The students’ responses to the use of mind mapping to increase their

55 the researcher simplify in answering the two research questions. The findings are presented as follows.

1. The students’ responses to the use of mind mapping to increase their

ability in organizing ideas in writing descriptive text. Based on the phenomena on the process of data gathering, the researcher generated themes. The first theme was to reveal the students‟ responses to the use of mind mapping to increase their ability in organizing ideas in writing descriptive text. The theme was presented as follows. Theme 1: For the majority, mind mapping helps them organize their ideas in writing descriptive text well. All of students of 7J class had already experienced using mind mapping when writing a descriptive text. The students were asked to have or make their own mind mapping first before arranging the text. The students might use the mind mapping technique to make the outline in organizing their ideas before making it into the paragraph. The peer-observer, teacher and the researcher found that the students‟ responses to the use of mind mapping were various. It can be seen from their answer in the questionnaire, interview and also from their behavior when doing the task related to the mind mapping. For the majority, mind mapping really helps the students to organize their ideas in writing a descriptive text. Some of them felt that mind mapping did not work as well as their friends for them because of some reasons. While one of them felt that mind mapping did not help her organizing her 56 ideas at all. It can be seen from their answers in the questionnaire, interview and also from the observation. The researcher saw that some of the students discussed the tasks with their friends and some others did not do the tasks. The peer-observer also found the same situation. The peer-observer found that there were some students who were really interested in doing the task and also some students who were not really interested in doing that. The peer-observer said, “Most of the students are interested in drawing the mind mapping but some of the students especially the boys are not really interested in doing the tasks. They made many excuses for not doing the tasks. However almost all of the female students are doing the task well. They also discuss it with the teacher or the other students” Own translation Based on the explanation from the teacher, the problems came from the motivation that the students had. The male students tended to have lower motivation in learning and doing tasks rather than the female students. The teacher said, “The students especially the male students have lower motivation in learning English than the female students. In this class, the male students like to talk to their friends in the class. However the opposite condition comes from the female students. They have higher motivation in learning something.” Own translation The result of the observation showed that “some of the students were not really interested in learning mind mapping ”. It can be seen through their behavior when the teacher asked them to make a descriptive text such as they were talking to their friends, they made many excuses in doing the tasks, and they tried to look at t heir friends‟ answer. Based on the observation, the students tended to make 57 some excuse for not doing the tasks. Some students often said, ”Nggak bisa, Mbak” while some other students said, “I cannot do it. It is difficult”. Then the teacher tried to explain the mind mapping over and over again until the students understand it. After that, all of the students tried to do the tasks although there were some students who asked their friends how to use mind mapping. Based on the students‟ answer on the questionnaire, the researcher found the reason why some students gave some excuse in doing the tasks. A student wrote, “We were still confused about this technique. It was my first time to use mind mapping”. The other student explained that in the first time, some of them did not really understand about mind mapping. Yet, after the teacher explained it again, the students understood the explanation well and started to do the tasks. The English teacher of class 7J also explained that students found the difficulties in learning English. The teacher said, “The students have the difficulties in learning English and do not want to ask the teacher, that is why they seem not interested in learning mind mapping.” One of the students who was not interested in using mind mapping explained that she had a problem in learning English. It can be seen from the explanation in the answer of the questionnaire and interview. The student said that “I am not really interested in learning English, moreover learning mind mapping. I cannot translate the sentences into English even understand it ”. This student also had lack of vocabulary and it was difficult to translate the ideas from Bahasa into English. The student in the interview section said, “It was difficult for me to translate my ideas which were in a form of word into a sentence ”. In the questionnaire, the student said that she 58 wanted to improve their English skill. She said, “I will try to learn English harder now. That’s why I always asked you how to make a good sentence in English”. The result of the observation also showed the same answer. Students who had difficulties asked their teacher or friends. Students who were still confused about how to start writing a text description also asked the teacher. The teacher and students al so had some discussion in order to answer students‟ questions related to mind mapping. Besides the student who was not really interested in mind mapping, there were also some students who were interested in using mind mapping. It can be seen from their answers in the questionnaire which stated that they were interested in using mind mapping. A student wrote, “I was really interested in using mind mapping especially when the teacher asked me to make the mind mapping before making the text. For me, this te chnique helped me a lot to do the tasks”. From the interview, most of the students also said that they were interested in using mind mapping. A student said, ”Yes, Miss. I was