Let’s Read Mimi and Adi Help Grandpa in the Garden Let’s Count Let’s Imagine

41 This activity emphasizes on Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical and Intelligences Visual-Spatial Procedure : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The teacher leads the children in reading the story The teacher can use gesture while reading the story The teacher also checks the hildrens pronunciation The teacher asks few questions related to the story What do Mimi and Adi do in Grandpas house? What do Mimi and Adi ride to go to Grandpas house? What do Mimi and Adi do to help Grandpa? What is Grandpa doing when they arrive? What does Mimi see on the ground? The teacher lets the children develop their own ideas toward the end of the story

d. Let’s Read Mimi and Adi Help Grandpa in the Garden

Let’s Read How to Read : Mimi Adi Grandpa Happy Morning Pepper Cabbage Tomato Seeds Bycicle House Vegetable Water Mimi and Adi Help Grandpa in the Garden and are because today they want to help to plant some plants in s kitchen garden. They go to s by because the is not far from “Good , ” greets and s and s . “Oh, come in” asks “What are you doing ?” asks “ is spreading the .” explains “What does kind of ?” asks “Oh, this is .” says “Oh, I see.” says. “Now, what can we do for you ?” asks 42 It is slippery and does not have feet. Practice to count This activity emphasizes on Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

e. Let’s Count

Let’s Count Procedure : 1. 2. 3. The teacher invites the children to count 1 to 25 using media see picture 10 The teacher leads the children to practice pronouncing numbers 1 to 25 in English The teacher points to a certain number and ask the children what number it is. Count them This activities emphasizes on Logical-Mathematical and Visual-Spatial Intelligences Preparation : picture of vegetables The teacher asks the children to count the vegetables on the picture : Procedure : 4 Situational role play: become a buyer seller at the market This activity emphasizes on Linguistic, Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Intelligences Preparation: the children bring vegetables from home, teacher sets the class as a market, money from cut paper Procedure:

f. Let’s Imagine

Let’s Imagine 1. 2. The teacher asks the children whether they want to be the sellers or the buyers. The teacher gives examples: “Oh, could you the and over there?” asks “OK, ” say and When and the plants, screams to see a small thing crawls on the ground. What does actually see? What will do? 43 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The teacher asks the children to put vegetables on the table. The teacher distributes the money. The children play their roles. The teacher asks the children to switch their roles. The teacher asks the children whether they were happy or not in carrying out their roles. “Seller” What do you need Sir Maam? Can I help you Sir Maam? This is one thousand Rupiahs, etc. This is fresh vegetable This is very cheap Thank you “Buyer” I want to buy … Give me one kilogram of … How much is it? How does it cost? Thank you Fold them This activity emphasizes on Linguistic, Visual-Spatial, and Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligences. Preparation : Procedures :

g. Let’s Play

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