Aspects of Writing Skill

14 in doing the pre-writing steps that some of the students are extremely unconfident and unenthusiastic writers. One of the reasons is because they think that they do not have anything to say and cannot come up with the ideas. It was linear to the situation that the students of SMP Negeri 15 faced. They could not find the right ideas and organize their ideas into the structural paragraph. It can be concluded that writing is a process of organizing ideas in which the writer is demanded to perform creativity in using the language skills to produce a written text. The writer should have a good skill to organize their ideas which can help them to make the best written product. It can also help the reader to understand the meaning easily.

b. Aspects of Writing Skill

The writer should have the best writing skill in producing a written product. Brown 2004 divides the aspects of writing skill into two main skills namely micro and macro skills of writing. Brown also mentions several important aspects of both skills. The aspects of micro and macro skills explained by Brown 2004 are presented as follows. Table 2.1: Aspects of Micro and Macro Skills MICRO SKILL MACRO SKILL 1. Producing graphemes and orthographic pattern of English 2. Producing writing at an efficient rate of speed in order to suit the purpose 3. Producing an acceptable core of words and use appropriate word order pattern 4. Usig acceptable grammatical system tenses, agreement, pluralization, pattern, and rules 5. Expressing a particular meaning in different grammatical forms 6. Using cohesive devices in written 1. Using the rhetorical forms and conventions of written discourse 2. Accomplishing the communicative functions of written texts according to form and purpose 3. Conveying links and connection between events and communication such as relation as mid idea, supporting idea, new information, given information, generalization, and exemplification 4. Distinguishing between literal and 15 discourse implied meanings of writing 5. Correctly conveying culturally specific references in the context of the written text 6. Developing a battery of writing strategies that include such as accurately in using prewriting devices, writing with fluency in the first drafts, using paraphrases and synonyms soliciting peer and instructor feedback, and using feedback for revising and editing. Besides two skills explained by Brown 2004, writing also involves several sub skills namely spelling correctly, forming letters correctly, writing legibly, punctuating correctly, using correct layouts, choosing the right vocabulary, using correct grammar and using paragraph correctly. All of the writing skills should be introduced in every stage of writing composition to the students or writers. Therefore, the students or writers can produce the best writing products by obeying those skills of writing. The second aspect of writing comes from Harmer 2004. He explains that the aspects of writing skill are the cohesion and coherence of writing skill. Cohesion and coherence are needed to make the writing more accessible. Cohesion is the linking relationship of number of linguistic elements in the structure of the text surface. On the other hand, coherence is defined as the way whether the writing product can be read and understood easily. In order to have the coherence in writing, a writer needs to focus on the sentence movements Oshima Hogue, 1999. The movements of every sentence should be logically and smoothly delivered. 16

c. Teaching Writing