interested in mind mapping”. Another student added that she was enjoyed the mind mapping technique. She said, “I enjoy working with mind mapping because it helped me a lot”. The English teacher of class 7J also said the same thing. In the interview section, the teacher said that most of the students were interested in learning mind mapping. The teacher said, “Based on my observation, the students were interested in learning and using mind mapping. It can be shown from their attitudes toward mind mapping”. The teacher also explained about students‟ attitudes based on the teacher‟s observation. The teacher explained, 59 “In the beginning of the lesson, when the teacher explained about mind mapping, the students seemed not understand about that. Many of the students talked to each other, but when the teacher gave the assignment, the students started to ask their friend about how to do and it was the good response from the students”. Own translation Based on the observation result, the students started to enjoy working with mind mapping after they had already understood about mind mapping. They became more familiar to mind mapping after three times using it. The students did not make some excuses again when the teacher asked them to do some tasks related to mind mapping. They did the tasks directly without waiting for the teacher. Sometimes they asked the teacher if they found some difficulties. The students who stated that they were interested in mind mapping also told their reasons. Most of them stated the same thing that mind mapping was an easy technique to learn. A student said, “In my opinion, besides mind mapping helped me to organize my ideas, it was also easy to learn. I think that mind mapping can make the learning process became faster because I can write the description text faster too. This was because of mind mapping which helped me organize my idea. So, yes, I was interested in using mind mapping”. Own translation The other student added, “It was easy to learn and because of mind mapping, I can make a description text in an easy way. Mind mapping helped me to choose the right arrangement of my ideas. Therefore, I can organize my ideas in writing descriptive text now”. Own translation Based on students‟ answers in the questionnaire and interview, they told that mind mapping helped them a lot in doing the tasks, especially writing descriptive text. A student stated, “I was really interested in using mind mapping especially when the teacher asked me to make the mind mapping before making 60 the text. For me, this technique helped me a lot to do the tasks”. They also told that their ability in organizing their ideas was improved. They also managed their idea into an organized one. A student wrote, “Of course mind mapping helped me to organize my ideas and helped me to make a description text easily”. Another student added, “Beside it helped me to organize my ideas when writing a descriptive text, mind mapping also allowed me to put all of my ideas in the branches”. Some students realized that mind mapping helped them to make the description text easier. A student of class 7J said, “Mind mapping helped me to make a description text with a good organization. Besides, we can also put our ideas which were needed on the branches. I can also know about the ideas which will be used to describe something based on the mind mapping that I made before”. Own translation The other student added, “This new technique helped me a lot to do the assignment especially describing someone or something. In my opinion, mind mapping was the easiest way to help me organize my ideas. It has some branches and I can add some branches again if I wanted ”. Own translation In the interview, some students explained that mind mapping helped them in making a description text. A student said, “It helped me in making the descriptive text easily. It was easy to use and also helped me to choose the most appropriate ideas to write in the branches”. The other student added, “Mind mapping helped me to change my way of thinking. Now, I know how to write a description text with a good text organization”. Some other students also said the same thing about the use of mind mapping. They explained about the use of mind mapping to help them in choosing the right ideas. A student said, “I had lots of 61 ideas in my mind and mind mapping helped me to choose the most appropriate ideas to be used. The branches also helped me to organize my ideas because I can put my ideas on it”. The English teacher of class 7J explained about students‟ responses to the use of mind mapping to increase their ability in organizing ideas in writing descriptive text from teacher side. The teacher said, Their score were improved and it means that mind mapping helped them a lot. By looking at their assignment I could see that their ability in writing especially descriptive text was improved. Their ability in organizing the ideas was also improved. Based on my observation, the students were really happy because of the use of mind mapping. It helped them a lot.” Own translation Besides the students who felt that mind mapping really helped them in organizing their ideas, there were also some students who felt that mind mapping did not work well for them. Some of the students stated that mind mapping did not really help them in organizing ideas but the still got the advantages. In the questionnaire, a student wrote, “Not really, but now I can understand more about how to make a descriptive text”. A student added, “Just a little bit, but mind mapping still helps me to do the task”. A student who felt that mind mapping did not help her at all also stated her answer in the questionnaire. The student said, “It does not help me at all and it is difficult for me ”. She also explained her difficulties in using mind mapping in the interview session. She said, “It is difficult for me. I cannot translate my ideas which are in form of word into the sentences. I cannot make it into English”. 62 The observation showed that before using mind mapping, students tended to feel confused on how to start their description. However after the third times, they were familiar with the use of mind mapping.

2. The students’ improvements after using mind mapping technique.