Definition of Reading Comprehension

vocabulary, reading speed, comprehension, and gain more knowledge. 12 Reading for pleasure is different from study reading in another way, the readers do not have to remember the details of your pleasure reading book because the readers will not be tested about what they have read. On the other hand, reading for information means the readers should be able to determine the main idea of a text and identify important data. 13 It means, when reading for information, a reader needs to consider the accuracy of words meaning in order to comprehend and get the specific information in the text. Other purposes are proposed by William. His statement is also be recited by McDonough and Shaw, “Reasons for reading are into getting general information from the text, getting a specific information from a text, and for pleasure or for interest.” 14 In conclusion, there are some purposes in reading. People read because they want to get the pleasure when they read their favorite books and also they want to get the information about text that they read on the book. And also, the purpose of reading will ease the readers in reading appropriate text. That is why they have to decide and know exactly what kind of purposes they have in reading text, because in one reading text may have multiple purposes.

B. Picture Series 1. Definition of Picture

Pictures are aids that can help the teachers in the teaching and learning process. Many interpretations can be made in a picture. It can be an excellent tool and can also used to add interest of the topic for the students. Andrew Wright sta ted on his book “pictures are not just an aspect of method but through their representation of places, objects and people they are an 12 Beatrice S. Mikulecky and Linda Jeffries, More Reading Power Second Edition, New York: Pearson Education, Inc., 2004, p. 3. 13 Reading for Information, retrieved from http:www.anderson5.netcmslib02sc01001931centricitydomain2136keytrain_reading_studen t_intro.pdf on December, 12 th 2016 8:00 a.m. 14 Jo McDonough and Christopher Shaw. Materials and Methods in ELT. Malden: Blackwell Publishing, 2003, p. 90. essential part of the overall experiences.” 15 From this statement, it can be seen that pictures have an important role in representing an experience including in teaching and learning. Pictures, therefore, are good media in teaching and learning, because everybody likes to look at pictures, their use in the classroom provides a stimulating focus for students’ attention. Pictures present what the text tell about and give the stimulus for the students in teaching learning activities. Pictures bring the outside world into the classroom in a clear concrete way.

2. Definition of Picture Series

Picture series is a number of a related composite picture linked to form a series of sequences aimed to tell a story or sequence of events. Picture series show some actions or events in chronological order. Wright states on his book that picture series is a good media in teaching learning process. 16 Using picture series will help the students in understanding the situation of the story or the process. Wright also said that picture series or picture sequences consist of cartoon strips and instruction strips. They are potentially useful; the strips can be kept as they are and used to contextualize a story or description of a process. 17 It means that picture series is very useful media to help students grasp the meaning of the strips and make students think chronologically of the event or the process of the strips. In conclusion, using picture series in teaching and learning process will give an easy way for the students to remember about what they have been learned because they use their imagination in ordering the chronological of the story or the process. 15 Andrew Wright, Pictures for Language Learning, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, p. 2. 16 Andrew Wright, Pictures for Language Learning, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, p. 71. 17 Ibid., p. 201.

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