Data Analysis The Impact Of Translation Strategies To The Readability Level Hush, Hush

39 “prepare” in English, “Sedia payung sebelum hujan” You should prepare an umbrella in case of raining. From the method used in this sample, the M4 or metode [penerjemahan] komunikatif, the researcher concludes it as domesticated item. The application of this method is emphasizing on message delivery from the ST to TT. Although on the translated text we do not find the exact „equivalence’, but the core of the message can be said successfully delivered. As the previous data above, domestication strategy application produces medium or middle level of readability. It got 2,28571 points on average. The first three of seven informants gave 3 points, the other three gave 2 points, and one person gave 1 points. It can be said that the translator quite succeed in render the message from the ST. The seven informants, mostly, got the funny sense of the joke in the TT though some of them had to reread the text several times. Sample 3, no. 155 My doctor is lard-arse. Closely resembles an Oompa Loompa. ST, page 158 Dokter gendut abis. Mirip sekali dengan tambur. TT, page 200 “Oompa Loompa”, a name of a character in the well-known story by Roald Dahl ”Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, was translated into a musical instrument “tambur” means genderang atau gendang besar or a huge drum in the TT. It indicates the application of M6 or Metode adaptasi by substituting the 40 culture elements from the ST to the TT. To illustrate, Oompa Loompa and tambur themselves have same characteristics namely corpulent and short. In line with the sample 1 above, the application of Metode adaptasi itself shows the translation strategy which is emphasizing the TL, domestication. Although this strategy emphasize on the TL, but it makes the data got an average of 1,85714 point or in other words it has „slightly’ low readability level. One of the seven informants gave 3 points, four of them gave 2 points, and the rests gave 1 point. While the researcher supervising the informants filling the questionnaire, they said that they are not familiar with “tambur” or do not know what it is and how it looks like. Sample 4, no. 062 “What color?” I asked. “Make-me-gag-Granny-Smith-green. I think .” ST, page 44 “Warna apa?” tanyaku. “Kurasa hijau baju nenek-nenek.” TT, page 61 The dialogue above has a setting in a library. There are two characters here; the first “I” in the first line is Nora while the “I” in the second line is Vee. They are t alking about a diet program taken by Vee which is called “color-wheel fruit diet”. Vee has to consume three red fruits a day, two blue, and a handful of green. Now is her turn to consume the green fruit. She held up a bag of apple chips, and then Nora asks what color of fruit she has to take. Vee replies, it is the green one, “Make-me-gag-Granny-Smith-green. I think.” 41 Granny Smith itself is a kind of apples which is named after its founder, Maria Ann Smith. In her sixties, she had become affectionately known to all as “Granny” 82 , so that the apple is commonly known as Granny Smith Apple. However, in the translated text above the translator rendered the phrase “Make-me-gag-Granny-Smith-green. I think.” into “Kurasa hijau baju nenek- nenek ” which is the form of M4 or metode [penerjemahan] komunikatif. This method application only focuses to the color of the fruit “green” and the word “Granny” or grandmother, which is translated into “hijau” and “nenek-nenek”. It emphasizes on the message in the ST in order to make it communicatively delivered in the TT. In spite of there is „no’ detail information about who Granny Smith is, the usage of domestication strategy through applying the M4 method makes this data get 2,71429 points on average or has „slightly’ high readability. Five of the seven informants gave it 3 points and the rests gave it two points. Overall, they understand the phrase quite easily. 82 “The Real Granny Smith,” Granny website, http:www.grannysmith. net.auwho-we-arereal-granny-smith accessed Sep 11 2014 42 Sample 5, no. 006 She’s green-eyed, minky blond…. ST, page 9 Dia memiliki mata hijau, rambut pirang seperti cerpelai …. TT, page 14 Domestication strategy is used in this sample by applying M4 or metode [penerjemahan] komunikatif. Presenting communicative translation has made the sentence structure adjusted with the TL rules. The word “minky” has become an „adjective’ form of the word mink or cerpelai in Indonesian. So that, it makes the translation having extra information by adding word “seperti” or in other words “blond as a mink”. However, this communicative form of translation does not make it easy to be understood by the readers. Although it is the equivalent word or the exact meaning in the TT, the word “cerpelai” here is still unfamiliar enough for the informants. It is proved by two of seven informants gave this sample 1 point, and then one person gave it 2 points, while the rest of them gave it 3 points. Hence, this sample got 2,28571 points on average and can be said that this sample has medium readability level. 43

