Relationship between Literature and Society in the Novel “Negeri 5

53 Madani often used as a tourist destination. Especially when the 70 th anniversary of Pondok Madani. They made the events held during the full of month and is attended by the great people in this country from the Commander in Chief to the President of Republic of Indonesia. “Menurut Ustad Salman, PM akan mengadakan syukuran akbar dengan menggelar berbagai acara mulai dari seminar nasional sampai bazaar, mengundang tokoh nasional mulai dari presiden, cendekia sampai konglomerat, dan mengadakan pertandingan mulai dari sepakbola antar pondok sampai antar asrama. Semua kegiatan ini dikemas dengan judul “Milad 70 tahun PM”. Semua acara ini berlangsung selama lebih dari satu bulan.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 326 In this novel tells that Pondok Madani is an independent boarding school because its school is able to fulfill its own needs. Pondok Madani is one of the famous boarding schools in Java and in Indonesia. Its students come from around the country and at the time of held the event, guests also come from the officer, General, to President. The system of education Pondok Madani consists of formal education, informal and extracurricular for 24 hours. Regulations made also very strict and not only as a punishment but rather as an education to educate students.

4.8 Relationship between Literature and Society in the Novel “Negeri 5

Menara” Welleck and Warren described one relationship between literature and society is the sociology of author with social background and status of the author. In this section will describe how Pondok Madani synonymous with Pondok Gontor such as education, environment, and alumni. In the novel Negeri 5 Menara, the author tells of a boarding school called Pondok Madani which is actually Pondok Gontor in East Universitas Sumatera Utara 54 Java and the author is an alumni of the boarding school. Pondok Gontor is founded on April 10, 1926 in Ponorogo, East Java by three brothers son of Kiai Besari Santoso Anom. The three brothers are KH Ahmad Sahal, KH Zainuddin Fananie, and KH Imam Zarkasy later known as Trimurti. Kulliyatul-Muallimin al-Islamiyah KMI is a secondary education in Pondok Gontor equivalent to junior high and high school. The period of study can be completed with four years and or six years. Hours of study at the Pondok Gontor starts at 4:30 and ends at 22:00. Hours of study is divided into two parts: 1 Formal education begins at 07:00 to 12:15 and 2 24- hour care. In the novel Negeri 5 Menara is also mentioned that the Pondok Madani adopts the system education of Pondok Gontor that is level with the junior and senior high school. Education system that is used in Pondok Madani is 24 hours mean that everything they do in the schools is to learn. “Pondok Madani memiliki sistem pendidikan 24 jam. Tujuan pendidikannya untuk menghasilkan manusia mandiri yang tangguh. Kiai kami bilang, agar menjadi rahmat bagi dunia dengan bekal ilmu umum dan ilmu agama” Fuadi, A. 2009: 31 KMI divides his formal education that has been applied since 1936. KMI has a regular program and intensive program. Regular program for graduated of elementary school SD Government Elementary School MI with up to a six-year study period. Class I-III level education Junior High School SMP Islamic Junior High School MTs when referring to the national curriculum and class IV-VI is equivalent to high school Madrasah Aliyah MA. KMI intensive programs for graduated from SMP MTs are taken in 4 years. Arabic and English set as the lingua franca and language of education, except for certain subjects must be submitted to the Indonesian. Arabic language is so that students have a strong foundation for Universitas Sumatera Utara 55 learning the basics of religion considering Islamic law is written in Arabic. English language is a tool for studying science public. In the novel Negeri 5 Menara the Author explains that all new students should only use Indonesian for 4 months. The rest of them have to use the existing two official languages those are Arabic and English as a lingua franca for 24 hours. Every morning they are required to learn both official languages with the help of their seniors. “Bagai sebuah konspirasi besar untuk mencuci otak, metode total immersion bahasa ini cocok dengan lingkungan yang sangat mendukung. Apa yang kami dengar, kami lihat, kami tulis dan kami rasakan, semua dalam bahasa resmi, Arab dan Inggris.