Background of the Study

3 translation translating is an activity which clearly prove language role in social life. 4 Translation can be said as stating or delivering something either written or oral interpreting in different language; from a Source Language SL to a Target Language TL. Again, translation can be a bridge to connect people. Furthermore, regarding the relation between language and culture in the terms of communication; it impacts, significantly, translation. Translation is not only about rendering one language into another, but also involving the cultural sense of the languages. As Nida states in Hoed, kendala dalam penerjemahan adalah perbedaan dalam empat hal, yaitu 1 bahasa, 2 kebudayaan sosial, 3 kebudayaan religi, dan 4 kebudayaan materiil 5 There are four obstacles in translating; language, socio-culture, religious-culture, material-culture . The last three items can be considered as culture. Thus, it can be said that translation involves language and culture. These cultural obstacles have a big impact in translation, for a word does not always have its equivalent in another culture. 6 According to Eagleton in Nugroho and Prasetyo, the foundation of the world today is neither God nor Nature, but culture. Then, he says: The promotion of culture as a primary concept is indeed implied in translation studies itself in the „cultural turn’ the discipline took in the late 1970s and 1980s. Where the use of „culture’ becomes problematic is not so much in whether we intend the term in an anthropological what humans do in their daily lives or an aesthetic sense what humans do in 4 Ibid, p. 26 5 Benny Hoedoro Hoed, Penerjemahan dan Kebudayaan Jakarta: PT Dunia Pustaka Jaya, 2006, p. 24 6 Andy Bayu Nugroho and Jhonny Prasetyo, “Domestikasi dan Foreignisasi dan Dampaknya terhadap Terjemahan”, a paper in International Conference on SFL and Its Contribution to TranslationStudies , si20danForeignisasi.pdf , accessed Aug 29 2014 4 the realm of creative expression but in how cultures have to come understand culture.” 7 As a consequence, translators will be faced by, at least, two different languages and culture so that, they have to be bilingual-competent and biculturally competent 8 as well. Again, this is intended to gain the understanding in communication, for translation is a communication act. 9 Translation development goes rapidly nowadays. It can be seen from the needs of translation product have been increased globally year by year, including in Indonesia. Various products either fictions or non-fictions such as books, novels, newspapers, magazines, website contents, journals, movies, songs and so forth; are published in multi-languages. Those come from diverse fields such as technology, law legal documents, economy, science, arts, literature, entertainment, and so on. Products of translation, especially literary translation, in Indonesia are dominated by creations distributed from foreign especially western countries. It is proven by literary works which are published in cinemas or bookstores in the form of movies, short stories, and of course novels which many of them are published in English. In this research, the researcher particularly focuses on literary translation. It is because literary translation is bound up with culture. Moreover, literary 7 Ibid. 8 Roswita Silalahi, Dampak Teknik, Metode, dan Ideologi Penerjemahan pada Kualitas Terjemahan Teks Medical-Surgical Nursing dalam bahasa Indonesia, Dissertation, University of North Sumatera, 2009, p. 46 9 Rochayah Machali, op.cit., p. 39 5 translation itself is the work of literary translators, whom are bilingual and bicultural. 10 Further, the researcher will discuss it specifically in novel translation. The Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, and Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata are some of international best-selling novels; literary works which are sold million copies. Those novels are immensely popular and have been translated into various languages —The Harry Potter series are translated, at least, into 67 languages; the work by Paulo Coelho are translated into 56 different languages 11 ; The Kite Runner has been published in 38 countries and translated into 42 languages 12 ; and the last, Laskar Pelangi or The Rainbow Troops has been published in 20 countries —this is, again, a proof that translation plays an important role. Translation, indeed, becomes a bridge to connect people around the world. In this case, translation connects the writers to the readers. Every translator, consciously or not, uses strategy, technique, method, or procedure in translating. Applying the appropriate strategy, technique, method, or procedure, may determine whether the translated texts are accurate or not. As a result, it also may determine the quality of the translation itself. Regarding the object of the research, Hush, hush, a translated novel Indonesian version; the researcher will particularly discuss about strategy of translation namely domestication and foreignization which are found in the object. 10 Douglas Robinson, “Literary Translation”, Routledge Encyclopedia of translation Studies London: Routledge, 2001, p. 127 11 Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist, Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2007 12 Boyd Tonkin, “Is the Arab world ready for a literary translation?”, The website, ready-for-a-literary-revolution-808946.html accessed Oct 4 2013 6 These two strategies postulated by Lawrence Venuti in 1988. 13 They provide both linguistic and cultural guidance. 14 However, domestication and foreignization are two different concepts. As Yang explains: Domestication designates the type of translation in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers; while foreignization means a target text is produced which deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original. 15 Related to the definition above, nowadays in Indonesia, people especially teenagers or young adults, often use Indonesian mixed with English while they communicate. They are even more familiar with the English words rather than the Indonesian. For example, they know CD or Compact Disk better than cakram padat or piringan, they prefer say make-up than riasan, handphone rather than ponsel or telepon seluler, and T-shirt instead of kaus or kaos. This is also happened in the Hush, hush Indonesian version ; “Sejujurnya, perasaanku campur aduk soal makeup gratisan.” 16 , “Dan setelah itu yang terdengar hanya nada dial ”. 17 The examples that are mentioned show the application of foreignization strategy. It is undeniable that the novel translation comes as one of the reasons why those novels mentioned above become that popular. In other words, it may not be 13 Esmail Zare-Behtash and Sepideh Firoozkoohi, “ A Diachronic Study of Domestication and Foreignization Strategies of Culture-Specific Items: in English-Persian Translation of Six of Hemingway’s Works”, World Applied Sciences Journal 7, XII 2009, p. 1576 14 Wenfen Yang, “Brief Study on Domestication and Foreignization in Translation”, Journal of Language Teaching and Research, I January, 2010, p. 77 15 Ibid. 16 Becca Fitzpatrick, Hush, hush. trans. Leinovar Bahfein, Jakarta: PT. Ufuk Publishing House, 2013, p. 125 17 Ibid., p. 123 7 happened if the novels are not translated. It is, of course, also related with the quality of the translation. When we read a translation product, we often questioning about whether it is “good” or “not good” and how we can measure the quality of the translation. Therefore, measurement of translation quality must be based on the objective norms. As Nida and Taber and Newmark in their books postulate that a “good” translation is when it is oriented to the target reader or hearer of the TL 18 . Above all, it is because gaining a good quality of translation is the main goal and the target reader should get the prime quality of the translation product. Furthermore, the translator, even the editor and the publisher, have to pay more attention to what strategy of translation will be applied in the translated text, who will be the target reader, what category of the novel that will be translated — is it for children, young-adult, adult, or etc. As the trend of mix-languages usage which is described above that related to the translation strategies, the translator has to consider and adjust the word preferences or the words choice that will be used. Moreover, the words should be familiar and easy to be understood, so that the translated text will be enjoyable to be read or in other words the text has good readability. The novel that used in this research, entitled Hush, hush, is categorized as young-adults fantasy novel. It is about a romance between immortal human and fallen angel. This kind of story is a trending theme nowadays; just like the famous Twilight tetralogy Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn by Stephanie 18 Roswita Silalahi, op. cit., p. 33 8 Meyer or The Mortal Instrument series by Cassandra Clare City of Bones, City of Ashes, City of Glass, City of Fallen Angels, City of Lost Souls. Becca Fitzpatrick, Hush, hush ’s author, also makes her works into four series: Hush, hush, Cresendo, Silence, and Finalé. Those four books were all New York Times bestsellers. 19 Above all, as what mentioned above that whether a translation is good or not is when it is oriented to the target reader or consumer of the TL. Further, the appropriate translation strategy and the words choice will determine the readability of the translation. It will indicate whether the target readers enjoy the product, familiar with the words in the text and understand it easily or not, because it is obvious that every writer a novel writer wants their works will be accepted, enjoyable to be read, widely sold, and become a best-selling product not only in their origin country but also in overseas market. Based on those reasons, the researcher will analyze the impact of the translation strategies application towards the readability of the novel, Hush, hush; whether the novel translation is easy to be understood or enjoyable enough to be read or not.

