Technique of Data Analysis

categories interview guide for student in appendix 2A and appendix 2B to the students answer in interview. From the students’ interview, the researcher found that most of students faced difficulties on types of Grammar modal Can and could also how to using the Modal. b ecause they did not understand in teacher’s explanation. Those are the data are use in this research. Hopefully it can support final result of this research.

2. Data Analysis

In this part , the researcher analyzed the errors that made by the students based on their types. Here is the analysis: Table 4.1 The identification of errors of students 1 up to 24 students Students 1: Item Number Identification of Errors Classification Of Errors Description Explanation Correction Cause of Errors 1 She can sing like a Bruno Mars if she never practices it. Omission Can should be replaced by Can not She can not sing like a Bruno Mars if she never practices it. Interlingual 2 Andi’s sister can talk when she was two years old. Misformation Can should be replaced by Could not Andi’s sister could not talk when she was two years old. Intralingual Item Number Identification of Errors Classification of Errors Description Explanation Correction Cause of Errors 5 My sister can not sing very well because she took a singer course. Addition Can not should be replaced by Can My sister can sing very well because she took a sing course. Context of Learning 7 My grandfather can walk without any help last Sunday. Misformation Can should be replaced by Could My grandfather could walk without any help last Sunday. Intralingual 11 When my mother was younger she can sing beautifully. Misformation Can should be replaced by Could When my mother was younger she could sing beautifully. Intralingual 15 Could you please pass the salt ? Misformation Could should be replaced by Can Can you please pass the salt ? Intralingual 19 You can not smoke here,but you could smoke in the garden Misformation Could should be replaced by Can You can not smoke here,but you could smoke in the garden Intralingual 20 Could you help me with my homework? Misformation Could should be replaced by Can Can you help me with my homework? Intralingual TOTAL 8