Questionnaire Research Instrument and Data Gathering Technique

31 particularly in qualitative research. Therefore, the researcher could reduce the research bias in this research.

1. Questionnaire

As the first instrument, the researcher used questionnaire as the technique to gather the data. According to Lodico et. al 2006, “a survey or questionnaire is the main tool of instrument used to collect data in a survey research ” p.159. Weisberg et al. 1996 and also Aldridge and Levine 2001 state that surveys are useful for gathering factual information, data on attitudes, and preference, beliefs and predictions, opinion, behavior, and experiences – both in the past and present. Since the aim of this study was to k now about students‟ responses to the use of mind mapping, the first instrument that the researcher used in this research was questionnaires. The questionnaires were the main instrument of this study. According to Wilson and McLean 1994, questionnaire is a widely used and useful instrument for collecting survey information as cited in Cohen, Manion, Marisson, 2011. By distributing the questionnaire, the researcher could obtain students‟ thoughts, feelings, attitudes, beliefs, values, responses, personality, and behavioral intentions Johnson and Christensen, 2011. The students or respondents were suggested to answer all the questions briefly and honestly based on their experiences in using mind mapping. They should return the questionnaires back to the researcher together with their answers to the researcher. Based on Cohen, Manion, and Morrison 2000, there are several kinds of questions and response modes in questionnaires and one of them is open-ended 32 questions. The researcher chose the open-ended questions for the questionnaires in this study. Cohen, Manion, and Morrison 200 concluded that “open ended questions enable participants to write a free account in their own terms, to explain and qualify their responses and avoid the limitation of pre-set categories of response ” p.382. Therefore, by distributing a questionnaire with open-ended questions, the respondents gave the researcher the brief and wide data to be analyzed. There were seven questions in the questionnaire and the respondents should answer all of the questions based on their experiences and feeling in using mind mapping. Cohen, Manion, and Morrison 2000 state that “questionnaires simply put the open-ended questions and left a space draw lines for a free response ” p.392. The respondents answered all the questions in the space or the lines which were given by the researcher. If the spaces were not enough, the respondents could answer it in the other page of the paper so they could answer all the answer freely based on their experiences in using mind mapping. The first question was use d to know students‟ responses to the use of mind mapping to organize their ideas in writing. The fourth and fifth questions were used to know about students‟ strengths and weaknesses after using mind mapping and their opinion about the strengths and weaknesses from the mind mapping based on their feeling. The sixth question was used to know about the students‟ improvement based on their awareness after using mind mapping. The eighth question was used to know the students‟ suggestions about the use of mind mapping in the future. The answer of the last question helped the researcher to 33 answer the second research question. The descriptions of the questionnaire can be seen in the Table 3.1. Table 3.1: The Description of Questionnaire Aims Types Total items Questions To know students‟ responses to the use of mind mapping to organize their ideas in writing Open- Ended 1 Apakah mind mapping dapat membantumu dalam meningkatkan kemampuanmu dalam mengatur atau mengorganisir ide-idemu pada saat menulis teks deskripsi? Mengapa? To know students‟ interest on the use of mind mapping Open- Ended 1 Apakah kamu tertarik belajar menggunakan mind mapping ini? Mengapa? To know students‟ opinion on the implementation of mind mapping Open- Ended 1 Bagaimanakah pendapatmu dengan penerapan mind mapping ini di dalam kelas pada saat pelajaran menulis descriptive text? To know students‟ opinion about the strengths and weaknesses of the mind mapping Open- Ended1 1 Menurut pengalaman yang sudah kamu alami pada saat menggunakan metode ini untuk menulis sebuah teks deskripsi, apa sajakah kekurangan dan kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh mind mapping ini? To know students‟ difficulties and easiness from the use of mind mapping Open- Ended 1 Menurut dirimu sendiri setelah menggunakan mind mapping saat menulis deskripsi teks, apa kesulitan dan kemudahan yang kamu dapatkan dari mind mapping ini? To know students‟ achievements after using mind mapping when writing the descriptive text Open- Ended 1 Apa saja pencapaian yang telah kamu capai setelah menggunakan metode ini? To know students suggestion on the use of mind mapping in the future Open- ended 1 Menurut pendapatmu, apa saja saran yang ingin kamu berikan untuk kelanjutan penerapan mind mapping ini di kemudian hari? 34 Before the researcher distributed the questionnaires, the researcher piloted the questionnaires. The researcher tested the questionnaire to some students to ensure that the questions made sense to participants and to avoid problems in the questionnaire that might lead to biased answers. After the researcher finished piloting the questionnaire, the researcher distributed the questionnaires to the respondents. The questionnaires were distributed in the end of the class in the last meeting. This questionnaire helped the researcher to know about students‟ responses to the use of mind mapping. The responses told their improvements after using mind mapping. In giving responses in each question on the questionnaire, the respondents were asked to answer those questions based on their experience or their feeling in using mind mapping. The respondents should answer it honestly based on the real condition that they faced.

2. Interview