Data Analysis Alif Fikri


3.2 Data Collection

The writer uses library research to collect data related to the analysis, such as the quotations from the novel. The writer has to read the novel Negeri 5 Menara for several times to make him understand the story. After having understood it, the writer classifies the characters and setting of place. After taking the data from the novel, and the author focuses to collect information about physics, status and morals from the six characters and setting of place. Then the Writer makes a conclusion about the characters in a physical, status, and moral forms, and information about setting made to complement the responses from each characters. For the extrinsic data, the writer will find information about the Pondok Gontor and Ahmad Fuadi as the author from books and the internet. Then the data is sorted and summarized to make the description of the six characters, the setting of place, the relationship between Pondok Madani and Pondok Gontor, and the relationship between Alif and the author, Ahmad Fuadi. After all, the writer makes conclusions about it.

3.3 Data Analysis

After collecting the data from the novel “Negeri 5 Menara” by Ahmad Fuadi, the next step is describing the data. The data is analyzed by using descriptive research which is to describe descriptively about the characters and the setting of place that is written in the novel. The writer finds the relationships between the characters, their dreams and their success achieving these dreams that never getting loose with the motto “Man Jadda Wajada”. To get the data from the text, the writer uses the intrinsic approach belongs to Wellek and Warren 1977:139 who stated that the natural and sensible starting point for work in literary scholarship is the interpretation and analysis of the works of literature themselves. After reading the Universitas Sumatera Utara 21 novel then get the data, the data is classified into the six elements of prose to make the unity of the analysis. The elements of prose such as plot, character, setting, theme, style and point of view. Then, The writer uses Welleck and Warren concept about literature and society to explain the relevance between Pondok Madani with Pesantren Gontor and Alif as the central character with Ahmad Fuadi as the author. Thus, it means that the writer will retrieve data from novel, books and from internet. Universitas Sumatera Utara 22 IV. ANALYSIS AND FINDING The author will discuss six main characters in novel Negeri 5 Menara by Ahmad Fuadi. The central character of six figures is Alif Fikri. They are students in 1988 at Pondok Madani. They are called as Sahibul Menara or tower owners because they often gather under the tower near to the Mosque. Under this tower they see clouds in the sky shaped like a world map of the America, Europe, Asia and Africa. They imagine and hang their dreams to go to the continent and the country as they look in the clouds.

