B. Theoretical Framework

The researcher implemented the main theories in this research in order to address the research problems which w ere about students‟ responses to the use of mind mapping, students‟ improvement after using mind mapping, and students‟ suggestion to the further implementation of mind mapping. The explanation of the main theories presented as follows. 1. Research question 1: Students‟ responses to the use of mind mapping. The first research questio n is about students‟ responses to the use of mind mapping to increase ability in organizing their ideas in writing descriptive text. Students‟ responses will be various. Therefore, the researcher focuses on the students‟ action and thought McKechnie, 1981. Moreover, the researcher also discusses about students‟ perception and ways of thinking Braun, 1979. The students‟ responses will be about the students‟ satisfaction in using mind mapping as well as their experiences Braun, 1979. In this research, the experiences are about the use of mind mapping in writing a descriptive text. In line with the students‟ responses, the researcher uses the research from Pavlov 1972 about the unconditioned and conditioned response. The researcher also sees their responses as their motivation in using mind mapping when writing a descriptive text as it is stated by Garrison 2004. 2. Research question 2: Students‟ improvement after using mind mapping. The second research question is about students‟ improvement after using mind mapping in writing descriptive text. As it is stated above that writing is an action or a process discovering and organizing ideas, the writer should find an 24 appropriate technique to help them in organizing their ideas Mayers, 2005. Therefore, in order to answer the second research questions, the researcher uses the explanation from McGriff 2000, Buzan 2007, and Edward 2011 about the advantages that the students‟ or people can get after implementing mind mapping. The researcher also uses the explanation from Al-Jarf 2009 who also conducts a study about the advantages of mind mapping. Students who use or implement mind mapping technique will not only improve their ability in organizing their ideas, but also improve their writing skill Al-Jarf, 2009. 25


In this chapter, the researcher discusses about the methodology employed in this research. There are six parts discussed in this chapter namely research method, research participants, research instrument, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

This research discussed about the student‟s responses on the use of mind mapping technique to increase their ability in organizing their ideas when writing descriptive text. Therefore, the method which was used in this research was a qualitative research. According to Maanen 1979, qualitative research is an umbrella term covering an array of interpretive techniques which seek to describe, decode, translate, and otherwise come to terms with the meaning, not the frequency, or certain more or less naturally occurring phenomena in the social world as cited in Merriam, 2009. Furthermore, Denzin and Lincoln 2005 state that qualitative researchers are studying things in their natural settings, attempt to make sense of, or interpret, and phenomena in terms of meanings people bring to them. In order to support this research, the researcher conducted a case study research. Case study allows the researchers to retain the holistic and meaningful