Said Jufri “Man Jadda Wajada” Is The Best Motto For The Students To Achieve The Dreams Viewed From The Novel Negeri 5 Menara By Ahmad Fuadi


4.2 Said Jufri

Said is nineteen years old who comes from Surabaya. He is a big boy in the class. His arms are big, hard muscled, muscular chest and shoulders. He has black hair, thick eyebrows, mustache, nose and cheekbone features complement the firm faces the Arabic. Although he is just nineteen years old, his face is like a father aged 40 years old. Said has completed high school SMA. He is a naughty boy, but now he is repent and wants to learn religion. “Makhluk paling raksasa di kelas adalah Said Jufri yang berasal dari Surabaya. Lengannya yang legam sebesar tiang telepon dan berbuku- buku oleh otot keras serta ditumbuhi bulu-bulu panjang keriting. Bajunya yang berbahan jatuh mencetak dada dan bahunya yang kekar. Rambut hitam ikal, alis tebal, kumis melintang, fitur hidung dan tulang pipinya tegas melengkapi wajah Arabnya. Dia memang keturunan kelima dari saudagar Arab yang mendarat dan menetap di kaisan Ampel, Surabaya. Walau berwajah Arab, tapi medok suroboyoan. Walau umurnya baru 19 tahun, wajahnya seperti bapak-bapak berumur 40 tahun” Fuadi, A. 2009: 45 Said is a strong man. First day in Pondok Madani, he buys supplies for the barrack. Said shows his strength exceeds that of his friends to lift cabinets from a cooperative to his room, while the others struggle to lift cabinets and other items. But Said’s braveness seems distorted when they make a mistake that is coming late to the mosque and get punishment as a Jasus or spy. “Hanya Said yang mencoba terlihat gagah dan tabah menerima keadaan ini. Sayang, kumisnya kali ini tampak layu, kalah wibawa dengan kumis para kakak keamanan. Kepala kami menunduk dalam, posisi duduk semakin berdempet-dempetan. Fuadi, A. 2009: 74 Said is the owner of a good idea. Said and his friends like to gather and learn together. Thus, they try to find a place that is very safe and quiet without being disturbed by other people to learn together. By the time they are confused where Universitas Sumatera Utara 32 exactly matching, Said gives an input a place that fit with their desires. Then they follow the instructions, finally they find the tower which has the garden under it. “Kemarin waktu dihukum membersihkan masjid, aku kebagian membersihkan menara. Ternyata dasar menara ini tempat yang enak untuk istirahat,” kata Said memperlihatkan temuannya. Fuadi, A. 2009: 93 They finally agree that under of the tower is very suitable for gather place. Firstly because it is close to the mosque, the second is not monitored by security officers and third because this place is shady so fitting to assemble. Based on an idea from Said to gather under the tower, this is the beginning they are named Sahibul Menara or people who have the tower. Said who is a big fan of actor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Said invites his friends to Ponorogo for refreshing. Once they take pains to ask permission to KP care office using a variety of reasons they eventually allowed to Ponorogo. They rent bicycles to get there. Said is so infatuated with the all action films involving the muscular actor. In front of a cinema in Ponorogo Said sees the poster Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger. “Wah luar biasa. Ck…ck…” Said terpana sampai sepeda nya hampir menyelonong masuk selokan. Dengan mukanya tidak lepas dari poster Terminator, dia merebahkan sepedanya di pinggir jalan. Wajah Arnold Schwarzenegger yang dilukis di kain maha besar ini bergerak-gerak ditiup angin. Said terpana melihat idolanya berkacamata hitam memegang senapan dan.otot bertonjolan hampir sebesar sapi bunting.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 129 After seeing the poster, Said promises to watch the film when the holidays come. When the holidays come, Said keeps his promise. Said asks Alif, Atang and Baso to come to his house in Surabaya. He buys them tickets to watch the Terminator movies in theater in Surabaya. Universitas Sumatera Utara 33 Said’s hobby is sport. In Pondok Madani there are many extracurricular activities that can be followed by the students. Each student is free to choose the activities they like, including Said. He is a person who likes sports and he is a main player in the football of the barrack. He joins in almost all sports that exist in Pondok Madani. “Said dengan semangat memilih hampir semua cabang olahraga yang ada, mu lai silat, sepakbola dan terakhir body building. Aku tidak habis pikir bagaimana dia membagi waktu latihan. “Kalau diniatkan, semuanya bisa diatur akhi,” jawabnya sambil bergegas memakai sepatu bola. Belakangan dia menyerah juga dan hanya memilih 4 cabang olahraga.