Research Trustworthiness Research Procedure

43 Based on the peer observer, the researcher mixed and matched all of the answer from the peer observer and the resea rcher‟s result. The result from the peer observer and the researcher were considered as one result. If there were different answers from the peer observer and the researcher, those answers would be presented only based on the real condition. The researcher drew the conclusion from the interview, questionnaire and the result of the peer observer that had been returned by the students. Those data completed the data triangulation and presented only based on the real condition. The result answered both of the problem formulations on this research.

F. Research Trustworthiness

In order to make sure the trustworthiness in this study, the researcher used various strategies to attempt the trustworthiness. According to Brewer and Hunter 1989, the use of different methods in concert compensates for their individual limitations and exploits their respective benefits. Therefore, the researcher used more than one source of data, which was triangulation to increase the credibility or to minimize the research bias and prove the trustworthiness. The researcher also did the member checking in order to get the validation and improve the accuracy of this research. As in the result of the interview section, the researcher made the transcripts and gave it back to the respondents to make sure that all of the data in the transcripts were valid. The researcher also made the transcript of observation from peer-observer and gave it back to the peer-observer. The result from the peer-observer strengthened the research 44 trustworthiness because the data from the observation did not only come from the researcher‟s point of view but also from the peer-observer‟s point of view.

G. Research Procedure

There were several procedures to conduct this research. The first was the researcher decided the subject of the study which was mind mapping. In order to find some information related to mind mapping, the researcher conducted the library review. The researcher tried to find information which was relevant to the study. The next step was generating the problem formulation. In order to answer the problem formulation, the researcher conducted the techniques to collect the data. In this research, the researcher conducted a qualitative research methodology. In order to obtain the validity and reliability of the study, the researcher conducted a triangulation strategy. The triangulation that the researcher used in this research was questionnaires, observation and interview. In the first step, the researcher designed the questionnaire and found the respondents for this research. The researcher made and decided the appropriate questions that helped the researcher to answer both research problems. After finishing the questionnaire, the researcher tried to find the respondents. When the researcher got the respondents, the researcher distributed the questionnaires. The respondents answered all the questions from the questionnaire based on the real condition that they faced. After the researcher got the result, the researcher read and tried to understand the answer carefully. The researcher only focused on the 45 answers that are related to students‟ responses and suggestions. In the interview section, the respondents verified and completed their answers. The researcher also asked some questions in order to complete the data. The answers from both questionnaires and the interview were gathered into one and they were presented based on the real situation. The researcher also conducted an interview with the English teacher to know about the students‟ responses from the teacher‟s point of view. The researcher made an appointment with the teacher and did the interview section. After that, the researcher made the interview transcript and gave it back to the teacher to make sure that the transcript was based on the real condition. The last instrument was observation. In this study the researcher involved a peer-observer to increase the validity. The researcher also mixed and matched the observation ‟s result from the peer observer and the researcher. The researcher combined the result and did the data reduction again. The researcher only used the data which were related to students‟ responses and suggestions on the use of mind mapping. After that the researcher answered the research questions by using the data that the researcher obtained. In the data analysis, the researcher used the data analyzing technique from Miles and Huberman 1994. Based on Miles and Huberman 1994, there are three parts to analyze the data namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion or verification. The result was not only from the researcher‟s interpretation but also from students, peer-observer , and teacher‟s point of view. After all of the 46 processes were done, the next step was to write the research report. The researcher presented the data in the form of words. 47


This chapter presents research finding and discussion to answer the research questions about the students‟ responses to the use of mind mapping, students‟ improvement after using mind mapping and students‟ suggestion on the further implementation of mind mapping. Each problem was discussed and analyzed using theories that were stated in the review of related literature. This chapter also consists of the description and discussion of the study site and of the students‟ responses to the use of mind mapping.

A. Study Site

This study was conducted in SMP N 15 Yogyakarta in grade 7. The researcher focused on the implementation of mind mapping in class 7 J. Mind mapping is a technique to help the students increase their ability in organizing their ideas in writing. In this occasion, the researcher had already introduced the concept of mind mapping to the students and they had already experienced in using this technique. Mind mapping gives the students an opportunity to learn how to organize their ideas while making a text, especially descriptive text. The objective of the mind mapping is to help students organize their ideas in writing. Based on the teacher‟s explanation, the students tended to have a lot of ideas in their mind and this made them confuse even they did not know what to do. When