Let’s Smile and Greet Let’s Write Let’s trace the word

b. Let’s Smile and Greet

Procedure : Speak Let’s Speak This activity emphasizes on Lingustic and Interpersonal Intelligences 1. 2. 3. 4. The teacher asks the children to make a table see table 1 The teacher asks the children to greet everyone they meet in the school using greeting expressions Hi, Hello, Good morning, Good afternoon and ask signatures of people they have met and greeted. The teacher ask the children to express their feelings to the person they have met by giving emoticons for happy and for unhappy. The teacher invites the children to share their experiences to the class. Story This is the first day of school for Eneng and Entong. They are twins. Eneng Entong Both Entong Eneng Entong Entong and Eneng lead the song entitled “This is the Way”. The teacher acts as if she eats her breakfast, washes the dishes, and brushes her teeth when the lyric is sung and then the children imitate the teacher. : : : “Hello friends. Good Morning. I am Eneng.” let the children answers the greeting “Hi and my name is Entong.” let the children answers the greeting “We are twins.” the teacher asks the children what is meant by twin the teacher invites the children to ask Eneng and Entong “We are the students of SDN Kalijaya 05, and how about you?” let the children answer the question “Have you eaten your breakfast?” the eacher explains what is “eat” and “breakfast” in bahasa let the children answer the question “Now let’s sing a song about what we usually do in the morning?” No Name Signature Feeling 1 Nita Table 1. Greeting Table 3

c. Let’s Write Let’s trace the word

This activity emphasizes on Linguistic and Intelligences Bodily-Kinesthetic Procedure : The teacher asks the children to trace the words below : Let’s Write hello hello hello morning morning Let’s complete the word This activity emphasizes on Linguistic, Intelligences Bodily-Kinesthetic and Visual-Spatial Procedure : The teacher asks the children to complete the missing letters below with picture as the clue: 1. 2. 3. 4. G _ _ d M _ _ n _ _ g A _ t e _ _ o _ n B _ e good good good you you you fine fine fine how how how Let’s copy the word This activity emphasizes on Linguistic and Intelligences Bodily-Kinesthetic Procedure : The teacher asks the children to copy the words below into fine handwriting: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Good Morning Afternoon Evening Bye 4 Good This activity emphasizes on Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical and Intelligences Visual-Spatial Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The teacher leads the children in reading the story The teacher can use gesture while reading the story The teacher also checks the childrens pronunciation The teacher asks few questions related to the story What does happen to Mimi in her first school? Who is Mimis new friend? When does Mimi meet her new friend? Is Mimi happy to have a new friend? What does Mimi say when she first meet her new friend? The teacher lets the children develop their own ideas toward the end of the story Will Mimi accept Aisyahs offer?

d. Let’s Read Mimi’s New Friend

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