B. Focus of the Study

Based on the background of the study above, the research will focus on the impact of the translation strategies, domestication and foreignization, regarding the level of readability in the translation of Hush, hush. 19 “About the Author”, website, 989420?pc_redir=1408591641robot_redir=1productDescriptionsecondary_view_pageState_14 09165107501 accessed Aug 28 2014 9

C. Research Question

According to the background and focus of study above thus the researcher formulates the research questions as follows: 1. What is the most frequently translation strategy applied by the translator? 2. How are the domestication and foreignization applied in the translation of Hush, hush? 3. How is the impact of domestication and foreignization application to the readability level of domesticated and foreignized items in the translation of Hush,hush?

D. Significance of the Study

The study will be fruitful to the readers and those who intend to do same researches. Furthermore, this study will give contribution to the development of translation, particularly about the impact of the translation strategy domestication and foreignization regarding the readability level in novel translation, especially, from English into Indonesian. It may also become a guide to novel translators in producing high-quality translation products.

E. Research Methodology

1. Objective of the Research

Based on the research questions above, so the aims of this research are: a. To know the most frequently translation strategy applied by the translator. 10 b. To know how the domestication and foreignization are applied in the translation of Hush, hush. c. To know the impact of domestication and foreignization application to the readability level of the domesticated and foreignized items in the translation of Hush,hush.

2. Method of the research

The method used in the research is descriptive qualitative. Through this method, the researcher will identify domesticated and foreignized items and the impact of domesticating and foreignizing items regarding readability level of the translation. 3. Technique of Data Collecting and Analysis These following steps are used by the researcher to collect and analyze the data: a. Reading the novel and its translation at the same time. b. Classifying all domesticated and foreignized items in the novel translation by analyzing the translation method used. c. Tabulating the classified data. d. Making a readability questionnaire. e. Distributing the readability questionnaire to seven informants. The informants are some readers that considered as market or target readers of the novel. Since the novel’s category is young-adult, so the informants will be 13 to 25 years old people. f. Supervising each informant while they are filling the questionnaire.