Problem Formulation Objective of the Study Benefits of the Study

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1.2 Problem Formulation

This study is aimed to answer two questions: 1. What are the conflicts faced by Dawan in getting a better education? 2. What motivates Dawan to struggle to get education despite the conflicts?

1.3 Objective of the Study

There are two objectives of this study. The first objective is to describe the conflicts faced by Dawan in getting education in City. The first objective is the basis for achieving the second objective that is to reveal Dawan‟s motivation in getting education in City.

1.4 Benefits of the Study

The writer hopes that the findings of this study will be useful for many parties. The first benefit is for the writer himself. By conducting this study, the writer can understand someone‟s struggle and determination in getting better education, particularly, from the character of Dawan. Moreover, the writer can learn how important someone‟s motivation to achieve her or his dream and to be someone who is needed by others. The second benefit is for the students. The writer hopes that this study will help the students to find the model of person determination in the character of Dawan. The students can get a better understanding about woman‟s motivation in getting education in Thailand and the conflicts faced to get a better education. By doing so, the students are able to see the educational situation in the past to the 6 6 educational situation in this time. Besides, this study will help the students, especially, in analyzing the literary works more critically through this study. The last, hopefully, this study can encourage other researchers, students or lecturers, to analyze another aspect in Minfong Ho‟s Sing to the Dawn. The writer hopes this study can give meaningful contribution to other researchers who want to conduct furth er studies on the human‟s motivation. The writer also hopes this study can provide a new paradigm on how to change the conservative mind of the society toward education world.

1.5 Definition of Terms