B. Suggestion

After the researcher carried out the research and knowing the students’ frequency of error types and to prevent from making the same errors for the second times researcher would like to give some suggestion related to this result of the research. Therefore, it can improve the teaching and learning process. Here are some suggestions that hopefully can be applied in teaching and learning process: 1. It is necessary for the students to do more exercises in Grammar modal auxiliaries especially ‘can’ and ‘could’. The students have to give more attention on the use of modal and how to distinguish them, the teacher also have to give feedback to students after correcting in learning process. 2. It is good for the teacher to talk students’ problems in understanding English material in the class and help the students to solve it, motivate the student to keep learning and practicing. 3. The teacher has to motivate the students to be more confident in using English and telling them that English is easy to learn and no to be afraid of mistake and error. 77 REFERENCES Azhar, Betty Schramfer, Understanding and using English Grammar Edition, New Prentice Hall regents. 1989. Brown, H. Douglas, principle of Language Learning and Teaching, 4th edition, New York; Longman, 2000. Bibes, Doughlas, et al, Grammar of spoken and Written English, London: Longman Pearson Joranic,inc, 1983. Celce - Murcia and Hills Sharon, Techniques and Resources in Teaching Grammar, Oxford University Press, 1988. Crystal, Carl, An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Language and Languages, England: Blackwell, 1992. Dullay, Heidi, Burt Marina, Karshen Stephen, Language Two, New York; Oxforx University Press, 1982. Ellis, Rod and Barkhuizen Gary, Analyzing Learner Language, New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. Erdogan, Vecide, Constribution of Error Analysis to Foreign Language Teaching, Research assistant, Mersin University Faculty of Education. Hartoyo, Grammar in the Teaching of EFL in Indonesia, Theories and finding of Empirical Studies ,Semarang; University Negru Semarang Press, 2006. James, Carl, Error in Language Learning and Use, New York: Longman, 1988. Larsen-Freeman, Diane and H.Long Michael, An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research, London and New York: Longman Group UK, 1991. Nasr, Raja T, The Essentials of Linguistic Science,Singapore: Longman Singapore Published Pte Ltd., 1985. Oshina, Alice, Introduction to Academic Writing 3rd edition., New York: Pearson education, inc, 2007. Robert, Paul, Understanding Grammar.