Theory of Psychological Approach



This chapter consists of two major topics; they are Theoretical Review and Theoretical Framework. A theoretical review contains several theories used by the writer to reveal Dawan‟s motivation. Theoretical Framework is the picture of how all of those theories applied by the writer in finding Dawan‟s motivation, the main character in Sing to the Dawn.

2.1 Theoretical Review

In this part, the writer discusses the literary theories. They are; a theory of psychological approach, a theory of conflict, a theory of motivation, and a theory of needs to guide the analysis toward the novel. Those theories are used to find out the motivation behind Dawan‟s effort to achieve her goal. Some other theories used by the writer are Internal and External motivation theory. Theory of needs from Maslow as cited by Petri 1981 is the main theory used to reveal the great efforts of Dawan to get her goal. Self-Actualization need and Self-Esteem need are the focus of writer in revealing Dawan‟s motivation. Meanwhile, a theory of conflict is used by the writer to identify the conflicts faced by Dawan herself

2.1.1 Theory of Psychological Approach

According to Bressler 1999, literary works have much nuance to interpret. A reader can view one novel from many angles. This situation needs 10 special ability from the reader who wants to analyze or to judge one literary work. It is not easy for the reader to decide which angles will be analyzed; the author, the character or another angle. The question from Bressler ‟s opinion is what is needed by the reader to analyze one novel? One suggestion addressed by Charles is the readers have to be „a good literary critic’ p. 3. A literary critic means the reader should master the concept of formal literary criticism. This way can result critical readers who are able to understand the literary works fulfilled by various ideas p. 3-4. In 2011, Guerin, Labor, Morgan, Reesman and Willingham stated that various ideas in a novel will get various responses from the readers. The readers, sometimes, face their life experience in the novel in order to get the message. However, sometimes, the experiences which got by the readers were not suitable to what delivered in a literary work pp. 389-392. To reveal the fascination and appreciation of a literary work, someone can use many perspectives. These kinds of perspectives are what later called as critical approach. In A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature, Guerin et al. 2011, mention five approaches. They are: traditional, formalist, mythological, historical and psychological approaches. Psychological approach is used by the writer to study the main character on Sing to the Dawn’s novel. According to Daiches 1981, psychology comes into criticism in two ways, “in investigation the act of creation and in the psychological study of particular authors to show the relation between their attitudes and states of mind and the special qualities of their work” p. 329. According to Guerin et al. 2011, “psychological approach has been one of the most controversial 11 approaches, the most abused and for many readers, it is least appreciated. But even more difficult in its application, the psychological approach can be fascinating to appreciate a literary work” p. 201. According to Maslow as cited by Petri 1981, “a psychological approach focuses on human motive as an individual to strive and to fulfill one‟s full potential” p. 301. Maslow sees the striving for perfection or self-actualization as the ultimate purpose of behavior. To find out human motivation or why someone is motivated, Maslow prefers to study human as an individual rather than animal. His research to an individual as a whole directs him to a finding of human‟s motivation driven by needs.

2.1.2 Theory of Conflict