2 Foreignization

Sample 1, no. 192 After changing into a stretchy camisole and floral pj pants, I called Vee. ST, page 247 Setelah berganti pakaian dengan kamisol ketat dan celana tidur bermotif bunga, aku menelepon Vee. TT, page 307 This sample shows an adoption in a fashion terms. It is camisole, which is originated from French, from Occitan camisolla, diminutive of camisa shirt, from Late Latin camisia 83 . Based on the theory of translation method by Hoed, this sample belongs to M2 or metode pinjaman cultural because the word camisole is translated into kamisol which is a form of cultural borrowing word, as happens in the terms of technology such as e-mail, disave, chatting, didownload, or mengupload. By applying foreignization strategy, in this case through the M2, the foreign sense is retained in the TT through the cultural borrowing word. It is proved by the result of its readability level. It gets 2,14286 points on average. Furthermore, three of the seven informants gave 3 points, two of them gave 2 points and the other two gave 1 point. Those who give it 2 and 1 point said that they are not familiar with the word kamisol. In other words, this sample is considered has medium readability level. 83 http:i.word.comdictionarycamisole , I website accessed Sep 11 2014 44 Sample 2, no. 136 “Did they look like anyone we know? For example…a cross between Pippi Longstocking and the Wicked Witch of the West would obviously give us Marcie Millar.” ST, page 137 “Apa mereka orang yang kita kenal? Misalnya…campuran antara Pippi si Kaus Kaki Panjang dan Penyihir Jahat dari Barat akan menghasilkan Marcie Millar.” TT, page 175 This sample tells about the illustration of a character in the novel ST namely Marcie Millar. She is the rival of Nora Grey and her friend, Vee; and is described as a troublemaker. One day, Nora and Vee went to a shop and found themselves were being stalked by someone. On the previous day, Nora had a „fight’ with Marcie, so that she suspected that the stalker was Marcie. Further, the author of the novel wrote the description of the stalker resemble to a combination of Pippi Longstocking and the Wicked Witch of the West. Pippi Longstocking is a character created by Astrid Lindgren. She is a naughty, exasperating, but helpful girl; who has orange hair in very tight plaits and always wears long stocking. In addition, the Wicked Witch of the West is a figure created by L. Frank Baum and developed by Gregory Maguire in his best- selling novel Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. In other words, the combination of Pippi Longstocking and The Wicked Witch from the West will match the characteristic of Marcie Millar, a troublemaker. 45 Moving further to the translation text above, foreignization strategy is applied in this sample as the translator chose to retain the description of a character in the novel ST by using the „equivalent’ illustration, Pippi si Kaus Kaki Panjang and Penyihir Jahat dari Barat. This time the M1 or metode “eksotis” is chosen, as its purpose that is presenting the cultural element and foreign sense in the TT, as the concept of foreignizing strategy, sending the reader abroad. It will be different if the translator change or substitute Pippi Longstocking and the Wicked Witch of the West with familiar figures in the TL culture which match with the „wicked’ or bad characteristics, for example Nenek sihir, etc. Pippi si Kaus Kaki Panjang and Penyihir Jahat dari Barat are not familiar enough for the informants. Four of the seven informants gave 3 points, while three of them gave 2 points, therefore it got 2,57143 points on average or in the medium level of readability. They said that they did not get enough explanation about Pippi si Kaus Kaki Panjang and Penyihir Jahat dari Barat and the relation among their characteristics and Marcie Millar’s. 46 Sample 3, no. 127 Taking the key, I edge around him. ST, page 120 Mengambil kunci itu, aku bergeser ke depannya. TT, page 156 The sentence structure in this sample shows the application of the M3 or calque. Retaining the same sentence structure of two different languages, English and Indonesian, is the form of calque. As what foreignization strategy all about, that is retaining some foreigness in the TT; the translator use the sentence structure which is not exists in Indonesian. However, this kind of structure is often used in news language. 84 If the sentence is adjusted with Indonesian sentence structure, it will be “Aku bergeser ke depannya, setelah mengambil kunci itu”. Independent clause Conj. Dependent clause This form put the subject in the beginning of the sentence and is added with a conjunction conj. to connect the independent clause and the dependent clause. Though the English sentence structure is applied in the TT, this sample is quite understandable for the readers. Only one informant give 1 point to this data, while the other six considered it has high readability by giving 3 points. As a result, it is equal to 2,71429 points on average or „slightly’ high readability. 84 Benny Hoedoro Hoed, op.cit., p. 63 47 Sample 4, no. 083 A ceramic cactus and a stuffed coyote were mounted on the wall above. ST, page 74 Kaktus keramik dan patung coyote gendut berdiri di atas dinding tinggi. TT, page 97 As in the sample 2 above, the word “coyote” indicates the applications of the first method or M1 metode “eksotis”. It is intended to present the foreign culture. The setting in the story itself is in a Mexican restaurant where the coyote put as a decoration. Actually, “coyote” can be translated into “anjing hutan”, but the translator retains the foreigness. It means to take the readers to the foreign culture and to make them feel the linguistic and cultural differences 85 . By using foreignization strategy, this sample gets 2,14286 on average with specification as follows; three informants gave 3 points, two informants gave 2 points, and the other two informants gave 1 point. It means this sample has medium readability. Generally they can understand the translation, but they considered that “coyote” sounds foreign, unfamiliar. 85 Esmail Zare-Behtash and Sepideh Firoozkoohi, loc. cit., p. 1577 48 Sample 5, no. 149 After confirming no one was watching over my shoulder, I Googled Patch Cipriano. ST, page 151 Setelah memastikan tak ada yang mengawasi dari belakang, aku meng- Google Patch Cipriano. TT, page 192 The foreign sense exists in this sample indicates the foreignization strategy. It is showed by the word ”meng-Google” in the TT. Based on the Merriam- Webster dictionary, the word “Googled” in the ST means “to use the Google search engine to obtain information about as a person on the World Wide Web” 86 . The translation strategy itself is applied by using M1 or metode “eksotis”. Regarding the readability level as the effect of foreignization strategy application, this sample obtains 2,42857 points on average. Four informants of this research gave 2 points, while the rests gave it 3 points. As a conclusion, this sample has medium readability level, because the informants have to reread the sa mple several times before getting the meaning of the word “meng-Google”. 86 http:i.word.comdictionarygoogle , I website accessed Sep 12 2014 49 CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

