The Differences Between Mistake and Error

a period of weeks, months, or oven years in order to determine patterns of change in error occurrence with increasing L2 exposure and proficiency. 2. Identification of errors The first step in the analysis requires determination of elemements in the sample of learner language which deviate from the target L2 in some way. The indentification of error involves a comparison between what the learner has produced and what a native speaker counterpart would produce in the same context. 3. Description of errors The description of error involves specify how the form by the learner differ from target form. For purposes of analysis, errors are usually clasified according to language level whether and error is phonological, morphological, syntactic etc. General lingustic category e.g. auxiliary system, passive sentence, negative sentence, negative construction. Or more specific lisngustic elements e.g. articles, preposition, verb form. 4. Explanation of errors Accounting for why an error was made is the most important step in trying to understand the processes of SLA . Two of the most likely causes of L2 errors are interlingual and intralingual factors. 5. Evaluation of errors This step involves analysis on what effect the error has on whoever is being addressed. According to Ellis, the design of error evaluation studies involves decision on who the addressees e.i. the judges will be, what errors they will be asked to judge, and how they will asked to judged them. 15 morever, in the evaluation of errors the teacher may asks the adressees of error then try to correct the error by themselves. There evaluation of error includes the following steps: a. Selected the errors to be evaluated b. Decides the criterion on which the errors are to be judged c. Prepare the error evaluation instrument d. Choose the judges. 15 Ellis, op. cit., p. 56.

4. The Goal of Error Analysis

Error analysis also has a purpose in the last of the analysis. According to Dulay that studying students‟ error serves two major purposes: 16 a. It provides data from which inferences about the nature of language learning process can be made. b. In indicates to teacher and curriculum developers which part of the target language students have most difficulty producting correctly and which errors types de tract most from a learners‟ ability to communicate effectively. The theroritical aspect of error analysis is part of the methodology of investigating that the language learning process. Ellis states that the purpose of the error analysis is to help learners learn a L2, there is a need to evaluate errors. 17 it means that after the research found the errors that students make, it is important to evaluate them and explain to learners so they will not do the same errors in another time. And then they will understand and learn L2 better than before.

C. Modal Auxiliary

1. The Definitiation of Modal Auxiliary

Modal auxiliary or called modal verbs may sound difficult but in fact they are easy. They are invariable no conjuction. And the main verb is always the “ bare infinitive” without “to”. Modal auxiliary generally express a speaker‟s attitudes, or “mood” for example, modal can express that a speaker fells something necessary, advisable, permisabble, possible, or probable: and in addition they can convey the strength of these attitudes. 18 There are the modal verb can, could, may, might, must, will, would,shall,should, ought, and need. They are different from the other three auxiliary verbs do, be and have. In two ways. Firstly, they have special grammatical features for instance, they have no infinitive and the t hird person singular has no “S”. And secondly, most modal verbs have not only a grammatical function, but also a “ dictionary meaning” for instance, must can mean “be obliged to” do, be and have do not really have 16 Dulay, Burt, Krashen, op.cit., p. 138. 17 Rod Ellis, Second Language Acquisition, New York: Oxford University Press, 1997, p. 19. 18 Michael Swan, practical English Usage, Oxford University Press. 1980, p. 90.