Definition of Terms INTRODUCTION

6 6 educational situation in this time. Besides, this study will help the students, especially, in analyzing the literary works more critically through this study. The last, hopefully, this study can encourage other researchers, students or lecturers, to analyze another aspect in Minfong Ho‟s Sing to the Dawn. The writer hopes this study can give meaningful contribution to other researchers who want to conduct furth er studies on the human‟s motivation. The writer also hopes this study can provide a new paradigm on how to change the conservative mind of the society toward education world.

1.5 Definition of Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding, it is important to explain the meaning of some terms used in this study. They are: motivation, needs, and self- actualization, self-esteem and conflict. According to Maslow as cited by Petri 1981, Motivation is the action taken by someone in order to fulfill their needs. This action is encouraged by unfulfilled human needs that needed to fulfill p. 302. Further he explains that motivation is the first response to act or to behave p. 4. In this study, motivation is the action conducted by Dawan driven by her needs to fulfill. Motivation directs people to behave in their action to get some achievement in fulfilling their needs. The n eeds drive someone‟s motivation in obtaining her or his goal. Motivation in this study is depicted as the motive of the Dawan to get her education even facing the conflicts from many parties. According to Fleming 2010, motivation is divided into two parts; internal motivation and external motivation. The internal Motivation means the initial 7 7 interest of someone that comes from inside and makes someone do something to achieve his or her goal. Meanwhile, the external motivation is depicted as human action that emerges because of the outside factors of own brain. In this study, the internal motivation is the motivation that derived from Dawan herself and the external motivation is the motivation that derived from outside which forcing Dawan to do an action. The second term is need. According to Maslow as cited by Petri 1981, need is described as the motive of human to take specific action p. 4. In this study, needs are the Dawans‟ motives to act. Dawans‟ motives to act are to achieve her self esteem need and self-actualization need. The third is Self-Esteem. Self-Esteem is the term used by Abraham Maslow. According to Maslow as cited by Petri 1981, self-esteem can be divided into two parts. First is “a need for self esteem” and the second is “a need for esteem from others” p. 303. In the self-esteem, “Someone is motivated to strive for achievement, strength, independence, and freedom ” p. 304. In the need of esteem from others, it involves a desire for “reputation, status, recognition, appreciation by others of one‟s abilities, and feeling of importance” p. 304. In this study, self-esteem need is Dawan‟s desire to be an independent, confident, important and responsible person by getting education. The fourth term is Self-Actualization. Self-Actualization is the term used by Abraham Maslow. According to Maslow as cited by Kalish 1973, self- actualization is defined as the tendenc y to “become more and more what one uniquely is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming” p. 34. In the theory of motivation of Maslow as cited by Petri 1981, self-actualization is the 8 8 ultimate purpose of behavior p. 302. In this study, self-actualization need is the ultimate purpose pursued by Dawan through education. The fifth term is conflict. According to Kalish 1973, conflict is defined as “someone‟s action based on two or more needs, and the satisfaction of one causes the denia l of the other” p.137. In this study, conflict is depicted as Dawan‟s will to continue her study collided with her family‟s reaction who does not want Dawan to get education. 9