Formulation of the Study The significance of the study



In this chapter, the writer tries to give clear description of theoretical framework which is covering the definition of error, type of error, the causes of error, the difference between error and mistake, error analysis, definition of error analysis, steps in analyzing error and the goal of error analysis.


1. Definition of Error

According to Brown errors are part of the students Interlingua that is the version of the language which a learner has at any one stage of development, and which is continually reshaped as he or aims toward full mastery. Therefore, Dullay stated that error is the flawed side of learner speech or writing. Those are part of conversation or composition that deviates from some selected norm of mature language performance 1 . it means that there is a stray norm of language performance . the making of an error is part of language learning, and it is invitable because people cannot learn language without commiting error, But here Brown has different opinion . He define an error as noticable deviation from the adult grammar of native speaker reflecting the interlingual competence of the learner 2 The writer also conclude error is a part of foreign language learning process that made by students cause by thier lack of comprehending in the target language rules. When the students learn about target language they make plenty of error, it is natural part of language acquisition process, How to know the students error are needed the error analysis. 1 Heidi Dullay, Marina Burt, Stephen Karshen, Language Two New York: Oxford university Press, 1982, p. 138. 2 H. Duglas Brown, principle of Language Learning and Teaching, 4th edition, New York; Longman 2000, p. 217.

2. The types of Error

Based on surface strategy taxonomy, Dulay classify types of error, such as Omission, addition, misformation, and misordering: 3 1. Omission Omission errors are characterized by the absence of an item that must appear in a well- formed utterance. Although any morpheme or word in a sentence is an ommision, this type of erro occure if there is an omission of some required item, such as morpheme or word. For example : Hani is the owner of the new company The correct one is ; Hani is owner new company 2. Addition Students not only omit elements, which they regard as redundant, but they also add dedudant elements. Addition error is the opposite of omission. They are characterized by the presence of an item which must not appear in well- formed utterance. There are three types of addition errors: a Double Marking Double Marking Error, occurs when two items with the same feature in a sentence, but only one item is required For example : He doesn‟t knows my name The correct is: He doesn‟t know my name Because, that item rather than one is marked for the same feature tense, in that example, this type of addition error has been called double marking. b Regularization A rule typically applies to a class of lingustic items, such as the class of main verbs or the class nouns. There are both regular and irregular forms and construction in language, learners apply the rules used to produce the regular ones to those that are irregular, resulting in error of regulation. Such as, the verb eat no become eated ; the noun sheep is also sheep in the plural, not sheeps. 3 Dulay, op. cit., p. 150.