Metode PembelajaranTeknik Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran Kegiatan Awal

- Menyebutkan urutan sebuah proses dari teks prosedur secara tepat. - Menyusun gambar dan menginterpretasikannya menjadi proses manual yang tepat.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

- Berdasarkan penjelasan dari guru, siswa mampu mengidentifikasi gagasan utama dari teks prosedur. - Siswa mampu mengurutkan gambar untuk kemudian disusun menjadi sebuah prosedur yang benar. - Siswa mampu memahami informasi yang di dapat dari teks prosedur baik secara tersirat maupun tersurat

E. Materi Pokok

Procedure text tells us how to make or to do something. The feature of procedure text: The usage of sequence wordssequencer: First, … After that, … Second, … Next, … Third, … The next step, … Fourth, … After, … Then, … At last, … And then, … Finally, … Materi Pertemuan Pertama HOW TO MAKE A SWEET POTATO AND MARSHMALLOW CASSEROLE A sweet potato and marshmallow casserole is not only a great dinner and Thanksgiving meal, but it is also incredibly tasty and sweet. Topped off with roasted marshmallow and creamy sweet potatoes, this dish will not disappoint. Ingredients: - 5 sweet potatoes, sliced - ¼ cup butter - ½ cup packed brown sugar - 3 tablespoons orange juice - 1 pinch ground cinnamon - 1 10.5 ounce package marshmallows - 2 cups water for boiling First of all, preheat the oven 350° Fahrenheit 175° Celsius. After that, boil the sweet potatoes. Place the sliced potatoes and water into a large saucepan. Have the potatoes boil until tender, taking about 15 minutes. Next step is, drain the potatoes and mash them with a potato masher. Pour the mashed potatoes in a large bowl. Then, blend in the butter, brown sugar, orange juice, and cinnamon using a hand and or electric mixer. Beat until the potatoes are fluffy and creamy. Next, pour the sweet potato mixture on to a 9 x 13 inch baking tray. Spread it out using a rubber spatula. After that, sprinkle the marshmallows over the potatoes. And then, bake the casserole for about 25-30 minutes, until the marshmallows are golden brown and the potatoes are soft. Finally, serve it. Let the casserole cool for about ten minutes. Cut a piece of the casserole using a knife. Place it on a serving plate. Enjoy 1. How many steps that are mentioned in the text above? 2. What is the fifth step of the text?

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