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 162 Said is a sleeper. Although Said is a head of class who is strong and authoritative, but he likes sleepy in class also. One afternoon when they are gathering at the mosque to read the Quran, Said seems so sleepy that starts with a light swing head forwards and withered neck and chin touching chest. At that time, Alif tries to wake him up, but then just a while, Said wakes up then falls to his left side and immediately wake up. No wonder the few friends who see the incident immediately laugh. “Bosan dengan upaya yang gagal, aku menyerah dan membiarkan Said berayun-ayun terus. Tiba-tiba saja, badan Said yang besar rebah ke samping kirinya dengan bunyi gedebuk. Said yang segera terbangun kaget sekali menemukan dirinya dalam posisi setengah tidur.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 70 Said is someone who is mature and positive thinking. A day after Said and his friends take over as a spy in center security, his friends feel stressed with their current position entailed. But Said feels it is not a punishment, he tries to take it positively and forget the negative as perceived by his friends. Universitas Sumatera Utara 34 “Alah cuma gini aja kok bingung. Daripada masdhuk, coba kalian lihat ini sebagai permainan. Bayangkan kayak permainan petak umpet. Cuma wilayah pencariannya berhektar-hektar dan waktu bermainnya 24 jam. Asyik, kan? Kapan lagi kita bisa main petak umpet sehebat ini,” katanya dengan serius.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 79 By the time, their friendship is very strong. Said, the oldest man grows into their informal leader. Because he is one of the oldest students in his class, Said becomes the head of class. His body is like a father and his way of thinking such adult that made him acceptable as a leader. Perawakan yang seperti orangtua dan cara berpikirnya yang deisa membuat kami menerimanya sebagai yang terdepan. Dia kerap jadi tempat kami bertanya kata akhir kalau ada masalah. Aku sendiri mengagumi caranya melihat segala sesuatu dengan positif.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 156 Said wants to be a censorer in Pondok Madani, Pondok Madani is very strict to censor any incoming information, including newspapers. Only newspapers in the paste on the panels are available and sometimes there are some censored like movie advertisement. As a result of these censors, they can only read the title of the film vaguely, but Said is a person who likes to watch movies, Due to this, Said aspires to be a censorer in Pondok Madani. Said paling kesal dengan sensor ini. Kekesalan ini menjelma jadi cita- cita. “Aku ingin menjadi tukang sensor ini saja nanti,” katanya setiap kami berdesakkan membaca koran sore hari.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 171. Said hangs his goals. When the Sahibul Menara look at the sky under the tower and imagines the clouds such as the world map and they want to come there, but Said does not see the relevance of the cloud as his friends look. Said assumes that the cloud is in Indonesia and in this countries where fighting and this is the most Universitas Sumatera Utara 35 appropriate place to do good things. This is the nationalist characteristic of Said. “Aku juga. Setelah sekolah, aku balik ke Kampung Ampel, dan memperbaiki mutu sekolah dan madrasah yang ada,” kata Said.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 210 Said achieves his goals. By the time they are in the sixth grade, they are all called to care office for given the authorized. Said is the first called. An hour later he is out of care office, he tells his friends that he gets a job as a censorer. “Aku menjadi ketua tukang sensor” katanya tersenyum memperlihatkan sebuah surat bersampul cokelat. Kami tertawa dan menepuk-nepuk punggungnya, memberi selamat atas jabatan baru itu : menjadi anggota elit “The Magnificent Seven” tujuh orang terpilih pembela keamanan dunia PM. Ini sesuai dengan cita-citanya dulu di depan panel koran. Dialah badan sensor koran, seperti yang diidam-idamkan,” Fuadi, A. 2009: 299. Finally Said’s ideals envisioned as a censorer is reached. This position is suitable for him because of his body is big and muscular. At the end of the story also said that Said manages to realize his dream at a time under the tower that is fighting for education with Dulmajid. “Atang mendapat kabar kalau kini Said meneruskan bisnis batik keluarga Jufri di Pasar Ampel, Surabaya. Sesuai cita-cita mereka dulu, Said dan Dulmajid bekerja sama mendirikan sebuah pondok dengan semangat PM di Surabaya.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 403 Said is described as an adult child, always think positive, strong, kind-hearted and good at sports. In Pondok Madani, Said ever be punished that is bald head. When the first day of class 6, Said serves as chairman of the sensor information. Said realizes his goal of building a boarding school with Dulamajid in Surabaya and runs his family’s batik business at the Market of Ampel, in Surabaya. 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4.3 Raja Lubis