The Conflict between Dawan and a Monk

29 Noi refuse Dawan‟s desire to go to City. She is doubtful that Dawan can survive in City and realize her dream. The Conflict between Dawan and a Monk

The conflict between Dawan and a monk is about their opinion of the true purpose of life. Their final purpose of life is to get the happiness but they have different views to get it. Dawan believes that happiness can be achieved in this world even though it is temporary. On the contrary, the monk believes that whatever done by human in this world is useless. The happiness is only got in Buddha teaching. In the unity with Buddha, the human will have everlasting life. „When a man reaches nirvana, he is freed from the wheel of life, of being born, of suffering, of dying and of being born all over again. In nirvana there is no suffering, no pain, no rebirth only nothing. „No happiness or joy either?‟ the schoolgirl asked. „That‟s the point, child. What‟s the sense of being happy? In the end you only lose the thing that makes you happy anyway. Nothing lasts forever, you know.‟ p.73 From these quotations, the monk hopes that Dawan realizes that her aim to study is not a big thing. In this life, people have to look for a thing that brings them to nirvana. People should not bother themselves for nothing. The excessive desire will bring suffer to some one. The monk says, “You will just be wasting your time and spirit” p.75. The unity with Buddha in nirvana for good is the ultimate purpose of human in this world. However, Dawan wants something real in this life. Everything will vanish, everyone will die, but before everything is gone she has to do something for this world and human kind. There is no mistake if someone can do something for a better life in this world. This statement shows Dawan‟s perception on it. 30 Not daring to look up at him, she fal tered, „I didn‟t mean that, sir.‟ ..., „I just meant that I wanted to know how to cure sick people, or to help set up a new order where farmers would own their own land – we have to pay much rent now sir – or...” p.72 From the quotation above, it is clear that Dawan wants to do something for others and to create a better life. She knows that Buddha‟s teaching is valuable to learn because it can bring someone to nirvana to get eternal life. For now, however, the happiness is achieved in this life when we give our entire life to the people who need.

4.2 The Motivation of Dawan to Get Education in City