Background of Study INTRODUCTION

the verb in sentence must change, etc. there for to make them not confused anymore, they have to master grammar. By mastering it they will understand the rules and how the sentences are constructed. There are many aspects discussed in English grammar one of them is “Modal auxiliaries”. Or “modal verb” are: can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, and must. These auxiliaries add to a special semantic component such as Ability, obligation, possibility. They have special grammatical features; have more than one meaning, and also complex. Some Grammatical modal change meaning in the negative must be expressed with other auxiliaries. Even though the modals are used only with the simple form of the verb. And here the students still have difficulties to make the sentences using auxiliaries and to decide the meaning of the modal. Next, here are examples of wrong sentences that are often made by the students using the form of modal. We must to study hard for English test He can to speak English She could spoke English well, and soon In this case, the writer is interested to search the student‟s errors in learning some modal auxiliaries entitled An Error Analysis on S tudents’ Using Modal Auxiliaries CAN and COULD A Case Study at The Eighth Grade Students of Integrated Islamic Junior High School Al- Ma’mun Education Center , the writer tries to identify, observing and analyze them.

B. Limitation of the Study

It is essential to limit the problem in order to avoid misunderstanding in interpreting the problem. The writer limits the problem in this writing only in the student‟s Error made by students using modal auxiliaries. They are: both can and could and the reasons why the students find difficulties in learning these modal auxiliaries.

C. Formulation of the Study

Based on the statement in the background of the study described above, it is necessary to analyze the st udent‟s difficulties using modal auxiliaries at second year of Integrated Islamic Junior High School Al- Ma’mun -Education Center , The general question of this study is “Do the second year students of integrated Islamic Junior High School Al- Makmun Education Center find difficulties using modal auxiliaries?” To specify this problem, the specific research questions are formulated as follows; 1. What types of error are made by second year students of Integrated Islamic Junior High School Al-Makmun Education Center using modal auxiliaries Can and Could? 2. Why do the second year students of Integrated Islamic Junior High School Al-Makmun Education Center make error using modal auxiliaries Can and Could?

D. The significance of the study

This results of the present research are expected to give some benefits or suggestion not only theoritically but also practically go to: 1. Students The findings of the present study may encourage the students to produce Modal Auxiliaries correctly and enhance their English proficiency; they are also expected to be able to identify their error and to avoid the error or mistake in the future. 2. Teacher It is expected to be useful information for the teacher so that they will know how far the students comprehend the Grammar Modal and the errors made. It also enables the teacher to do some evaluation to improve their teaching techniques, and to develop teaching materials effectively. 3. Other Researcher It can be used as basic information and suggestion for further studies Modal Auxililaries in English Grammar especially Modal Can and Could.

E. Organization of the study

In discussing the topic, the writer divides this study into five chapters as follows: chapter one is introduction, involving the background of study, the limitation of the study, the formulation of the study, the significance of the study and the organization of study. In chapter two, the writer will discuss about theoretical framework. This chapter will be divided into three sub chapters. The first is talking about modal auxiliaries, kinds of modal, form of modals and meaning of modals. The second is talking about modal auxiliaries; Can and could, usage of Can and could, and similar expression of Can and could. The third is talking about students difficulties using Modal auxiliaries of can and could.