Literature and Society “Man Jadda Wajada” Is The Best Motto For The Students To Achieve The Dreams Viewed From The Novel Negeri 5 Menara By Ahmad Fuadi

15 - What they are able to imagine a character or characters might do or think, given the situation. In the novel “Negeri 5 Menara” is only found the First-person point of view. The narrator is Alif. He describes the events that exist in the novel.

2.4 Literature and Society

Discussion of the relationship between literature and society typically departed from De Bonald phrase that literature is an expression of public feeling. Welleck and Warren classify 3 ingredients in a descriptive study of the relationship between literature and society, 1 the sociology of author related to social background, status of the author, and the author ideology demonstrated by various authors in activities outside the literary work. 2 The content of the literature work itself related to social issues. 3 problems of the reader and the literary works of social impact. Each author is a citizens, he can be studied as a social being. Biography of the author is the primary source. We may also collect information about social background, family background and economic position of the author. In his writing, the author is influenced by sociological background in the form of social structure and social processes. Social structure is the entire fabric of the main elements, namely social norms, social institutions, social groups and social institutions. While the social process is reciprocal influence between the economic, political, legal, religious, and so on Soekanto via Siswanto. 2008: 3. The values in the literature are the result of creative expression and cultural authors taken from the community. Those values can be either intrinsic and extrinsic values. Intrinsic values that exist in the form of a novel are theme, characters and Universitas Sumatera Utara 16 setting, they are considered essential that sustains and the underlying story. Whereas extrinsic value is the idea of the author of the social and cultural environment. Further descriptions about the analysis of literature and society will be described in the analysis chapter. Universitas Sumatera Utara 17 III. METHOD OF RESEARCH In writing this thesis, the writer uses library research and descriptive research. The Writer applies the library research by reading and collecting data from several books and other sources such as internet which are related to the problem taken in this thesis especially about literature. The Writer will use a descriptive research. This descriptive research is the research aimed to describe everything found descriptively. The Writer uses the novel Negeri 5 Menara by Ahmad Fuadi work as the subject of analysis in this thesis. The writer uses intrinsic approach and extrinsic approach. The writer uses the intrinsic approach because the writer will analyze the elements of prose such as character and the setting in this thesis. The Writer uses the extrinsic approach because the Writer will analyze about Welleck and Warren concept stated about Literature and society to explain the relationship about Pondok Gontor that given Ahmad Fuadi an inspiration as author to create Alif as a central character in Novel. Thus the extrinsic elements are seen reflected in the novel, the biography of the author who ever learned in Pondok Gontor also reflected in the activity at Pondok Madani in the novel.

3.1 Research Design