4.1 Alif Fikri

Alif Fikri is a 15-year-old, skinny, small, wear glasses and straight-haired. He is the first child in his family. Alif lives in a rented house with his parents and two younger sisters around the edge of Maninjau Lake in West Sumatra. He has just finished school in Madrasah Tsanawiyah or Junior High School secondary school. Alif wants to continue his education to the Senior High School SMA as his promise to his friend, Randai. But his desire is hindered by his mother’s desire who wants Alif go to Islamic boarding school in order to become a great religious leader such as the ideals of his mother during Alif in the womb. When entering the Islamic boarding school, Alif makes friend with the Raja, Atang, Said, Dulmajid and Baso after six of them suspended from their senior’s punishment because of coming late to the mosque. Since that time they become familiar, especially living in the barracks. In Pondok Madani, Alif follows the activities outside of class, he chooses to join in the magazine in Pondok Madani because Alif is interested in writing and Universitas Sumatera Utara 23 photographing. And finally he applies for and takes a test and then becomes the journalist of Syams magazine. For sports, Alif chooses martial arts and football, but because the schedule of the martial art does not fit with writing activities in Syams, he just chooses football, because he remembers the words of Kiai Rais. “Sayang, jadwal latihan silat tidak cocok dengan jadwal latihan menulis di Syams. Akhirnya aku memilih sepakbola saja. Kata Kiai Rais, “pilihlah kegiatan berdasarkan minat dan bakatmu sehingga bisa mengerjakannya dengan penuh kesenangan dan hasil bagus.” Memang kalau sudah main bola dan menulis rasanya tidak ada capeknya.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 161 Alif is always interested in writing, especially because his teacher Ustad Salman always encourages him and says that if he wants to write a good story and easy to read, using storytelling and literary language, he should read magazine Tempo frequently, because it has a high standard language. Alif is always fascinated by the exciting reports Tempo journalists from various countries. Since the time he wants to change his ideals as Mr.Habibie, become a journalists in Tempo. “Walau sekarang ada di PM, belajarnya adalah agama, aku tidak malu bermimpi suatu saat bisa menjadi wartawan Tempo yang melaporkan berita-berita penting dan terhormat dari berbagai belahan dunia. Diam- diam aku mulai mempertimbangkan mengganti cita-citaku dari Habibie menjadi wartawan Tempo.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 172 Because of his hobby is writing, eventually he is promoted becoming an editor of Syams magazine with Dulmajid. Alif is a hesitant child. At the time of the exam, Alif always feels a very heavy burden. In Pondok Madani, examination is in two types namely, oral exams and writing exams. Alif is very aware of his weakness in term of memorizing and Arabic. Alif is not sure of himself that the quality of his Arabic language can make him up to the next grade. He feels inferior when compared himself with Raja and Universitas Sumatera Utara 24 Baso who is great in memorizing the lessons and has a good vocabulary in Arabic, but he does not give up in the exam, he has plans to make the test going smoothly namely to pray and worship, eat nutritious foods and drink multivitamin, honey and eggs. And the most important of all is staying up all night and wake up to learn that termed Sahirul Lail. “Sahirul lail maknanya kira-kira begadang sampai jauh malam untuk belajar dan membaca buku. Sebuah pepatah Arab berbunyi: Man thalabal fula sahiral loyali. Siapa yang ingin mendapatkan kemuliaan, maka bekerjalah sampai jauh malam. Dan aku ingin mencari kemuliaan itu.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 196 The hard test does not make Alif and friends become down, but they even more courage. They are so eager and try to out of the line of themselves to achieve more success. However Alif still feels frustration with the test. He feels un- confidence since so many memorize subject in Pondok Madani, while he realizes that his weakness is in it, even he ever think whether he is still fit in there or not. Alif has a high imagination and ambition. After the test, he and his Sahibul Menara’s friends usually gather under the tower while enjoying the fresh air and feel freedom. Under the tower he looks up the sky and imagines the continent of American. He wants to go there since he is influenced by Ustadz Salman and news from VOA radio, then he tells his friends about his imagination. “Aku melihat dunia di awan-awan itu,” kataku sok puitis. Aku gerakkan telunjukku menunjukkan garis-garis imajiner di awan kepada Raja yang duduk di sampingku. Kami samasama menengadah. “Benua Amerika,” kataku.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 208 It turns out that his friends also imagine the same thing. They imagine about the other continent namely Europe, Asia and Africa. And just like the other time, Alif Universitas Sumatera Utara 25 feels doubt himself can go there. Before going to bed at night, he writes his ambitions in his diary but he is still doubt can go to America. Is this dream makes sense, because he is conscious of being in Pondok Madani which later will become a teacher and preacher. But by a piece of the magic spell that Man Jadda wajada, then he makes up his mind. “Di kepalaku berkecamuk badai mimpi. Tekad sudah aku bulatkan: kelak aku ingin menuntut ilmu keluar negeri, kalau perlu sampai ke Amerika. Dengan sepenuh hati, aku torehkan tekad ini dengan huruf besar-besar. Ujung penaku sampai tembus ke halaman sebelahnya. Meninggalkan jejak yang dalam. “Man jadda wajadda. Bismillah”. Aku yakin Tuhan Maha Mendengar.