Definition of Translation The Impact Of Translation Strategies To The Readability Level Hush, Hush

15 equivalence and delivering the meaning correctly are the main issue. Bassnet describes: what is generally understood as translation involves the rendering of a source language SL text into the target language TL so as to ensure that 1 the surface meaning of the two will be approximately similar and 2 the structures of the SL will be preserved as closely as possible but not so closely that the TL structures will be seriously distorted. 28 In other words, translation is rewriting, restating, changing, or transferring the text, the message, or the meaning from the SL to TL by attending what the SL writer intends. Moreover, as stated on the first chapter that translation is a communication act, therefore it must produce understanding. The Target Text TT readers must understand what the writer means; the message on the Source Text ST must be delivered correctly by using the equivalent or the closest words represent the SL in the TL, so the readable translation will be successfully created.

B. A Brief Overview about Translation and Culture

When translators do their job, they will be faced not only by two different languages, but also by two different cultural senses within. It is because, as stated in the previous chapter that translation has a relation with culture. They are strongly intertwined. Newmark in Hoed declares that sebuah teks sumber TSu dipengaruhi oleh sejumlah faktor, antara lain, faktor penulis pemroduksi TSu, norma yang berlaku dalam bahasa sumber BSu, kebudayaan yang melatari TSu, budaya tulis dan cetak TSu, dan hal yang dibicarakan dalam TSu 29 a SL is influenced by some factors as follows: the author the Source Text ST producer, norms in the SL, background culture in the ST, writing and printing format of ST, and the topictheme discussed in the ST. 28 Susan Bassnet, Translation Studies New York: Routledge, 2002, p. 12 29 Benny Hoedoro Hoed, op.cit., p. 79 16 There are also some factors influenced the TL text: calon pembaca yang diperkirakan, norma yang berlaku dalam bahasa sasaran BSa, kebudayaan yang melatari teks sasaran Tsa, budaya tulis dan cetak TSa, dan penerjemah 30 the target reader of the Target Text TT, norms in the TL, background culture in the TT, writing and printing format of the TT, and the translator. Nida even points out that, “For truly successful translation, biculturalism is even more important than bilingualism, since words only have meanings in terms of the cultures in which they function.” 31 Therefore, the relation between translation and culture should become consideration for the translators to render what is in the ST to the TT carefully; particularly to the cultural text such as literary works; poems, films, plays, prose, novels, lyrics, etc. The message which the target readers of the TT get or feel from it, should be the same way with the reader of the original work acquired. Thus, the translated text readers will understand what the author intended, then the text itself is readable or understandable.

C. Translation Method

Before translating a text, it is important for translators to determine the target readers and the purpose of the text itself, what it is made for. Consequently, the translator will consciously or not use the method of translation which appropriate for the target reader and the purpose. In this context, Hoed defines method as prinsip yang mendasari cara kita menerjemahkan yang sudah barang 30 Ibid. 31 Wenfeng Yang, op.cit. 17 tentu bermuara pada bentuk jenis terjemahannya 32 the principle which forming the way we translate, which absolutely ends up in a form kind of the translation. According to Newmark’s concept, there are eight methods of translation. They are divided into two groups; each group consists of four methods. The first four are SL oriented SL emphasis and the rest are TL oriented TL emphasis. Again, he describes those methods in a diagram namely „V Diagram’ below: SL Emphasis TL Emphasis Word-for-word Adaptation Literal translation Free translation Faithful translation Idiomatic translation Semantic translation Communicative translation Figure 1: Translation Methods by Peter Newmark 33 The SL emphasis translation methods are represented by word-for-word translation, literal translation, faithful translation, and semantic translation. Dalam metode jenis ini, penerjemah berupaya mewujudkan kembali dengan setepat- tepatnya makna kontestual TSu, meskipun dijumpai hambatan sintaksis dan semantis pada TSa yakni hambatan bentuk dan makna In those methods, translators try to recreate the contextual meaning in the SL precisely, though they will be faced by syntactic and semantic obstacles in the TL the obstacles of form and meaning. 34 Those methods above will be explained as follow: 32 Benny Hoedoro Hoed, op.cit., p. 55 33 Peter Newmark, op. cit., p. 45 34 Rochayah Machali, op. cit., p. 76