A. Conclusion

Language is an element of communication. When it is used in the context of communication, it is related to culture. Since language is various with its own characteristics and uniqueness —grammatical system, kinds of letters, pronunciation, vocabularies, etc. —it creates a barrier among the users. The language barrier will be a problem in communication, so that a solution is needed in order to obtain the goal in communication. In this case, the goal will be reached through translation. In theory of translation there are strategies namely domestication and foreignization. These two strategies are postulated by Lawrence Venuti. Further, domestication emphasizes on the TL, whereas foreignization emphasizes on the SL. The application of these strategies can be analyzed from the translation methods used in the text because the methods also emphasize both on the SL and the TL. The translation methods itself is a theory by Peter Newmark which have the simplified version formulated by Benny Hoedoro Hoed. In addition, a translation process will produce a translated text or product. Since the product is made for the consumer, in this case is the target reader; therefore, it must have high quality in order to make the reader enjoy the text and understand what the text is all about, in other words it has high readability. Based on the purposes of this research: to find out the impact of translation strategies towards the readability level; the researcher has completed analyzing 49 50 the research findings based on the relevance theories used in this research, so that it can be concluded into some points as follow: 1. Domestication is the translation strategy which emphasizes on the TL, so that it will be indicated by the application of the M4 or metode [penerjemahan] komunikatif, M5 or metode [penerjemahan] idiomatis, and M6 or metode adaptasi. On the other side, foreignization is emphasized on the SL. It is indicated by M1, M2, M3 or metode eksotis, metode pinjaman kultural, and metode calque. 2. After analyzing the data using the translation methods, the most frequently translation strategy used in the findings of the research is foreignization. It is showed by 128 items, while there rests are 114 domesticated items from the total findings 242 items. 3. Based on the theory of readability by Roswita Silalahi, there are three indicators to measure the readability level of the translated text. The first is high readability level, then medium readability, and the last is low readability. Each level marked by 3, 2, and 1 point. Furthermore, each level has indicator as we can see in the Table 2. 4. Each data of the research was categorized based on the two translation strategies, domestication and foreignization. Moreover, those data which have given scores by seven informants of the research based on the indicators on Table 2, were counted into the average points, see Appendix 3. 51

B. Suggestion

After completing all the process of this research, the researcher would like to offer suggestions to the translator of the novel, the publisher of the novel translation PT. Ufuk Publishing House, and the next researcher: 1. The translator of the novel In the translation field there are various theories can be applied in the translation process. Generally, as a practitioner of translation, a translator more relies on their experience and their sense of language when translating a text. They pay „less’ attention to the theories of translation, yet the theories can ease them to do their job as a translator. In this case, for example, knowing about the strategy and the method of translation can assist them to select the words in the text, which can be emphasized either on the SL or the TL. Therefore, they will know which word can be easily understood or is familiar for the target reader. 2. The publisher of the novel After the whole text of SL is translated, it is necessary to review the novel translation and determine the strategy of translation applied in the text. This step is required to make sure that all the words used in the TT is easy to be understood by the reader. Furthermore, the publisher, the editor, and of course the translator should cooperate to specify the target reader and adjust the words selections, so that it will produce a high quality novel translation.