Characteristics of Reading Literature Review 1. Definition of Reading

essential part of the overall experiences.” 15 From this statement, it can be seen that pictures have an important role in representing an experience including in teaching and learning. Pictures, therefore, are good media in teaching and learning, because everybody likes to look at pictures, their use in the classroom provides a stimulating focus for students’ attention. Pictures present what the text tell about and give the stimulus for the students in teaching learning activities. Pictures bring the outside world into the classroom in a clear concrete way.

2. Definition of Picture Series

Picture series is a number of a related composite picture linked to form a series of sequences aimed to tell a story or sequence of events. Picture series show some actions or events in chronological order. Wright states on his book that picture series is a good media in teaching learning process. 16 Using picture series will help the students in understanding the situation of the story or the process. Wright also said that picture series or picture sequences consist of cartoon strips and instruction strips. They are potentially useful; the strips can be kept as they are and used to contextualize a story or description of a process. 17 It means that picture series is very useful media to help students grasp the meaning of the strips and make students think chronologically of the event or the process of the strips. In conclusion, using picture series in teaching and learning process will give an easy way for the students to remember about what they have been learned because they use their imagination in ordering the chronological of the story or the process. 15 Andrew Wright, Pictures for Language Learning, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, p. 2. 16 Andrew Wright, Pictures for Language Learning, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, p. 71. 17 Ibid., p. 201.

3. Functions of Picture Series

Regarding the function of picture series, Wright gives some functions of pictures that stated on his book. Those functions are structures and vocabulary, function and situation, and skills. 18 It can be concluded that pictures are very useful for giving the grammatical and vocabulary entries. They also help to provide the students the situations and the contexts that light up the meaning of words. Besides that, p ictures can increase the students’ motivation and provide a useful practice material and pictures also can help students to get the information of the text based on the situations that described on the pictures. And also, pictures can be useful for the students to develop their skill in a situation or they can practice the language in real context in which they can use it to communicate their ideas of the pictures.

C. Procedure Text 1. Definition of Procedure Text

Usually we read a text how to operate new things, how to prepare or make something, how to act in some circumstances like school, company, and a community, and how to get some places. Those kinds of text are called procedure text. Procedure text or procedure instructions such as recipes and directions are concerned with telling someone how to do something. For this reason, procedure texts generally begin with the goal of the task. And the set of the ingredients or the materials required to complete the task will often be presented in the order of use. 19 Procedure text is dominantly structured with imperative sentence cut, mix, boil, pour, etc. since it actually an instruction. The text then proceeds through a sequence of steps specifying how the goal is to be achieved. In the term of reading text, the purpose of procedural text is to give the manual instructions or steps of making, arranging, and doing something to the 18 Ibid., pp. 4 –5. 19 Peter Knapp and Megan Watkins, Genre, Text, Grammar –Technologies for Teaching and Assessing Writing, Australia: University of New South Wales Press Ltd., 2005, p. 157.

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