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 134 Skills, arts, Scouting and sports do not fit into the curriculum but extracurricular activities. Students are taught to socialize with people establish themselves in the Pondok, through the organs of the organization. Starting from the proctor, head of class, head of the group, organization intra extra, to head scout team. In the novel Negeri 5 Menara, author writes the positions which are available in Pondok Madani, such as Alif who becomes the editor of the Syams magazine, Said who becomes the censorer, Raja drives the language center and others. Cost of education for students in KMI is Rp. 480.000 per month, consisting of Rp. 230.000 for money meal and Rp.210.000 for the cost of education. The teachers and caretakers in Pondok Gontor never paid. Pondok Madani in the novel Negeri 5 Menara also tells that every teacher never received a salary, they willingly teach because they think that teaching is worship. To suffice their daily lives, they are given the facility by Pondok Madani. “Jiwa keikhlasan dipertontonkan setiap hari di PM. Guru-guru kami yang tercinta dan hebat-hebat sama sekali tidak menerima gaji untuk mengajar. Mereka semua tinggal di dalam PM dan diberi fasilitas hidup yang cukup, tapi tidak ada gaji. Dengan tidak adanya ekspektasi gaji dari Universitas Sumatera Utara 56 semenjak awal, niat mereka menjadi khalis. Mengajar hanya karena ibadah, karena perintah Tuhan. Titik.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 297 The management of Pondok Gontor performed self-financing and self-managed source of funding comes from the students and their development is managed in several business units to fund education, teaching, and parenting. Pondok Madani is told also that the Pondok is an independent boarding school, which is where the funds come from Pondok Madani itself. Pondok Madani cattle raising beef and dairy cattle. Pondok Madani also has a wide field for self-sufficient. “Selain itu mesin ekonomi PM juga lumayan besar. Beras tidak pernah beli, karena berhektar-hektar sawah milik PM mengirim padi yang kemudian digiling di huller sendiri. Semuanya self sufficient. Mandiri.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 360 Every author is a citizen, he can be studied as a social being. Biography of the author is the primary source, we may also collect information about social background, family background and economic position of the author. Ahmad Fuadi born in Bayur Maninjau, West Sumatra, December 30, 1972. He is a novelist, social worker and former journalists from Indonesia. His first novel is the novel Negeri 5 Menara which is the first book of a trilogy of novels. His fiction considers to foster a passion for achievement. Fuadi founded the Community Towers, a charitable foundation to help underprivileged public education, especially for pre-school age. Community Tower currently has a pre-primary school free in Bintaro, South Tangerang. In the novel Negeri 5 Menara, Ahmad Fuadi tells the character Alif a 15-year-old boy, skinny, small, wears glasses and straight-haired. He is the first child in his family. Alif is living in a rented house with his parents and two younger sisters around the edge of Maninjau Lake in West Sumatra province. Alif is the depiction of the character himself is the author of the novel itself, Ahmad Fuadi. Universitas Sumatera Utara 57 Ahmad Fuadi starts his secondary education at KMI Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo and graduated in 1992. Then continue studying International Relations at Padjadjaran University, after graduating as a journalist of Tempo. His first journalism class lived in report tasks under the guidance of senior journalists Tempo. In 1998, he received a Fulbright scholarship to study S2 in the School of Media and Public Affairs, George Washington University. Migrated to Washington DC with Yayi, who is also his wife --- Tempo journalist. While in college, they became correspondent TEMPO and VOA reporters. In the novel Negeri 5 Menara, Alif finally reaches his goal while at the Pondok Madani wants to go to America. Finally, Alif works as a journalist in Washington DC, capital city of the United States. In this section is explained that the Pondok Madani is a reflection of the Pondok Gontor because of similarities in terms of education equivalent to high school, its education for 24 hours, must have English and Arabic for lingua franca, the extracurricular activities that support the hobby and talent of the students, the teachers who are never paid, and also the source of funds managed by Pondok itself. While, Alif is a reflection of the author, Ahmad Fuadi. Fuadi comes from the edge of the lake Maninjau in West Sumatra, and then continued his education at boarding school, and finally able to achieve his dream to go to America. Universitas Sumatera Utara 58 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS

5.1 Conclusions