The students’ suggestion on the implementation of mind mapping.

67 her some advantages especially in increasing the vocabulary. She realized that her vocabulary mastery was also improved. She said, “Although I cannot do the mind mapping well, especially transferring my ideas into the sentences, I still get the advantages of mind mapping. I realize that I can also improve my vocabulary by always looking for the vocabulary in the dictionary”. From the explanation, it can be concluded that all of students still got the advantages from the use of mind mapping although there were some difficulties that the students faced before.

3. The students’ suggestion on the implementation of mind mapping.

The third theme generated by the researcher was to answer the third research questions about students‟ suggestion on the further implementation of mind mapping. The finding is presented as follows. Theme 3: The implementation of mind mapping needed to be maintained well. On the questionnaires which were distributed by the researcher, the researcher put a question about students‟ suggestions on the use of mind mapping. Based on the result of the students‟ questionnaire and interview answer, most of the students gave the positive suggestions on the further implementation of mind mapping. However some of them gave the good critics on the further implementation of mind mapping. The English teacher of class 7J explained that the implementation of mind mapping was already good although there were some things which were needed to be developed. In addition, the teacher said that the implementation of mind mapping needed to be maintained well. The teacher said, “The implementation of 68 mind mapping in the class has already been good, but there was some suggestion from me especially in the way the teacher introduced mind mapping”. The teacher explained that the students needed more fun learning activities so that they would pay attention to the teacher. The teacher added, “The students in class are the extraordinary students. When the teacher taught in this class, they should have a good teaching skill. It happened in your class too. When teacher introduced mind mapping, the teacher should have more media to explain the materials. I suggested you, as the teacher, to have more media when explaining the materials”. Some students also said that the implementation of mind mapping needed to be maintained well. They also gave their suggestion in the questionnaire. A student said that the researcher should find an interesting media when introducing mind mapping technique to the students. She said, “It would be better if you used another media to make the lesson become more interesting. I do hope that mind mapping can be used not only in English materials but also in another subject”. Another student added that the teacher should think about the way in explaining the materials to the students. He said, “You should simplify the way you explained it to the students, so that the students did not feel confused ”. The data from the observation showed that some student especially male students were not interested in teacher‟s explanation. They tended to talk to each other when the teacher was explaining the materials. However, when the teacher played a video and showed some pictures in the screen the students stopped talking. In addition, the students wanted to have an interesting learning activity such as using the video or pictures. 69 The researcher also conducted an informal interview in order to know the students suggestion about the use of mind mapping in the teaching and learning activity. Researcher : “Menurut kamu masih ada yang perlu di tingkatkan lagi nggak untuk kedepannya?” Own translation: In your opinion, are there any things that should be improved in the further implementation of mind mapping? Student D : “Menurutku mind mapping harus selalu ditingkatkan, Miss. Dengan cara membuat mind mapping ini jadi lebih menarik lagi. Misalnya di warnai atau pakai video yang lebih banyak lagi. Jadi kita nggak bosen belajar terus, Miss”.Own translation: In my opinion, the implementation of mind mapping should be improved, Miss. You may make the lesson becomes more interesting, for example you ask the students to put some color in the mind mapping or you may use some interesting videos. So we did not feeling bored of learning English. Student E :“Ditingkatkan lagi Miss. Dibuat lebih mudah biar murid lainnya bisa memahami dengan mudah.”Own translation: It should be improved, Miss. You should make it easier so that the other students can understand it easily Based on the students‟ answer on the questionnaire and interview, there were some students who suggested that the researcher should maintain this good work. Most of the students were interested in learning mind mapping and suggested to introduce this technique to the other students. A student said, “Maintain and develop this good thing”. Another student added, “Please, continue this technique”. Some other students also wrote in their questionnaire that the researcher should continue this technique in the further materials especially in writing. A student suggested that it would be better if the researcher introduced the mind mapping technique in the first semester. He said, “It would be better if we learn this technique from the first semester so in the second semester we can remember and implement this technique easily”. Another student 70 wrote, “You should introduce this technique to other students because it has many advantages especially in organizing my ideas”. In the informal interview, a student added, Menurutku tetap dilanjutkan dan dijalankan mbak. Karena ini bagus supaya oranglain yang belum bisa mengarang teks pakai bahasa Inggris juga bisa terbantu Student C In my opinion you should continue this good work because it is a good technique so that it can help other people who cannot compose an English text. Some students suggested the researcher to spread this good technique to the other classes. She said, “All of students in this Junior High School should know this technique. This is the best technique that I have never seen before. It helps me a lot to do the description text and it also helped me to have more concentration when doing the task. Mind mapping also helped me to improve my vocabulary”. Own translation The other student in the interview section also explained the same thing. She said, Menurutku sih ini bagus banget mbak buat bantu kita terus kalau bisa di ajarin di semua kelas di SMP 15 ini biar nilai bahasa Inggrisnya gak jelek-jelek amat. Guru-guru yang lain juga harusnya nemuin cara-cara mudah lainnya jadi kita tu bisa paham dan ngerti apa yang mereka ajarkan gitu mbak. Student B In my opinion this is a good technique which can help us. If it is possible you should teach all the students in SMP 15 so their score will be not as worst as before. The other teachers also should find the easier way so that we can understand what they explained. Besides the implementation of mind mapping, the teacher should think about the way they explained the materials because it affected the students‟ understanding in learning something. The use of mind mapping was considered as 71 the most important thing in writing especially to increase the students‟ ability in organizing their ideas. Therefore, the teacher of SMP N 15 Yogyakarta should develop this technique because actually mind mapping can be used not only for English materials but also another material.

D. Conclusion Drawing and Verification