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 212 Alif is a young man who likes the opposite sex. In Pondok Madani very rarely find a woman, so when there is a gossip about a young and beautiful woman, the daughter of Ustad Khalid and being the hot news for weeks at Pondok Madani. Raja gives a challenge to Alif if he can get acquaintance with the girl named Sarah and as a reward he will treat makrunah for a month. Makrunah is a typical menu in the cafeteria as favorite menu in Pondok Madani – it is made from fat noodle wallowing in ketchup, fried onions and chopped cengek. Alif deals with it, but Raja gives the heavier requirements that he has to take a photograph together with Sarah. Alif does not give up and has faith and keep to try. By a piece of magic words Man Jadda Wajada, he tries to make it happen and proves to Raja. Alif soon devises a plan to make it happen. First he tries to come home directly to Ustad Khalid to ask about the lessons. But he realizes that Ustad Khalid does not teach in his class, but he is not desperate, he tries to use his position as a campus reporter to interview Ustad and hope to meet Sarah. “Cara yang kedua yang lebih mungkin adalah memanfaatkan kedudukanku sebagai wartawan majalah kampus Syams. Aku bisa Universitas Sumatera Utara 26 mengajukan surat untuk wawancara panjang dengan Ustad Khalid, untuk dimuat sebagai rubrik “Mengenal Guru Kita”. Wawancara seperti ini sudah beberapa kali aku melakukannya dengan ustad senior” Fuadi, A. 2009: 236 After two weeks of procrastinating, finally Alif goes to Ustadz Khalid’s house and then a few days later he is able to interview. When he finishes interviewing at afternoon, in the evening Alif stays up to wait for the print in Syams magazine. Then the next morning, he took the magazine to Ustad Khalid’s house and meets Sarah. Immediately he tells to his Sahibul friends, but Raja says that if there is no picture then no for makrunah. Alif is not concerned about the bet, the most important is he has met Sarah, the girl who becomes the gossip of the students in Pondok Madani. “Tidak apa-apa. Yang penting kalian tahu aku telah bertemu Sarah”. Sa-rah. Bunyinya terus berkumandang di gendang telingaku” Fuadi, A. 2009: 256 Alif is a lucky boy. Two weeks after interviewing Ustad Khalid, Alif is asked to take a photograph of Ustad Khalid’s family, and after photographing then they talk. In this conversation is known that Alif is the nephew of Mr. Etek Gindo who is also a friend of Ustad Khalid in Egypt. Then Alif is brave to take pictures with Ustad Khalid, the reason is to be sent as a memento to Mr. Etek Gindo. Aku sempat ragu-ragu. Tapi kemudian aku memberanikan diri untuk meminta izin berfoto bersama dengan mereka sekeluarga. Alasanku, untuk kenang-kenangan dan dikirimkan ke Pak Etek Gindo. Ustad Khalid sama sekali tidak keberatan. Dengan menggunakan timer, aku ikut di dalam frame. Jepret” Fuadi, A. 2009: 262 Alif shows the photo to his friend at the under of the tower. They do not believe that Alif can get a photo with Sarah and wins the bet. Universitas Sumatera Utara 27 Alif is a child who never gave up. When Alif gets punishment for the first time as a jasus or spy, Alif has trouble because he does not find people who make mistakes. His friends try to help but Alif refuses it. He thinks that the personal mistakes must be paid individually, with the spirit and the magic words Man Jadda Wajada, to shows his sincerity, he devises a plan to immediately complete the task with the time remaining. Alif’s effort is not in vain. He succees to do it. “Rumus man jadda wajada terbukti mujarab. Kesungguhanku segera dibalas kontan. Dalam tempo hanya satu jam saja, ajaib kedua kartuku terisi. Aku memergoki seorang anak kelas 3 memotong antri diam-diam di kamar mandi umum. Sementara dilapangan basket, seorang kawan makan dan minum sambil berdiri. Aturan di PM, makan dan minum harus sambil duduk.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 82 Alif is a child who is not accustomed to lie. At the time of the dissolution of Class Six Show organized by the sixth grade at Pondok Madani, Alif accidentally says that he is supposed to keep secret. He says that himself with Atang and Said without asking for permission to buy dry ice to Surabaya for their show in front of friends and Ustad torik which is a discipline that dreaded teacher at Pondok Madani. “Iya, contohnya ketika kita tiba-tiba harus ke Surabaya untuk membeli es kering. Kalau sudah kita rencanakan dari awal, kita tidak perlu tergesa- gesa seperti itu,” kataku sambil mengenang perjalanan ini.” “Surabaya? Daun Telinga Ustad Torik langsung tegak berdiri” Fuadi, A. 2009: 350-351 Consequently Alif, Atang and Said are asked to overlook the KP Kantor Pengasuhancare office and get the bald head as punishment. Alif is a clever child. It is proved that he get exam score that included ten highest in Agam District. Universitas Sumatera Utara 28 “Aku tegak di atas panggung aula madrasah negeri setingkat SMP. Sambil mengguncang-guncang telapak tanganku, Pak Sikumbang, Kepala