Dulmajid “Man Jadda Wajada” Is The Best Motto For The Students To Achieve The Dreams Viewed From The Novel Negeri 5 Menara By Ahmad Fuadi


4.6 Dulmajid

Dulmajid is a jet-skinned boy, with glasses, his face hard and came from Madura. He is son of a farmer of salt in Sumenep, Madura. Dulmajid’s age is three years older than Alif which is about 18 years old and has graduated from senior high school such as Said and Atang. He feels fortunate to go to Pondok Madani. His goal is to prosper his family. “Nasib kami para petani garam masih tetap asin, belum manis. Penghasilan kami naik turun tergantung harga garam nasional. Ekonomi kami lemah dan pendidikan kurang baik,” katanya menerawang, mengingat dulu dia ikut membantu orang-tuanya bertani garam.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 243. Dulmajid is good at lobbying. When they read the newspaper on the panel that the Indonesia Badminton Team into Thomas Cup semifinal lead by Dulmajid idol, Icuk Sugiarto, the Sahibul Menara is so busy talking about how they can see the game on television, while the television itself is forbidden to be seen by the students In Pondok Madani. Unexpectedly Dulmajid provides incredible crazy idea. He tries to lobby teacher who holds supreme power rules and the most feared teacher at Pondok Madani, namely Ustad Torik. With a piece of magic words “Man Jadda Wajada” he tries to convince his friends. An unexpected thing happens that Dulmajid’s lobbying effort is succeed. Finally, there is a history of Pondok Madani that students may watch television. After the event the game is over, his friends still have no idea how Dulmajid able to do so. Finally he tells how to lobbying Ustad Torik. “Nah, waktu itu aku bilang kalau aku kagum sama permainannya. Aku bilang, “Ustad, lon antum itu mirip Liem Swie King”. Dia menggeleng tidak yakin. Lalu aku tantang: kalau gak percaya kita tonton siaran langsung besok malam.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 188 Universitas Sumatera Utara 45 Dulmajid loves to read and idolizes player of badminton named Icuk Sugiato. Therefore, he joins into the libraries teams and badminton teams. “Sedangkan Dulmajid, tidak lain dan tidak bukan, memuaskan nafsu membacanya dengan bergabung sebagai tim perpustakaan. Dengan menjadi bagian tim ini dia bisa setiap hari dikelilingi buku. Sesekali dia ikut membantu majalah Syams. Dan dalam rangka ingin menjadi seperti Icuk Sugiarto, Dulmajid juga mendaftar sebagai anggota klub bulutangkis.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 164 Because of his hobby is reading books, Dulmajid have made several scientific papers in the Pondok Madani. No wonder that his efforts he got a position as one of the five editors of the Syams magazine. “Dulmajid, kawan Maduraku yang lugu dapat jabatan yang mungkin paling tepat: salah seorang dari lima redaktur majalah Syams. Selama ini dia adalah sosok yang selalu serius dan keras hati untuk merebut target- targetnya. Misalnya, dia rela 1 bulan berturut-turut di perpustakaan hanya untuk mendalami zanah sejarah Marco Polo dan Ibnu Batutah.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 305 Dulmajid hangs his ideals. At the time of his other friends see clouds like map of the world and want to go abroad, Dulmajid can not look like his friends. As with Said, Dulmajid assumes that the cloud is in the sky of Indonesia and somehow imagining, that Indonesia remains. Then he hangs the noble ideals after graduated from Pondok Madani. Dulmajid’s goals are very noble, he wants to go home to his village and build an Islamic School in Sumenep. “Nanti, setamat di PM, dia ingin pulang kampung, memerdekakan kampungnya dari keterbelakangan dengan membangun sekolah. Untuk menambah nafkah, dia ingin menjadi guru di berbagai sekolah agama yang butuh seorang lulusan pondok.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 243. Universitas Sumatera Utara 46 At the end of the story, Atang says that Said and Dulmajid set up an Islamic school in with spirit such as in Pondok Madani in Surabaya fit their ideals under the tower with friends, Sahibul Menara. Dulmajid is described as a child who comes from an ordinary family. Hes a diligent, clever lobbying and idolizes Icuk Sugiarto. Dulmajid serves as an editor of the Syams magazine in Pondok Madani. Dulmajid is a good child also, that he wants the welfare of his family and build an Islamic school in the village. At the end of the story, Dulmajid successfully realizes his goal of building an Islamic boarding school with Said in Surabaya.

4.7 The Setting of Pondok Madani