Conclusions “Man Jadda Wajada” Is The Best Motto For The Students To Achieve The Dreams Viewed From The Novel Negeri 5 Menara By Ahmad Fuadi


5.1 Conclusions

After doing analysis in the previous chapter, the authors can conclude that the spirit of phrase Man Jadda Wajada is able to motivate the students to achieve the dreams. While, Pondok Madani encourages the student to achieve the dreams by using certain management of keeping tight discipline, giving punishments and rewards for all activities done by students. The six characters are Alif, Said, Raja, Atang, Baso and Dulmajid. They are just an ordinary child and became who are full of spirit and can achieve their dreams as they swore when under the tower in Pondok Madani. Alif is described as a 15-year-old, had high ideals, persistent, kind, and creative. He has friends who are familiar, well and want to help him. He is a clever boy, shy, hesitant and also is not good at lying. He has served as an editor at Pondok Madani Magazine, Syams. Alif is success in realizing his dream to go to America. Said is described as an adult child, always think positive, strong, kind-hearted and good at sports. In Pondok Madani, Said ever be punished that is bald head. Said serves as chairman of the sensor information in Pondok Madani. Said realizes his goal of build an Islamic boarding school with Dulmajid in Surabaya and runs his family’s batik business at the Market of Ampel, in Surabaya. Raja is described as a child who likes to read so much, has a strong passion and purpose to achieve his dream. Raja becomes one of the legends in Pondok Madani because he is able to make a dictionary with Baso. Raja has served as a Universitas Sumatera Utara 59 driver language center in Pondok Madani. He achieves his goal to go to London in England and become a coach of religion there. Atang is described as a generous child, a performer in theater since Senior high school and has high artistic soul that he gets a job as an arts council center in Pondok Madani. Atang achieves his goals that he wants to go to the Middle East, and finally he becomes a student of Doctoral Program in Cairo. Baso is described as a religious child, diligent and smart because he has photographic memory which is a powerful memory and can memorize what he has read. Baso is an orphan and he does not finish school in Pondok Madani because he has to take care of his grandmother in the village. At the end of the story Baso reaches his goal to memorize the Quran and gets a scholarship to Saudi Arabia. Dulmajid is described as a child who comes from an ordinary family. Hes a diligent, clever in lobbying and idolizes Icuk Sugiarto. Dulmajid serves as an editor of the Syams magazine in Pondok Madani. Dulmajid is a good child also, that he wants the welfare of his family and builds Islamic boarding school in the village. At the end of the story, Dulmajid successfully realizes his goal of build an Islamic boarding school with Said in Surabaya. The conclusion is that the six characters can achieve their dreams with the spirit of the phrase “Man Jadda Wajada”, although one of them who come out of the Pondok Madani but his spirit never fades to achieve his goals because in their hearts are full of the spirit Man Jadda Wajada phrase. Pondok Madani is a reflection of the Pondok Gontor because of similarities in terms of education equivalent to high school, its education for 24 hours, every students have to use English and Arabic for lingua franca, the extracurricular activities that support the hobby and talent of the students, the teachers who are never Universitas Sumatera Utara 60 paid, and also the source of funds managed by Pondok itself. Pondok Madani is an independent boarding school because its school is able to fulfill its own needs. Pondok Madani is one of the famous boarding schools in Java and in Indonesia. Its students come from around the country. When Pondok Madani held the event, the guests come from the officer, General, to President. Education system in Pondok Madani consists of formal, informal and extracurricular. Regulations made also very strict and not only as a punishment for noncompliance but rather as an education to educate students. While, Alif is a reflection of the author, Ahmad Fuadi. Fuadi derives from the edge of the Maninjau lake in West Sumatra, and then he continues his education at boarding school, and finally he is able to achieve his dream to go to America.

5.2 Suggestion