Sekolahku memberi selamat karena nilai ujianku termasuk sepuluh yang tertinggi di Kabupaten Agam” Fuadi, A. 2009: 5 He wants to continue his study to senior high school and wants to achieve his dream to study at UI, ITB and become like his idol, Mr. Habibie. His mother does not give him permission. After arguing a lot with her mother and locked himself in a room for three days, he receives a letter from Mr. Etek Gindo or his uncle who is in Egypt and suggests that Alif shpuld into existing Pondok Madani in East Java. “…Pak Etek punya banyak teman di Mesir yang lulusan Pondok Madani di Jawa Timur. Mereka pintar-pintar, bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Arabnya fasih. Di Madani itu mereka tinggal di asrama dan diajar disiplin untuk bisa bahasa asing setiap hari. Kalau tertarik, mungkin sekolah ke sana bisa jadi pertimbangan…” Fuadi, A. 2009: 12 After a rather long thought, finally he decides to continue his education at Pondok Madani. Alif is struck by a piece of foreign words at the beginning of a magical incantation inside the madrasah, Man Jadda wajada means that: Whos earnest, will succeed. Alif and his friends get the nickname Sahibul Menara. Alif and his friends often gather under the tower which is beside the mosque and had a small garden. Because they too often gather under the tower, they are called by his friends as Sahibul Menara means the tower owner. “Saking seringnya kami berkumpul di kaki menara, kawan-kawan lain menggelari kami dengan Sahibul Menara, orang yang punya menara” Fuadi, A. 2009: 94. Universitas Sumatera Utara 29 Alif is a child who is difficult to memorize the lessons. In Pondok Madani requires many lessons for memorizing such aphorisms in Arabic. Every time there is a lesson that requires memorizing, he often exposes to punishment stand up in front of the class while holding a book. He feels there is something lacking in his head in terms of memorizing lessons. “Entah chip apa yang kurang di kepalaku, begitu berhadapan dengan hapalan, otakku langsung hang. Bagiku, menghapal letter teks adalah cobaan pedih.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 116 Alif loved English lessons and calligraphy. For calligraphy, he loves it even more because it does not require memorizing but to practice. According Alif calligraphy is full of meaning. “Aku sendiri sangat suka pelajaran khatul arabi atau kaligrafi Arab. Anggapanku selama ini salah, ternyata kaligrafi tidak hanya bagaimana menuliskan abjad Arab dengan benar, tapi juga bagaimana menorehkannya dengan sabar, indah dan konsisten.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 114 Alif is a child who is shy to perform himself in public. In Pondok Madani, there are three times a week held a speech lessons in English, Arabic and Indonesian and must be performed in front of 40 people or more from other class. At the week he gets turn to speech in English, he realizes that hes not comfortable in public and now has to deliver a speech in a foreign language. He finally asks his friend to help him learn how to be a good orator. After his turn is finished, he is more confident of himself to appear in public. “Dulu aku anak yang sangat pemalu untuk tampil di depan umum, apalagi harus berpidato panjang lebar. Kini, tiga kali latihan pidato dalam seminggu, latihan menjadi imam shalat, belum lagi berbagai kegiatan seperti pramuka, pelan-pelan menambah kepercayaan diriku di muka umum. Kalau dulu tanganku dingin dan suaraku bergetar-getar seperti mau menangis, sekarang tanganku terkepal dan suaraku mulai bisa normal.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 158 Universitas Sumatera Utara 30 Alif is a careless child. When he is asked to take photograph with Ustad Khalid and family, after taking a few pictures, he realizes that the numbers on the camera do not change. When he reaches into his pants pockets turned out he forgets to put the film in his camera. Due to this, he is nervous and shy, especially in front of the woman he loves, Sarah. Ustad, mohon maaf, ada kesalahan teknis. Filmnya belum dipasang,” kataku. Mukaku merah seperti kepiting dibakar. Aku menangkap getar di kumisnya, tapi wajah Ustad Khalid tidak berubah.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 260. Alif achieves his goals. Few years after graduated from Pondok Madani, he eventually becomes a journalist from Indonesia who works in the United States. It is because his experience ever been editor of the magazine in Pondok Madani. “Kantorku berada di Independence Avenue, jalan yang selalu riuh dengan pejalan kaki dan lalu lintas mobil. Diapit dua tempat tujuan wisata terkenal di ibukota Amerika Serikat, The Capitol and The Mall, tempat berpusatnya aneka museum Smithsonian yang tidak bakal habis dijalani sebulan. Posisi kantorku hanya sepelemparan batu dari di The Capitol, beberapa belas menit naik mobil ke kantor George Bush di Gedung Putih, kantor Colin Powell di Department of State, markas FBI, dan Pentagon. Lokasi impian banyak wartawan.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 2 In this novel Alif is described as a 15-year-old, has high ideals, persistent, kind, and creative. He has friends who are familiar and well and want to help him. He is a clever boy, shy, hesitant and also not good at lying. He serves as an editor at Pondok Madani Magazine, Syams. He is successful in realizing his dream to go to America. Universitas Sumatera Utara 31

4.2 Said Jufri