She wants to be an Independent Individual

33 him, freezing in mind but it should be shared and applied in the real world. In order to get the best education, the student should study hard and do his or her best in all classes. For Dawan, it is a big duty but she is ready to shoulder it. „It‟s fine for you to spout off ideals like that,‟ her brother interrupted rudely, his voice growing louder and sharper at every sentence. „But what can you do to bring them about? You‟re only a girl. You won‟t be able to fight, or to argue loudly, or to lead people in times of crisis. All you‟re good at is studying – that‟s how you got the scholarship in the first place.‟ Dawan‟s hands were clenched so tightly that they were shaking. „Shut up‟ She felt like screaming. „I‟m every bit as good as you are Shut up‟ But she only said coldly, „And you think you can take on these responsibilities? You can fight and argue and lead, and help make a better place for the rest of us to live in?‟ Kwai struck his chest with his hand. „Yes, I can‟ he claimed brashly. Dawan stood stock-still and glare up at her brothe r. „Well so can I, little brother,‟ she said acidly p.51. From this quotation, it can be said that Dawan is ready to endure this duty. She really understands what the meaning of a student is and what she should do as the winner of the scholarship. It is not easy to do but she promises to his doubtful brother that she can do it and she is ready to shoulder this responsibility. She wants to be an Independent Individual

According to Maslow theory as cited by Petri 1981 , someone‟s desire to be an independent individual can be categorized as characteristic of the Self- Actualization need p. 304. Dawan‟s desire to be an independent individual is shown by her action to be free from her village custom and traditional mind. Her independence is shown by her effort to make a very brave decision to get education in City. Dawan is a girl who wants to make a good decision for her herself freely. According to Dawan, the system and traditional mind adherented by villagers 34 which do not bring improvemen t should be changed. Dawan says, “And change it for fairer rules” p. 24. Since the chance to get education comes to her life, she will not let it go away. The world outside is not good to live in but it is a promising place for someone who has determination to realize her or his dreams. For Dawan, it is a big chance for her to make her dreams come true through education, even though she realizes that it is not easy to achieve. Dawan says, “There is a wide, wide world out there, Father, and so many things I want to learn” p. 106. From the quotation, it can be said; the City as outside world offers so much beauty and enchantment which cannot be rejected by anyone. If people cannot take care of themselves, they will be drawn to that enchantment. For some young girls, they may lose their dreams. The City brings so much expectation but it brings much disappointment for those who cannot control themselves. This situation is interesting to see by Dawan. She seems ready for those difficulties. She says, “I want to see for myself” p. 46. The challenges in City do not make her give up realizing her dreams. She is ready to face harsh situation in City although her family doubts. She wants to escape from the situation in village by getting education in City, which enable women free from manacle of men and traditional rules existed in village. Another quotation shows how deep Dawan‟s will to study in City and release herself from village‟s old custom which does not give her and the other women choices to improve t heir life. She says, “There‟s a wide world out there, Father, and so many things I want to learn and see and do. Don‟t keep me caged in now, let me have my chance to fly out too” p.106. There are beauty, hope, and 35 light outside given by City through education for people who believe in their capability. What Dawan needs is only a chance, one opportunity to get better education. She wants to be an Appreciated Individual