena --; 2 Ilmu tentang penggunaan kekuatan gaib; ilmu gaib teluh, tuju, dsb. 9 The translator uses expressive and aesthetic function through the word “Black” so that the title of this poetry is faithful with the source language SL. The author SL makes the rain such a metaphor which contains the message that he author tries to deliver both his idea and experience, especially about life that correlated with God and the nature. Besides, the poetry of “Black Magic Rain” sihir hujan represents the distinctive about beauty, strength, and understatement which is most of characteristic Sapardi‟s poetry. 9 Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, Edisi Keempat Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2008, p. 1303 In this poetry will move within the controlled range of imagery such as to show splendor of nature. But the main purpose of translator wants to share is messages that can be delivered very well although it uses different dictions. Moreover, other object of poem is Yang Fana adalah Waktu into Time is Meaningless. Grammatically, the TL structures are different with the SL but it does not important because the translator wants to keep the SL‟s message. So, this problem makes the writer challenges to research. That poetry is supposed to be faithful in the TL based on theory of faithful translation. The writer thinks that there many differences between the SL and TL. This research entitled “Faithful Translation in Sapardi Djoko Damono’s Poetry Translated by Harry Aveling”.

B. Focus of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the writer will focus on method translation, especially in faithful translation to analyze the meaning from source language SL and express the same message into the target language TL in Sapardi Djoko Damono‟s poetry: Sihir Hujan Black Magic Rain, Yang Fana adalah Waktu Time is Meaningless. This research is limited to get good translation.

C. Research Question

The problems that will be analyzed in this study are formulated through the question: 1 What kind of translation method used in two Sapardi‟s poetry: Sihir Hujan Black Magic Rain, Yang Fana adalah Waktu Time is Meaningless? 2 How the result of translation method used in two Sapardi‟s poetry: Sihir Hujan Black Magic Rain, Yang Fana adalah Waktu Time is Meaningless are become faithful translation?

D. Significance of the Study

This research will be beneficial for the writer and the readers knowledge and as a concrete contribution for all of students of English Letters Department who increase their ability in translation streams. Besides that, they can know how to identify the method of translation used in a literary works, especially about faithful translation in poetry.

E. Research Methodology 1. Objectives of the Research

According to the research question above this study aims to: 1 Find out the kind of method of translation used in two Sapardi‟s poetry: Sihir Hujan Black Magic Rain, Yang Fana adalah Waktu Time is Meaningless based on Newmark‟s theory. 2 Describes the method of translation result in two Sapardi‟s poetry: Sihir Hujan Black Magic Rain, Yang Fana adalah Waktu Time is Meaningless are faithful translation based on Newmark‟s theory.

2. Method of the Research

In this research, the writer uses descriptive qualitative method. Data collection done by using comparative method between the SL and TL. The writer focuses on method of translation, especially in faithful translation. From the comparative result the writer wants to know the meaning of each line in two Sapardi‟s poetry is supposed to be faithful translation.

3. Technique of Data Analysis

The data are qualitatively analyzed using relevant theories. To analyze the data, the researcher uses the following steps: 1 Reading all the content of two poetry from source language SL into target language TL. 2 Identifying the correct method used in two Saprdi‟s poetry. 3 Comparing the SL‟s text and TL at the level of word and phrase on each stanza are faithful translation or not. 4 Making sure to look up reliable dictionaries to find out whether the meaning TL is suitable with the SL or not. 5 Discovering whether there an addition or reduction is done by the translator based on Newmark‟s concept about faithful translation.

4. Instrument of the Research

The instrument of this research is the writer herself by reading, collecting words, phrases, or sentences in the TL which has the same meaning with the SL. Then, comparing between SL and TL from the original poetry.