Raja Lubis “Man Jadda Wajada” Is The Best Motto For The Students To Achieve The Dreams Viewed From The Novel Negeri 5 Menara By Ahmad Fuadi


4.3 Raja Lubis

Raja is a child who is skinny, clean-skinned, have deep eyes and square face, and he comes from Medan. Hes about two or three years older than Alif which is about 17 or 18 years. He has nine siblings. He is given the mandate by his parents to study religion. Raja failed to enter the Pondok Madani because he signed late in the previous year. During wait for the new school year, he studies in a Pondok not far from Pondok Madani. Raja likes read books and English too. At the first entering the class and all of his friends bring books and Quran, but instead he takes a thick books and one of them is English dictionary. Raja determines to finish reading the dictionary which is very thick. When in English subject, the Raja is the most fluent answer the questions from the teacher. “Cak kau lihat ini bos, judulnya Advanced Learners Oxford Dictionary, kamus Bahasa Inggris yang hebat. Cocok buat kita yang belajar bahasa Inggris. Kalau ingin pandai seperti Habibie, macam buku inilah yang harus kau baca,” ujarnya serius sambil mengangkat kitab tebal ini pas di mukaku.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 44 His English-speaking ability is shown by the birth of a dictionary. Together with Baso who is clever in Arabic, they compile English-Arabic-Indonesian dictionary special for students. Their efforts to make the dictionary are tirelessly. Finally, the dictionary makes Raja and Baso become a legend in Pondok Madani because as young teens, they are able to make a dictionary. “Mereka terus menulis dan menulis tidak kenal lelah. Pagi-pagi aku melihat jempol, telunjuk dan jari tengah mereka bengkak-bengkak dan membiru karena dipakai memegang pulpen tiada henti. Tapi hasilnya berbicara. Dua tahun setelah memproklamirkan proyek ambisius ini, kamus mereka dicetak di percetakan PM. Kini “Kamus Arab-Inggris- Indonesia” karya Baso Salahudin dan Raja Lubis ini tersedia di toko buku kami.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 307 Universitas Sumatera Utara 37 Raja is a great man in the speech. The greatness of Raja in a speech is not in doubt. At the first entering the class and introduces himself, raja uses a rough, tough tone and it is more like the style of a speech than an introduction. No wonder why when Alif wants to do a speech in English, raja gives many feedbacks on pronunciation, delivery techniques and a suitable place to practice speaking and some other techniques that he gets from reading the book. Aku coba tarik napas yang dalam dan aku ingat-ingat nasehat Raja: pandanglah mata hadirin. Pelan-pelan aku angkat wajahku menghadap ke massa dan untuk beberapa detik aku diam mematung. Lalu pelan-pelan pandangan aku edarkan kepara hadirin. Kata Raja, ini namanya commanding by eyes, tips yang dibacanya di buku Tuntutan Menjadi Orator Ulung.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 154 Since in the beginning, Raja determines to become a lion podium and envisioned himself as Bung Karno who is great in speech. To achieve this dream he joins the English Club that teaches how to make a speech, discussion and debate as well. The greatness of Raja in English language and speech is rewarded with a position as a driver of Language in Pondok Madani. “Kalian tebaklah, jadi apa aku ini?” “Jadi bagian informasi pusat?” “Bukan.” “Ketua bahasa untuk asrama Al-Barq?” “Bukan. Aku dipercaya jadi anggota The Three Muskeeteers,” katanya bersemangat. Three Musketeers adalah julukan kami di PM bagi tiga orang penggerak bahasa pusat. Mereka yang menjaga program pengembangan bahasa dan menjaga kedisiplinannya. Mereka hakim tertinggi untuk menghukum para pelanggar bahasa. Tiga orang ini punya kemampuan bahasa Arab dan Inggris yang superior dan menjadi role model untuk semua murid.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 301 Raja’s friends does not surprise if he gets the job. Since the beginning, Raja is already mean to explore the English language and speech. He also repeatedly has Universitas Sumatera Utara 38 won the public speaking competition among fellow barracks and classes, in Indonesian, English, or Arabic speech competition. Raja wants to go to England. When Raja and friends Sahibul Menara is being gather under the tower and imagine the clouds in the sky, he illustrates that the sky like the European continent. And then he hangs his dream to go to England to see the greatness of the British Empire. “Kalau aku, suatu ketika nanti ingin menjalani jejak langkah Thariq bin Ziyad, menapaki perjalanan Ibnu Batutah dan jejak ilmu Ibnu Rusyd di Spanyol. Lalu aku ingin melihat kehebatan kerajaan Inggris yang pernah mengangkangi dunia. Aku penasaran dengan cerita dalam buku reading kita, ada Big Ben yang cantik dan bagian rute jalan kaki dari Buckingham Palace ke Trafalgar Square,” kata Raja menggebu-gebu kepada kami. Dia memang pencinta buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dan hapal isinya dari depan sampai belakang.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 208. His goal is not to stop until the extent of wishful thinking. He studies hard to achieve these ideals with study hard and earnestly. A dozen years later his goal is achieved. He is asked to be the coach of religion by Indonesian Muslim community in London and he takes night class in London Metropolitan University in the field of linguistics. “Dia juga mengambil kelas malam di London Metropolitan University untuk bidang linguistik. “Sebuah kebetulan yang menyenangkan. Bisa mengabdi membantu umat di sini, sekaligus kuliah di tempat yang dulu aku impikan,” katanya.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 404. Raja is described as a child who likes reading so much, have a strong passion and purpose to achieve his dream. Raja becomes one of the legends in Pondok Madani because he is able to make a dictionary with Baso. Raja has served as a driver language center in Pondok Madani. He achieves his goal to go to London in England and become a coach of religion there. Universitas Sumatera Utara 39

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