A Brief Overview about Translation and Culture

17 tentu bermuara pada bentuk jenis terjemahannya 32 the principle which forming the way we translate, which absolutely ends up in a form kind of the translation. According to Newmark’s concept, there are eight methods of translation. They are divided into two groups; each group consists of four methods. The first four are SL oriented SL emphasis and the rest are TL oriented TL emphasis. Again, he describes those methods in a diagram namely „V Diagram’ below: SL Emphasis TL Emphasis Word-for-word Adaptation Literal translation Free translation Faithful translation Idiomatic translation Semantic translation Communicative translation Figure 1: Translation Methods by Peter Newmark 33 The SL emphasis translation methods are represented by word-for-word translation, literal translation, faithful translation, and semantic translation. Dalam metode jenis ini, penerjemah berupaya mewujudkan kembali dengan setepat- tepatnya makna kontestual TSu, meskipun dijumpai hambatan sintaksis dan semantis pada TSa yakni hambatan bentuk dan makna In those methods, translators try to recreate the contextual meaning in the SL precisely, though they will be faced by syntactic and semantic obstacles in the TL the obstacles of form and meaning. 34 Those methods above will be explained as follow: 32 Benny Hoedoro Hoed, op.cit., p. 55 33 Peter Newmark, op. cit., p. 45 34 Rochayah Machali, op. cit., p. 76 18 1. Word-for-word Translation This method is used as a pre-translation process. The purpose is to know the structure of a SL or the meaning of the words in the SL itself. According to Newmark, “The main use of word-for-word translation is either to understand the mechanics of the source language or to construe a difficult text as a pre- translation process”. 35 For example, when we translate a text from Japanese into Indonesian, it is recommended to use this method, for sentence structure of the Japanese is quite different with Indonesian. Even though this method is SL emphasis and used in the pre- translation process, if we want to make the translation good; we must rearrange and adjust the sentence structure of the SL to the TL’s, since we retain the structure of the SL in the translation and just render the meaning of the words. The sentence structure here, for example, is about the order of the subject, verb, or object in the sentence. In some languages the verb or the object comes first before the subject, while such order is not acceptable in the other languages. 2. Literal Translation Like the previous method above, literal translation can be used in the pre-translation process. When we translate a long and difficult sentence, using this method can be helpful. However, we still need revision for perfection in the translation. 35 Peter Newmark, op. cit., p. 46