CLOSING Greet Your Friend OPENING a.

46 Procedure : 1. 2. 3. The teacher asks the children to raise their hands while saying good afternoon each other The teacher asks the children to give their thumb and say “good job” to their friends The teacher asks the children to shake hand and say “thank you” to their friends

C. CLOSING Greet Your Friend

This activity emphasizes on Interpersonal Intelligence Greet your Friend 3 5 1 k o o b d n a H r e h c a e T e h T by Anastasya Erlita Putri Student Handbook UNIT 1 GREETING Standard Competence : 1. Students are able to identify simple greeting expressions Basic Competence : 1.1 Students are able to respond simple greeting expressions 1.2 Students are able to write tracing, completing, copying simple greeting expressions


Let’s Move Ayo bergerak Raise your hands Angkat tanganmu 1. Raise and wave your hands. Angkat dan lambaikan tanganmu. 2. Say “Hi” or “Hello” while raising your hands and “Good bye” or “Bye” while waving your hands. Katakan “Hi” atau “Hello” ketika mengangkat tanganmu dan katakan “Good Bye” atau “Bye” ketika melambaikan tanganmu. b. Lets Sing Ayo bernyayi “Good Morning” Sing this song together with your friends and teacher Nyayikan lagu ini bersama dengan teman dan gurumu Good Morning Anonimous 5 6 5 i 7 Good mor - ning to you 5 6 5 i 7 Good mor - ning to you 5 3 i 7 7 6 5 Good mor - ning every bo - dy 5 6 5 i 7 Good mor - ning to you 1 Source : The Writer’s Documentation Picture 1. Raise your hands Source: English for the first Graders of Elementary School 2 UNIT 1 GREETING “This is the Way” 1 = f 24 this is the way we eat break-fast we this is the way we wash dish - es we this is the way we brush our teeth we eat break-fast we eat break-fast wash dish - es we wash dish - es brush our teeth we brush our teeth this is the way we eat break-fast we this is the way we wash dish - es we this is the way we brush our teeth we ear - ly in the mor - ning ear - ly in the mor - ning ear - ly in the mor - ning Anonimous 1 1 1 1 . 3 5 . 3 1 . 1 2 . 2 2 . 2 7 . 6 5 . 1 1 1 1 . 3 5 . 3 1 . 1 2 . 2 5 6 7 1 . 1 . c. Let’s Guess Ayo tebak Neighbourhood walk Berjalan-jalan di lingkungan sekitar 1. Lets go outside the classroom and see what we can find in the morning. Ayo pergi keluar kelas, dan lihat apa saja yang bisa kita temukan saat pagi hari. 2. Write what you find here Tulis apa yang kamu temukan disini


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