Objective of the Research Method of the research

11 g. Analyzing the selected data based on the theories used in this study. h. Making a report of the study.

4. Instrument of The Research

Since the method of this research is qualitative descriptive, so the researcher herself acts as the main research instrument by doing all the steps of technique of collecting and analyzing the data above. In addition, the judgments from the informants about the readability level will assist the researcher to analyze the data.

5. Unit of Analysis

The analysis units of the research are Hush, hush, a novel by Becca Fitzpatrick, its Indonesian translation by Leinovar Bahfein, and also readability measurement data see Appendix 2A. The details of the novel and its translation can be seen in the table below: Table 1: Details of the Hush, hush Novel Language English Indonesian Title Hush, hush Hush, hush WriterTranslator Becca Fitzpatrick Leinovar Bahfein Year of Publication September 2010 paperback edition January 2013 third edition Publisher Simon Schuster PT. Ufuk Publishing House Number of Pages 391 484 12

6. Time and Place of the Research

The research has been done from June 2013 to August 2014, at the English Latters Department, libraries at State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, some university libraries in Jakarta, and the researcher ’s house. 13 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK

A. Definition of Translation

Various statements have been made by the experts to define what translation is. It can be seen in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary that translation is the process of changing something that is written or spoken into another language. 20 Besides, Catford states translation as replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language. 21 In brief, translation means that stating something, either in written text or spoken material, from one language into another by considering the equivalence of the languages. Another translation expert, Newmark, postulates that translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. 22 In line with Newmark, Larson emphasizes on the meaning, as stated here that translation is transferring the meaning of the source language into the receptor language. 23 Meanwhile, according to Nida and Taber “Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of 20 A.S. Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English New York: Oxford University Press, 2000, p. 752. 21 J.C. Catford, A Lingustic Theory on Translation London: Oxford University Press, 1965, p. 20. 22 Peter Newmark, A Textbook of Translation New York: Prentice Hall, 1988, p. 5. 23 Mildred L. Larson, Meaning-Based Translation: A Guide to Cross-Language Equivalence Lanham: University Press of America, 1984, p. 3 13