Baso Salahuddin “Man Jadda Wajada” Is The Best Motto For The Students To Achieve The Dreams Viewed From The Novel Negeri 5 Menara By Ahmad Fuadi


4.5 Baso Salahuddin

Baso is a firmly-faced boy, hedgehog hair, dark skin and a gait like a bobbing boat. He joins in the Pondok Madani to depth religious knowledge of Islam and become the person who can memorize the Quran. Baso is a religious child. He is most excited when to go to the Mosque and to memorize the Quran. As a religious child, the most prefer book to read is the Quran. He really wants to memorize the Quran. “Aku sudah punya rencana. Mencoba menyelesaikan hapalan juz kedua selama libur ini,” kata Baso tenang-tenang. Tekadnya menghapal Al- Quran tidak pernah luntur. Atang mungkin membaca perasaan kami. Fuadi, A. 2009: 216 Baso is a smart child. Baso is good at in Arabic. He has a photographic memory that is like the good memory what he has read that helps his memorize lessons easily, especially in Pondok Madani many lessons that use memorizing. His powerness in memorizing and intelligence in learning is better than his friends. Even so, Baso also has one weakness that to read English. He reads English text as reading Quran. “Wai ari guingg backd tho Tirafalghaar Siquarri tudayyy,” bacanya tegang, sementara butir-butir peluh mengucur deras dari jidatnya yang lebar. Tulisan yang dibacanya: “we are going back to Trafalgar Square today”. “Waath thaimi izzz ith naung”. Maksudnya “what time is it now”. Time dibaca dengan thaim dengan menggunakan huruf tha tebal yang sempurna sekali.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 118. To overcome these weaknesses, Baso is not desperate. Baso and Alif are doing symbiotic mutualism that is Baso ensures correct recitation of Alif and Alif helps Universitas Sumatera Utara 42 Baso in justify using English pronunciation. After 2 years later Baso never again studies with Alif because his English pronunciation is good. Baso is a diligent child. The greastness of Baso is not only shown when he memorizes the Quran but also in compiling the dictionary which is done with Raja. They do it at night and until their fingers are swollen because it is used for writing. Their efforts to make the dictionary are tirelessly. The dictionary makes Baso and Raja become a legend in Pondok Madani because as young teens are able to make a dictionary. And it does not end there, the greatness of Baso in using Arabic language is rewarded with a position as a driver of the language center with Raja. Behind his intelligence in memorizing lessons and weaknesses in reading English text, Baso also is a forgetful person. He often gets punishment for forgetting to wear the mandatory attributes used in Pondok Madani. “Di tengah kecemerlangan otaknya, kekurangan Baso adalah sifat pelupa. Akibatnya selama ini dia menjadi langganan mahkamah hanya karena sering lupa pakai papan nama, lupa pakai papan nama ke masjid, lupa menulis teks pidato dan lupa-lupa yang lain. Bahkan pernah Tyson marah luar biasa gara-gara Baso juga lupa kalau dia harus masuk mahkamah.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 306. Baso has a big secret. Baso hides the secret from his friends about him that he never goes home during the holidays. He tells that he is an orphan raised by his grandmother. Baso says that he wants memorize the Quran is actually for the safety of his parents afterlife. “Hanya hapalan… hanya hapalan Quran inilah yang bisa aku berikan untuk membalas kebaikan mereka kepadaku. Aku ingin mereka punya jubah kemuliaan di depan Allah nanti,” katanya sambil mematut-matut foto itu, seakan baru pertama kali melihatnya.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 362 Universitas Sumatera Utara 43 Baso also says that he will come out of from the Pondok Madani. He feels less comfortable to be able to memorize the Quran. In his hometown he plans to take care of an elderly grandmother and teaches Arabic at the school. He will go on to memorize the Quran and studies with a master there. Baso, aspires to explore the continents of Asia and Africa. When Baso and Friends of Sahibul Menara imagine the clouds as the world map, Baso imagines the clouds as the continent of Asia and Africa. He says this because he is inspired by a book he read about the civilization of Egypt and the Middle East. “Jangan lupa dengan Iran, Iraq, India, dan negara lainnya. Semua punya keunikan yang mengejutkan. Bagiku, wilayah Asia dan Afrika lebih menarik untuk diselami,” kata Baso mendukung Atang.” Fuadi, A. 2009: 209 Baso achieves his goals. A dozen years later, Atang get information that Baso gets a scholarship from the government of Saudi Arabia to memorize the Quran. Baso finally reaches his goals as well as memorizing the Quran and goes to the Middle East such as his imagination when see the clouds in the sky. Baso is described as a religious, diligent and smart child because he has photographic memory which is a powerful memory and can memorize what he has read. Baso is an orphan and he does not finish school in Pondok Madani because he has to take care of his grandmother in the village. At the end of the story Baso reaches his goal to memorize the Quran and gets a scholarship to Saudi Arabia. Universitas Sumatera Utara 44

4.6 Dulmajid