She w ants to Change Villagers’ Mind about Women

38 She w ants to Change Villagers’ Mind about Women

Dawan‟s determination in getting education in the City gives the society a new perception of equality among villagers, especially, in having education. People in Dawan‟s village think that men have to play significant roles both in the community and in the family. They think women do not have to have a chance to study higher. The women have to stay at home, take care of family, raise and feed the children or keep the house clean. There is no chance for them to actualize themselves in the community. Dawan, however, in one good occasion gives a new perception that girls have a cha nce to be „someone‟ who can do great things. Her opinion of it can be seen below. „Because you‟re only girl, because there‟s nothing you can do, even with a fancy education, because...‟ „Father, stop it‟ Dawan screamed in a hoarse voice, above the noise of the peasant‟s shouting. „Father,‟ she continued shakily, „if you keep thinking that I‟ll never be capable of doing anything worthwhile, then of course I really won‟t.‟ She paused struggling to find the words to explain herself. „Because I won‟t ever hav e a chance to, don‟t you see? It‟s like thinking a caged sparrow can‟t fly, and then refusing to open the cage door to give it a chance to even try p. 106. From the quotation above, it‟s clear that Dawan wants to change the image of woman. To change society view, she starts from her father as the main figure in family and the representation of the society authority. It is not only her father paradigm but it is also her brother and a monk paradigm. What woman need is only a chance. The women can do more than men if they have a chance to try. That is why when her father gives her a permission to try, Dawan burst into a wide smile 106. Her father‟s permission can be said as a change paradigm of women in family and society. 39 Another quotation shows Dawan‟s resistance toward the view of women in her village. In the one occasion, in the market where people gather for selling and buying, Dawan criticizes her brother who aims to block her way to have a chance in getting education. This situation can be seen in quotation said by Dawan in market. „You‟re just a bully after all. Go ahead, use your strength, knockdown the people who get in your way‟.... „Why, Kwai? Why did you talk and talk to me of helping poor people and weak people, and then turn around and t ry to grab from me the one chance that was meant for me?‟ p.85. From this quotation another angle can be said as well. This quotation expresses Dawan‟s intension to change people thinking of women. Dawan‟s statement above is not only pointed out to her brother but also pointed out to the people in the market. The people who already know that she wins the scholarship but still do not support her because of their traditional mind. The people who keep thinking of those women can do nothing. In her anger with loudly voice, she yells out her wish to study in the City to her brother and to the people around the market. She wants everyone in the market hear her wish. She wants every people can change their image about women, especially in getting education. Finally, her will to change people‟s image about women gets a good response from the villagers. Her grandmother says to Dawan before she is leaving, “..., look at all the people here to see you off..” p. 115. The villagers escort Dawan to the station before leaving the village. This event can be assumed that the villagers may have changed their mind about women role even though this needs a long process to make it happen. 40 According to Maslow ‟s theory of need as cited by Petri 1981, someone who is motivated to strive the falseness happened in society and ,sometimes, has to judge people and events correctly is considered as someone existed in Self- Actualization level p. 305. This characteristic is called as “More Efficient Perception of Reality” p. 305. Dawan‟s desire to correct villagers‟ mind of a woman is motivated by Self-Actualization need. 4.2.2. The External Motivation of Dawan According to Fleeming July, 06, 2010, external motivation is the force that comes from outside. This force encourages someone to achieve her or his goal. In this study, external motivation comes from her grandmother who supports her granddaughter, Dawan, to get education. She is the only one in family who dares to give a support to Dawan. Dawan‟s grandmother can be described as a loyal woman in this novel because she is the only one in family who supports Dawan after winning the test until leaving the village to study in City. She is the first in family who congratulates Dawan as the winner of the scholarship that supports her granddaughter to study in City, and feels so proud of her. Her grandmother says, “..., I‟m proud of you” p.30. Support from her grandmother brings her a belief that her aim to study is a right choice, despite she conflicts with her father and brother. She will face and take all the consequences of her choice to study in City. That is why when her grandmother asks her to meet her aunt in order to know the City condition, she accepts her grandmother wish. She says to her mother for permission before it, 41 “Mother, I am going now” p. 32. Then, before leaving the village and still covered by hesitation, her grandmother strengthens, pushes and gives another light. Her grandmother says, “Go now, child p. 120.” She now is ready to face everything blocking her way. Her grandmother support is more than enough to stick on her decision to study in City. 42


This chapter includes two parts, namely conclusions and suggestions. The conclusions examine the answers of the formulated problems based on the analysis. The suggestions contain two sections. The first section is the suggestions to the future researchers of literary works, especially those who concern with the Minfong Ho‟s literary works. The second section is the suggestion to use literary works, especially a novel, in English teaching learning process.

5.1 Conclusions

From the application of the theory motivation by Fleming 2010 and Maslow‟s theory as cited by Petri 1981, the writer can draw a conclusion that Dawan‟s motivation in getting education are divided into two forms. The first is the motivation derived from herself. She wants to be a responsible individual. She also wants to be an independent individual who is free to decide her life in the future. She also wants to be an appreciated individual. She wants to play a significant role in society. She wants to be useful and meaningful for others by helping poor people from the landlords‟ policy, helping farmers fertilize their plants, and helping villagers get prosperity in this life. She also wants to change villagers‟ mind about women. In Dawan‟s opinion, women must have same right as men in education field. Education is for everyone. Another motivation is derived from outside which comes from her grandmother who supports her from 42