Atang “Man Jadda Wajada” Is The Best Motto For The Students To Achieve The Dreams Viewed From The Novel Negeri 5 Menara By Ahmad Fuadi


4.4 Atang

Atang is a tall boy with short hair upright, wears glasses and a white-faced and has a rough beard. Atang comes from Bandung. Atang is three years older than Alif, it is about 18 years old and has graduated from senior high school in the major of Physics. Atang is a good and he is generous child. When the holidays come and all his friends back to their hometown, he is sad to see the Alif and Baso will only spend the holidays in Pondok Madani. He invites them to have holiday in his house in Bandung. “Aku juga tidak punya duit sekarang. Tapi aku bisa menjamin makan dan tinggal kalian nanti gratis selama di Bandung. Pergi ke Bandung jelas tidak bayar karena naik mobil bapakku. Untuk ongkos kembali dari Bandung ke PM aku bisa meminjamkan nanti. Bagaimana?” bujuk Atang. Fuadi, A. 2009: 217. In the first period at the Senior High school, Atang is a theater performer. He also helps Alif when he gets turn to give a speech. As theater performer he knows several techniques of pronunciation. He gives the pronunciation techniques in order to voice becomes round and loud that he knows it from a theater play. This technique is taught to Alif so that Alif’s speech sounds good. “Lif, coba tahan napas di perut, dan keluarkan seakan-akan suara dari perut. Dijamin suara lebih lantang,” katanya sambil memperagakan.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 152 His theater habit is continued in Pondok Madani, because he wants to continue his hobby from the senior high school. Besides theater, Atang has a hidden goal that is he wants to be able to read the Quran as he sings. Atang decides to join a group that specifically hone chanting Quran, although he realizes that his voice is mediocre. Universitas Sumatera Utara 40 Atang hangs his ideals. When he with his friends Sahibul Menara imagine the clouds in the sky as a world map, Atang imagines the clouds look like Asia and Africa. Atang really wants to go there after reading a book about the civilization of Egypt and the Middle East. “Menurutku, tempat yang perlu didatangi itu Timur Tengah dan Afrika, karena sering disebut dalam kitab suci agama samawi. Pasti tempat ini menarik untuk didatangi. Apalagi Mesir yang disebut ibu peradaban dunia. Ada Laut Merah, Kairo, Piramid, dan sampai kampus Al Azhar. Siapa tahu nanti aku bisa kuliah ke sana,” tekad Atang. Fuadi, A. 2009: 209 Atang achieves his goals. In recent years, Atang developes rapidly. He studies other types of art such as music, calligraphy, pantomin, etc. His seriousness in the arts, Atang is rewarded with a center post of the Arts Council. “Atang yang pernah bercita-cita menjadi bagian penerimaan tamu, mendapat kepercayaan menjadi Dewan Kesenian Pusat. Selama beberapa tahun ini, jiwa seni yang mengalir deras di tubuh Atang terus berkembang.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 304 At the end of the story, after a dozen years later Atang is gathering with Alif and Raja in England. They are talking about their past. Atang has information about all the friends Sahibul Menara. Atang is studying in Cairo and become a PhD student at the University of Al-Azhar now. “Sedangkan Atang sendiri telah delapan tahun menuntut ilmu di Kairo dan sekarang menjadi mahasiswa program doktoral untuk ilmu hadist di Universitas Al-Azhar.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 403. They do not expect their pranks under the tower and imagine the clouds to map the world become into reality. Atang is described as a generous child, a performer in theater since senior high school and has high artistic soul that he gets a job as an arts council center in Pondok Madani. Atang achieves his goals that he wants to go to the Middle East, and eventually he becomes a student of Doctoral Program in Cairo. Universitas Sumatera Utara 41

4.5 Baso Salahuddin