Readability Level Measurement in the Object of the Study

35 Table 2: Instrumen pengukur Tingkat Keterbacaan Terjemahan 81 Skala Definisi Kesimpulan 3 Kata, frasa, klausa, dan kalimat terjemahan dapat dipahami dengan mudah oleh pembaca. Tingkat keterbacaan tinggi 2 Pada umumnya terjemahan dapat dipahami oleh pembaca; namun ada beberapa bagian tertentu yang harus dibaca lebih dari satu kali untuk memahami terjemahan. Tingkat keterbacaan sedang 1 Terjemahan sulit dipahami oleh pembaca. Tingkat keterbacaan rendah Since the object of this research is a popular novel which categorized as a young-adult, so that the readability level will be measured by the target reader of this novel. It can be people between 13 to 25 years old who considered as those who can represent the potential readers. 81 Ibid. 36 CHAPTER III RESEARCH FINDINGS

A. Data Description

In this chapter, the researcher describes the findings in the research object; Hush, hush, a novel by Becca Fitzpatrick and its Indonesian translation translated by Leinovar Bahfein. The findings of the research are data in which translation strategies by Lawrence Venuti domestication and foreignization applied, in the novel translation. The researcher analyzes the translation methods used in the data to classify it as domesticated or foreignized item. The translation methods themselves are postulated by Peter Newmark. The researcher uses its simplified version by Benny Hoedoro Hoed. Furthermore, based on the research questions, the readability levels of the data are also discussed regarding the application of the translation strategies. The measurement of readability level is based on Roswita Silalahi’s concept in her dissertasion. In this research, the researcher chose seven people to be the informants of the research. There are two types of data in this research. The first is all data categorized based on the strategy of translation application, domestication and foreignization. The second is the readability questionnaire which is intended to measure the readability level of the first data. The first and the second type of data can be checked in Appendix 1 and 3. From the total of all data in Appendix 1 —242 items —there are 114 data categorized as domesticated, while 128 data are 36 37 foreignized. On Appendix 3, 73,3 data are considered has high readability level, 21,2 has medium readability level, and the rest 5,5 are in the low level.

B. Data Analysis

The most frequently translation strategy applied by the translator is foreignization which is represented by 128 items, while domestication are 114 items. From the tabulated data the researcher takes 10 samples as representative of all data see Appendix 1. The researcher tries to analyze the selected data by categorizing them based on two types of the translation strategies and based on the readability level using relevance theories. The 10 samples of the data are analyzed as follows: 1 Domestication Sample 1, no. 034 I swallowed discreetly and tried to ignore the queasy tap dance in my stomach. ST, page 25 Diam-diam aku menelan ludah dan berusaha mengabaikan tarian poco- poco yang membuat mual di perutku. TT, Page 35 The data above shows the application of M6 or Metode adaptasi by Hoed. It can be seen from the „tap dance’ phrase which is translated into „tarian poco- poco ’. It means that culture element from the ST is substituted with culture element of the TT. In this case, the translator explains the queasy feeling as if someone is dancing inside the stomach of the character “I”. The writer uses a kind of dance or a dance name here, which is well known in the SL culture; so that the translator uses a popular dance name in the TL culture. The translator uses the 38 same supposition by adapting the dance name although those dances are such a different kind. It is intended to create familiarity for the readers. The Target Text TT of this data can be understood by almost informants of the research. By applying domestication strategy, it got 2,71429 points of readability on average. Six of seven informants gave 3 points, while one informant gave only 1 point. In other words, it is in a „slightly’ high level because almost all informants understand the data easily, except one of them. Sample 2, no. 154 “Forget about being a poet,” Vee said. “I’m destined for stand-up comedy. Knock, knock .” “What?” I said. The nurse rolled her eyes. “Who’s there?” “Crab,” said Vee. “Crab who?” “Crab your towel, we’re going to the beach” ST, page 158 “Lupakan karir menjadi penyair,” kata Vee. “Aku ditakdirkan menjadi pelawak panggung. Tok- tok.” “Apa?” kataku. Sang perawat memutar bola matanya. “Siapa di sana?” “Swedia,” kata Vee. “Swedia apa?” “Swedia payung sebelum hujan” TT, page 199 The dialogue among the characters above is about a joke, a “Knock-knock Jokes”. The character “Vee” tried to play with her best friend “Nora”, the main character of the novel, and also with a nurse in hospital where she treated. Since this kind of joke contains puns or wordplays, the TT should follow or be made based on this joke’s rules. In the ST the word “crab” is supposed to be “grab”, “grab your towel…”, while in the TT the word “Swedia” is meant “Sedia” means