The Internal Conflict Faced by Dawan



This section is to analyze and answer the problems formulated in chapter one. The first problem deals with internal and external conflicts faced by Dawan. The second problem focuses on Dawan‟s motivation to get education. The aim by analyzing and answering those two problems, the writer can learn human‟s struggle and determination in getting education.

4.1 The Conflicts Faced by Dawan

Based on the novel Sing to the Dawn, there are some conflicts faced by Dawan after she wins the scholarship in school. Based on Kalish‟s theory 1973 and Johnson‟s theory of conflict 2011, the writer could group Dawan‟s conflicts into two groups. They are: internal and external conflict.

4.1.1 The Internal Conflict Faced by Dawan

According to Kalish 1973, “conflict occurs when an individual is motivated by two or more needs, and the satisfaction of one causes the denial of the other” p. 137. Based on Johnson 2011, internal conflict is a conflict existed within an individual. In this study, the internal conflict within Dawan is her worthiness as a girl to get education. The more frightening reason for Dawan is the fact that she is a girl. The existed gender difference in society has made a big difference for someone to play a role. She asks herself, “What could she do? 22 23 She was just a girl? Wouldn‟t she grow up just to be a wife and mother? What she could do with more learning” p. 56? This quotation shows us how Dawan is worried about her difficult position in society. A girl will be a wife and a mother for her children and do household task. There is no room for a girl to do something valuable for society. Another quotation can show Dawan restlessness of her difficult position in society in the conversation below. „How about you, Sister? You could win.‟ „Me?‟ Dawan flushed. „ But I am a girl.‟ „You‟re older than I am. Maybe they want older students.‟ „Kwai, don‟t be silly.‟ Dawan said wistfully, „I won‟t get the prize.‟ „I‟m not being silly,” Kwai retorted. „You alwasy get good marks, and you study harder than I do. Why shouldn‟t you have done better that me in the examination?‟ „You know why,‟ Dawan said without looking at her brother, her hand clenched tight over the edge of the wooden bridge, „I am a girl, Kwai.‟ p. 14 From this quotation, it can be seen that Dawan is not interested in becoming a scholarship winner even though her brother says that she can win it. The one thing she concerned is the fact that she is a girl. She knows what will happen to young girl in her village at that time. A girl is considered as a second class in society. As the result, a girl will not have much opportunity to play a role in society or getting education. She wants to continue her study but she is doubtful with her ability because she is a girl.

4.1.2 The External Conflicts Faced by Dawan